Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 163 Infighting

(From MC's Perspective)

In the blink of an eye, time passes.

I investigated my surroundings for more than an hour. Except for the brisk wind and dreadful silence of the wilderness. So far, I haven't come across any adventurer parties or monsters.

Several ideas spring to mind.

It is dangerous to enter into a wilderness location without the necessary team. Only an adventurer team can deal with monsters of the second or third order.

In the inner section, there is a slim chance of encountering a 3rd-order monster. It would be disastrous for me, if I came across such a monster. The stats of such monsters are comparable to those of level 3 wizards.

Before I enter, I need to plan properly. When I was debating whether or not to enter the inner region, I heard the faint voice of a person. I quickly turned and went looking for a spot to hide. I began to hear numerous voices as time passed. "Adventurer Party," I whispered to myself.

I notice a strange glint in my eyes as I realize this might be a new squad. The adventurers who have entered the wilderness along with me must have gone to the inner area several hours ago.

I took cover behind a tree. And my location is quite opposite to them. Even if there is a sensory wizard, he won't be able to detect my presence.

Images of Jimmy Herman sprang before my eyes when I thought about sensory type wizards. In this wilderness, having a sensory-type wizard on your side is invaluable.

You can proceed without hesitation. After that, I waited for the new adventuring party to draw close to the edge. I want to see, what exactly is the new team up to?

The sounds of footsteps gradually become louder.

I eventually noticed them as they approached the last edge of the outside area. This adventurer group consists of two men and three women.

After looking at them, I felt it necessary to explore their details. But my instincts tell me that's not a good idea. I've always had a strong faith in my instincts.

I shouldn't make any hasty decisions without knowing about their magical abilities. So I relaxed my heart and tuned up my ears to listen in on their conversations.

After reaching the edge, I noticed five of them come to a standstill. A burly person among them is talking to everyone. The second male member, on the other hand, is a skinny dude.

There's no need for me to think; the muscular figure is the leader of the group, and the slim guy could be an auxiliary kind wizard on this team. My problem comes from the fact that there are three girls on this team.

I wasn't sure what their role was on the team. But I'm sure that burly man is a power mage (Physique variant). He is capable of launching a direct assault. Maybe the slim guy is baggage. He will be unable to assist in a fight.

Looking at the three women causes a small glitter in my eyes.

I couldn't tell their specific characteristics from this distance. Only their backs are visible to me. However, I saw three of them wearing similar adventure outfits. The height difference is minimal.

If my hunch is true, one of them must be holding a long-range spell. Another might be a healer, and I had no idea about the last woman.

This is a common template for an adventuring team. The adventurer team can correct their flaws, if they form the team with suitable combinations.

These are simply my guesses. I'm curious whether it's true or not. A new development takes place quickly while I'm engrossed in my thoughts.

When I realized this, I retracted my thoughts and looked ahead. I couldn't understand what was being said by them. But it's clear to me that the big guy is arguing with his team. I recall him pointing fingers at the skinny person next to him.

What are they up to? They are arguing in this area. My brow furrowed in confusion. But my intuition tells me that something has happened. The skinny guy, I'm not sure what he did to irritate the Power Mage.

You can't reason with most of them (Physique type wizards) since they have brain damage. My pupils narrowed the second I felt sorry for the thin guy.

Three of the women began to move when the muscular man pointed his fingers at the skinny guy.

One of the female members raised her hand fast to cast some spells. As I saw the interesting scenes in front of me, my eyes lit up with surprise.

These women are the typical elemental wizards. She recited certain words before the blazing red magic circle was formed. Then from the red magic circle several scorching arrows shot at the bulky figure.

This scene makes me think of movies and comic books. Previously, only conventional wizards could do such feats. They would recite words, before casting the magic spell.

I'm not sure why some groups continue to do things the old way. We've come a long way in terms of technological improvements. Many ancient spells have been modified to allow for quick casting. My three gravity spells are also modified. Because of it, I can accomplish instant casting.

I'm not sure if she's being foolish or not. But the scorching fire radiating from the arrow is no laughing matter.

When she launched her attack, the burly man responded quickly by evading those arrows one by one. My lips curved into a faint smile.

Seeing his failure to use magic to stop the arrows, my suspicion was confirmed: the burly man is a power wizard. Unless and until he gets into close battle. These long-range fire attacks are impossible to avoid.

The skinny guy kept his distance from the burly man. When I saw that, I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. That skinny dude is the cause for this conflict. But he is watching everything silently.

Exactly as I had predicted, the burly man sprinted towards the female fire wizard. My attention was then pulled to the other two females. One of them took action right away.

"Yet another traditional user," I grumbled.

Another woman, like the fire wizard, murmured some phrases before casting the spells. The ground beneath the burly figure began to shift abruptly.

The hard surface immediately softens. Because of it, the burly man's speed has been significantly reduced. The flame wizard took advantage of the situation by releasing multiple flame arrows at him.

After viewing that, I gulped my saliva. The power mage is now vulnerable to attacks. Following that, the flaming arrows struck him relentlessly.


A deafening sound is still resonating across the area. In the haze, I can't see his entire figure. My gaze then shifts to the earth elemental wizard, while her friend unleashes a barrage of flame attacks on him. She's taking her time trapping her opponent's feet.


An agonizing shriek could be heard. Sigh, his body is finally breaking down. It's only a matter of time before he sustains a serious injury.

I have no idea what he did to deserve this. But I can confirm that the two women are not mere team members. With that I also feel that the third woman is not simple either.

She observes everything without blinking.

In the blink of an eye, time passes.

After five minutes, the shriek died away. The fire wizard stopped casting the spell. When I consider the entire circumstance, just one thing strikes my mind. Where does she get her fire mana from to cast such long-casting spells?

Something wasn't right. Obviously, there are things I'm not aware of. I've just taken my first step down the wizard's road. I might be able to clear up all of my doubts in the future.

The fire wizard approached the burly figure. She raised her hand to get rid of all the smoke. When the smoke cleared, I saw the burnt body of a burly man.

He was thoroughly burnt from head to toe and his adventurer's suit was ripped to shreds. There isn't a single hair on his head. Witnessing such a cruel scene, I gulped down my saliva. All of a sudden, I unintentionally trod on a nearby twig.


As I listen to the cracking sound, my heart skips a beat. It was only a slight noise, but it drew the attention of four of them. The fire wizard came to a halt and looked in my direction.

Then, all three of them glanced at the skinny guy for an answer. The thin guy closed his eyes to check. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes.

Then, he simply shook his head in response. When I saw all four of them, my heart began to race. That slender dude is a sensory-type magician, as my intuition predicted. I'm not sure what he did, but I sighed in relief that he didn't notice my presence.

Then the burnt body begins to move unexpectedly. "He is not dead," my eyes lit up in surprise as I grumbled.

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