God Of Immortals

Chapter 80: The Forsaken Palace [II]

Chapter 80: The Forsaken Palace [II]

He snapped out of his thought just as the two nascent souls were in a blur as they exchanged swords in clashes. This was on a different level of power compared to the one he witnessed displayed by the two genius core disciples at the sect's training ground. He tried to follow their movement but his eyes became dizzy and his head turned heavy. He closed his eyes as a banging headache arose in his head.

He opened his eyes at the same time as elder Cao Wang Xiu was sent flying backwards. All around him, the others were again deliberating on what to do.

"We can't just stay here, let's help her."

"How can we help her?

"We'll simply die if we try to intervene."

"If not for her, we would've died in the hand of the demon spider, anyway."

Although his mind was not on the conversation, Ju Feng could still hear their words. He too, had been thinking of ways they could help, but knew there was none. They were only Zhuji cultivators, after all. But no matter how it might seem, they had to help her. At least, they would've tried even if they didn't succeed. He looked at them and sighed inwardly. No matter how hard he tried to avoid it, he was always walking in the shadows of death. Well, if that was it, then that was how it would be.

"Yes, we can't just stay here. We need to help out."

"By doing what exactly? Cut him up with your iron sword? You'll just die."

Lin DaXia observed her brother as she ruminated on his words. She knew doing anything would just get them killed, yet they couldn't allow their elder to get killed without doing something. Zhuji against Jindan? She laughed bitterly inside before speaking.

"You've got a point Chenric, but we can't stay put without doing anything. Maybe, we can even take him by surprise if we approach with caution. Who knows."

With a sad expression on his face, Fu Yingjie nodded his head in agreement. It would be them walking to their certain death. He never planned to die here. Saving his parents still weighed heavily on his mind. If he were to die, how would he be able to save them? But still, the elder was in a dire situation and she needed their help. He looked up and sent a thought of a perfect afterlife to his parents. They wouldn't receive it, but it was good enough for him.

"We are who we are. Both in life and in death. We can't just stand still, and it's already too late to look for help. We do whatever we can to help now."

Not long after, they headed in the direction of the two battling golden cores. They were cautiously moving towards them, when elder Wang Xiu suddenly executed the Vermillion Divine which was blocked by the move of the blood cultivator. The impact launched them in a flight, several yards backwards, leaving them in a disoriented scramble.

Ju Feng, partially recovered in time enough to see Lang Hai executed the Oath of the Fallen Stars. He didn't know what the move was, but he could sense the deadliness of it. He tried to raise his hand but knew there was practically nothing he could do to help elder Wang Xiu as she spat out blood. In complete agony of the situation, Ju Feng kept on looking as the rogue blood cultivator lept into the air with authority. He swirled his glaive around and was bringing it down, only for every thing to change.

They had tried, but the end was inevitable. He closed his eyes as he waited for the killing blow to land on elder Cao Wang Xiu. However, instead of that, he felt a breeze of fresh air on his face. What? How could that be? 

He opened his eyes to find himself inside the powerfully encircling right hand of elder Cao Wang Xiu. Beside him was Lin DaXia while Lin Cheung and Fu Yingjie were on the other side of elder Wang Xiu who was moving in high speed away from the battle ground. Somehow, she had managed to survive the killing blow of the rogue blood, and was now literally carrying them. More impressively, she was moving at a breathtaking speed despite the injuries she had sustained in the fight.

It was quite after some time that they suddenly stopped and elder Cao Wang Xiu released her hold on them, making them crashed on the grass of the valley. She moved to one side and quickly reached into her spatial sac. She took out some medicinal pills which she quickly put in her mouth while tilting her head backwards.

Lin DaXia who was now sitting very close to elder Cao Wang Xiu, observed her with a disoriented look on her face. She was totally lost for words while rumaging through the events of the recent past in her head. She remembered when she had been sent flying from the impact of the collision. She recalled herself thinking it was over when she found it difficult to open her eyes.

Then, all of a sudden, she had opened her eyes and found herself next to Jufeng speeding away from the village vicinity. That could only mean elder Cao Wang Xiu was acting defeated to create opening for their escape. She would take that explanation. After gaining more composure, she began to examine her surroundings.

Fu Yingjie could only staring at elder Cao Wang Xiu with raised eye brows. Utter disbelief was written all over his face. He never thought he would still be alive. He remembered scrambling on the floor, trying to get away from the area of the collision, but found his legs too heavy to carry. He was still trying to crawl away, when he found himself being held by elder Wang Xiu alongside others as she sped away.

How could he explain that? Elder Cao Wang Xiu was truly powerful. Could she help save his parents? As the thoughts of asking her for help crossed his mind, he quickly discarded them. How could he even think about that? It wasn't her duty to see to the safety of his family, anyway. He pried his eyes away from her and started looking around the plain.

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