Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 158 Part 1: New Headmaster

I sat cross-legged and focused on mental method. I gradually began to notice mana in my surroundings. The grey-colored energies entered my body and accumulated in the mana core region after being circulated.

2 hours later,

After finishing my practice, I opened my eyes.

"System, status panel," I said to system in mind.

[Ding! The Host's command is recognized]

[Ding! Level-Up System]

[Status Panel]

[Host's Name – Vincent Carey]

[Magic Power– Gravity]

[Mage Level – Level 1 Limiter]

>>1.5 years remain to level up

[Mental Method- Gravity Ark (Running)]

>>Grade- Earth

>> Running Mode – Automatic

>> Rate of absorption – 80%

[Gravity Core status- 1% (Progressing)]

>> 5.5%/ month

>> Core – Formless

[Mana Power - 350]

>> Mana Capacity – 700

[Talent – Top Bottom (Upgrade-able)]

[Color – Pale Orange]

[Strength – 30]

[Speed – 31]

[Stamina – 33]

[Vitality – 75]

[Intelligence – 27]

[Soul Power – 25]

[Constitution – 26]

[Mental Power- 29]

[Spells – 3]

>> 1. Gravity Field 2. Gravity Push 3. Gravity Pull

[Slots Filled- 3]

After 2 hours of practice, my mana power improved by 50. I only filled half of my mana reserve. I need 14 hours more to totally fill my reserve.

It's no longer possible to go on. My thoughts are preoccupied with prior events. I rose up and called Laurentz.

The police headquarters is currently in disarray. I'm not sure if he's busy or not. When I answered the phone, I heard a mournful voice on the other end.

"I expected you to come here," Laurentz remarked. I can tell he's exhausted by the tone of his voice.

I responded, "I just finished watching the news, Mr. Laurentz. What exactly occurred? I believed he could be saved."

For a brief period, there was silence.

I discovered that things were not as simple as they appeared.

I then heard his voice again a few seconds later.

"To cut a long tale short, we were unable to find an antidote for Captain Tyler. Wizard Mitchell had done everything he could to buy Captain Tyler more time, but his body deteriorated so terribly that he died in the end "Laurentz explained.

His response did not surprise me. Because I had previously foreseen this. In my heart, a question regarding the poison dagger arose.

"What about the poison dagger?" I inquired.

Laurentz was surprised when he heard this question. For a brief period, there was silence. Because some information is protected. As a result, he is not permitted to speak.

Laurentz responded, "You are no longer a member of our force. So you don't have to be concerned about it."

When I heard that, my brow wrinkled. But I can't make him to talk about it. "Sigh" We then talked about a few more things before hanging up.

My eyes have a faint sparkle. His statements gave me some hope that the assassination would not take place. I should be extra cautious now that I've opted to be low-key. What I urgently require is money. It appears that I will need to obtain a hunting license by this weekend.

Then I resumed my activity after clearing my mind.

Benjamin's house,

Study Room,

Chairman Benjamin directed his assistant to rapidly gather information about other students after learning about a unique magic user in his school.

He was aware that all of the information was saved in the database. His assistant simply has to screen students like Judy Owens.

He sat on a chair, calmly musing, and fell into thought.

A sparkle shoots through his eyes as he recalls the star battle platform duel.

Several calculations run through his mind. Obviously, he will not touch the resources of the elite class. Because doing so will indirectly harm the school's interests.

Several minutes later,

His assistant entered the room, holding a file.

Chairman Benjamin took the file from his hands. In his heart, a spark of interest arose. He can't recall the last time he was interested in wizard students.

He will not consider other classes if its before. Everything has changed now.

As time passes,

His eyes examine the details of wizard students. Another strange talent attracted his attention, a mist with no attribute. His eyes light up with excitement.

Illusions are commonly associated with mist magic. In most circumstances, this skill is useful for concealing runic pentagrams from others. Wizards who are competent in runes prefer it.

The miasmic toxic mists, on the other hand, are nature's best creation. It's a strange and lethal mix of poison and mist magic.

