God Of Immortals

Chapter 69: Adventurers Or Death-Seekers [III]

Chapter 69: Adventurers Or Death-Seekers [III]

"We give you two of the crystals."

"Four, and we'll help you."

"Okay, four then."

They hurriedly introduced themselves before listening to the whole plan. Apart from Shi Xiang, each of the remaining six kids took an empty spirit tablet and got into position. After waiting impatiently for over one hour, the hare appeared so suddenly it looked as if it materialized out of the thin air. The hare's level of speed was truly frightening. No wonder it was called Eddaros [the mirage] hare.

In a swift move, Xuan Tu activated the talisman and waited as the others infused their Chi into the spirit tablets. Just as the seal in his hand was placed in position, Xuan Tu signalled Shi Xiang who quickly nocked an arrow onto her bowstring. The hare sensing an extreme danger tried to leave, but was locked in place. That allowed Shi Xiang to kill the hare with one shot.

That was it? Jufeng couldn't belive the hare was dead just like that. If only everything was as easy as that, life would be more than wonderful. But great credit must be given to Xuan Tu and his talisman. The kid must be a talismanic genius or something. Ju Feng nodded his head in acknowledgement before turning towards one of the other kids who was cutting the rabbit open. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the crystals. The crystals were real? Heavens tears! He thought the kids were after the rabbit's meat.

They were about to share the crystals when a voice suddenly sounded.

"Fair or not, I need those crystals."

They turned towards the voice and saw a young boy wearing a thick black robe.

"Do you think you are the only one tracking the Eddaros hare. Now, give me those crystals and I will consider letting you go in peace."

"Who, in heavens tears, are you?. Why should we give What we have to you?"

"They belong to us, our spoilt. We're not giving them up."

One of the other kids replied, looking at the black robed boy in anger. 

"Is that so? Then don't blame me for being vicious."

With a wave of his hand, thick threads began to spawn from him.


Shi Xiang shouted in terror.

"It's the Orgard demon spider. Run!!!"

But before they could gain ground, the threads spiralled towards the running kids and locked them in webs.

"Yes, it's me. Do you think it was some ordinary boy? I warned you before."

The demon spider was reaching for Lai Chun, the youngest boy among the other four kids, when two other voices echoed in.

"Orgard, do you think we'll simply allow you to take those crystals?"

"In your dreams, black spider."

Two ladies in red robes streaked into the area, riding two giant needles. They belonged to the Red Lories Circle. A circle of sacred beasts of the bird family.

"Even though we want those crystals, those kids earned it fair. The crystals belong to them. We can't allow you to take them."

"You two? Why are you always a thorn in my flesh, you cursed red birds?"

Orgard stared at the two ladies with a wry smile.

"You want a fight? You'll get a fight. Good thing I came with some friends."

Two more figures materialised from the cover of the trees. They wore black robes and looked more ancient than Orgard. They were holding a pair of dangerous looking fang shaped weapons.

"Oh, how touching!"

Five men in green robes, carrying green staves, descended from the sky. They had arrived quietly on a flying cloud.

"The Brotherhood?"

"I believe the Emeralds will not get involved in this little matter."

Or hard said, looking worriedly at the men in green robes. The situation was getting more complicated than anticipated. Why were they all after some minor red crystals? He only wanted to use it for his advancement, he had been stuck at the peak stage of the copper core for thousands of years. Was that too much to ask for?

"Oh, no. We're only here for the crystals. You can all carry on with your disputes."

"And if we say no?"

The leader of the Brotherhood hit the base of his staff on the ground and a gust of wind rushed towards one of the back-up demons. As it neared him, the wind turned to mighty sharp teeth biting down on him. The demon blocked it with his own move but was knocked hard against a tree.

"Your choice. But we don't have the time for words."

They all raised their staves and a raging storm started to gather around them.

The Red Lories immediately fled the area. It was already out of their comfort zones. They were only late-stage copper-core sacred beasts who love monitoring activities in their environment. How could they face four late stage copper-cores led by a peak stage copper-core who was at the gates of silver core. Their lives were more precious to them.

Zhang Xiu Ying who had been watching from an undetectable distance was about to send in her phoenix tail's sword when she noticed another blazing sword streaking towards the storm. She held back her sword and spread her divine sense. In an instant, she discovered the source of the blazing sword. It was one of the elder of the Last-Sages sect on the path of light. Cautiously, she decided to stay back and continue watching from a distance.

The blinding sword collided with the force-field shattering it to pieces.

"What?! An early-stage golden core? Run!!!"

The Emerald Brotherhood quickly ascended to the sky and disappeared on their flying cloud


The demons, also, hurriedly streaked away like lightning.


"Elllllder Cao?"

They quickly bowed as they greeted her after being freed from their web bondage.

"We greet you, elder Cao."

"Are we in trouble, elder Cao?"

She looked at them and began to laugh.

"Are you? Hmm, we'll see. But for now, we need to focus on where we're going next"

"..." Lin DaXia.

"..." Lin Cheung.

"..." Ju Feng.

"..." Fu Yingjie.

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