The mists that do not contain poison are completely safe.

"Another unique magic with middle grade talent," Chairman mumbled.

However, he is unable to recall the existence of attribute-less mental methods for mists. Most of the mental tactics he recalls being related to illusions and poisons.

Glass Body and Attribute less Mists

He pushed the thoughts away and resumed reading the information.

After 15 minutes,

Chairman Benjamin discovered ten wizard students with strange magical abilities, including one with a glass body and the attribute-less mists.

His assistant remained in front of him the entire time, making no move. He raised his head to peer into his assistant's eyes after getting some clarity.

"Take this name list and transmit it to school administration," Chairman Benjamin instructed.

The file is taken off the desk by the assistant.

Chairman Benjamin went on to say, "Tell the administration to form a new special class with these ten students."

In his heart, the assistant was astonished. He now understood why his boss had acted strangely at school.

Before leaving the room, the assistant nodded.

Benjamin mumbled as he saw his disappearing back "The first plan is going well. I'll have to think about the second one now."

As he recalls the prior episode, a little gleam appears in his eyes. Collins, the former headmaster, had been fired. Chairman Benjamin had no regrets about his decision.

But there is one aspect of the former headmaster that he admires. Collins had never bothered him about the school issue. Chairman Benjamin had an easy life as a result of him.

He now aims to appoint someone with the same trait. A true workaholic!

Also, Mr. Benjamin does not want the future headmaster to repeat similar blunder.

He then turned on the project disc on his desk.

In front of him, a holographic screen appears. Seeing this, he began immediately accessing candidate files.

Many are unaware that he has set a deadline for accepting applications. Surprisingly, several wizards with strong teaching credentials applied for this position.

With over 500 prospects, he will need some time to sift through them all. His assistant conducted a mass screening of 500 candidates.

The figures did not surprise Chairman Benjamin. Because he mentioned that level 3 wizards can apply. Aside from that, he had established tight recruitment standards.

If wizard students had known this in school, their jaws would have dropped in surprise.

His gaze was fixed on the projection screen. He began to assess their level, magic, talent, experience, and, most importantly, background.

The previous headmaster was a nobody. That is why he was unable to retaliate when he was sacked from his position.

Several calculations occur to him.

He gave orders to form a specific class, thus the school is nothing like it was previously. Aside from finding suitable headmasters, he must also find teachers for special class.

As time passes,

Chairman Benjamin is still shortlisting candidates. Suddenly, a certain candidate's magical ability drew his attention.

For a brief period, his entire being became frozen.

Because this magical ability is rare, it can be found only among the many powerhouses.

Even if it appears among the public, these forces will swiftly enlist them.

He glanced at the magical ability in disbelief once more. Knowing that it's true and that someone with such rare magical abilities applied for this position. Chairman Benjamin's expression became more constricted.

He took another look at the candidate information.

[Name: Chester Nixon]

[Level: Level-3 Limit]

[Magic: Inspect]

[Talent: Yellow Top]

[Experience: Previously worked as a Research Assistant at the Lenin Herbal Institute. Had 20 years of herbal research experience.]

For a brief while, Chairman Benjamin is at a loss for words. But after seeing the talent, he exhaled a sigh of relief. Previously, he was astounded by the talent, but now he understands it.

Unfortunately, such a wizard was limited by a lack of talent. "Sigh," he sighed deeply.

Chairman Benjamin understands the candidate's circumstance. If Chester Nixon cannot make another breakthrough, he will die when his life span expires. It's already a miracle that he's at level 3 with yellow talent.

His eyes have a tiny shine to them.

Chairman Benjamin understood the candidate's magic enabled him to reach the level-3 limit.

He could see the candidate's future if he had awoken above high talent.

He then cleared his mind and proceeded to truly contemplate his appointment. Because of his level, this individual would not shine in other organizations. But in this case, the candidate has a lot of options.

His eyes light up with anticipation as he considers special class.

Chester Nixon's magical ability also allows him to guide specific classes. When it comes to work, he believes the applicant is a better workaholic than the previous headmaster.

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