Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 251 - 245, Structure Blueprint l

Chapter 245, Structure Blueprint l

Translator: 549690339

The maid served the technicians some fruit wine.

They took large gulps of it with gratitude.

From their reactions, food seemed even more scarce than they had initially let on.

“Prepare them some food first. We’ll set off once they’re full.” Fang Hao instructed the maid.

“Yes, master.”

After acknowledging his order, the maid went to prepare food.

“We appreciate your kindness, sir, but we have not yet asked for your name.” Ram leaned forward, a sign of respect.

“Fang Hao.”

“Oh, Mr. Fang Hao, we will forever remember your kindness.”

“There’s no need to. It was just a small gesture,” Fang Hao replied, displaying a modest smile to indicate they didn’t need to fret over it.

The group chatted casually. Gradually, the technicians, who initially had been quite reserved, struck up more conversations with Fang Hao.

They asked why the skeletons would obey his commands.

Fang Hao could only explain that it was a part of his abilities- to make skeletons obey, instead of causing them to indiscriminately attack living creatures, like the rank-and-file undead.

The maids came back with the food; the men thanked them and began to eat voraciously.

From his conversations with Ram, Fang Hao gathered some information.

The technicians had just come back from the underground mine in the south of the territory. They hadn’t brought enough provisions for the return journey.

They had traded for some food on their way through villages, but it was not sufficient for them to make it back to their own city.

Luckily, they ran into Fang Hao, who provided them with food and was also willing to prepare supplies for the remaining part of their journey.

After finishing the food in his bowl, Ram wiped his hands on his clothes.

He thanked Fang Hao once again and then whispered something to his companions.

Fang Hao did not interrupt them and quietly awaited their decision.

The technicians took a long time to discuss.

Eventually, Ram smiled at Fang Hao and after wiping his hands once more, reached into his worn-out leather bag to bring out large parchment.

“Once again, we thank you for your hospitality and assistance, Mr. Fang Hao. We spent all our money on food from the villagers. With this blueprint, we wish to show you our gratitude,” Ram said, while reverently handing the blueprint to Fang Hao.

From Ram’s demeanor, it was clear that he valued the blueprint highly.

“Very well, I accept your gift,” Fang Hao said, without any hesitation, as he took the parchment from Ram.

The blueprint was huge, even when spread out, it still spanned more arm lengths.

[Received: Complete Blueprint for Stone Monster Armors.]

[Stone Monster Armor Blueprint: Basic Head Part Blueprint, Head Stone Armor Blueprint, Basic Torso Part Blueprint, Torso Stone Armor Blueprint, Basic Arm Part Blueprint, Arm Stone Armor Blueprint, Basic Leg Part Blueprint, Leg Stone Armor Blueprint.]

Impressive. The whole set is recorded on a single large blueprint.

Now Fang Hao understood that Ram and his companions were not simply cobblers.

He’d acquired the Stone Monster Armor Blueprint early on, and only now did he receive the blueprints for individual parts.

In addition, each individual part came with its own separate blueprint. If he hadn’t received the full set of blueprints from Ram, it could have taken ages to collect them all separately.

“Mr. Fang Hao,” Ram continued, “this blueprint records a lot of knowledge about built-in bodies. If you are not interested in it, it can still serve as a valuable collector’s item.”

Constructing a built-in body involves knowledge from various fields and requires systematic learning; however, even more than that, it requires talent.

Given Fang Hao’s age, it would be too late for him to delve into it now.

Regardless, the blueprint alone, as a collector’s item, is quite valuable.

“Thank you, Mr. Ram. I like this item very much. Which direction is your city? I can arrange for my soldiers to escort you there,” Fang Hao proposed, growing more curious about their identities.

When Ram and the others caught sight of the undead out of the corner of their eyes, they were quick to wave off the offer with a hasty, “No, no, we’U find our way.”

“That works too. Eira, prepare some extra food and water,” said Fang Hao.

“Yes, master,” Eira replied.

They packed the food and water onto the technicians’ cart, enough for their remaining journey.

Besides, they were just characters from a random event quest. Once the event timer ran out, they would disappear anyway.

After their rest in the city, Ram and his companions bade Fang Hao farewell and left the territory.

“Mr. Fang Hao, thank you once again for your help. I hope we will have another chance to meet,” said Ram in parting.

“We will, Mr. Ram,” Fang Hao replied, waving goodbye.

After sending off Ram and the others, Fang Hao returned to his territory.

He recorded the blueprint in his Book of Lords.

Of the three tasks, this was his biggest gain.

Speaking of which, Fang Hao’s brow furrowed in concern.

Demitrija had already returned with the soldiers after clearing up the battlefield. Why hadn’t Anjia returned yet?

Hopefully, nothing went wrong…

With this in mind, he hurriedly headed back to his room to manifest his presence onto the soldier Anjia brought with her.

After successfully casting God’s Presence, Fang Hao was stumped by the scene before him.

Where on earth was this?

Wasn’t this the fortress between his territory and Pruell City?

Had Anjia led the soldiers here?

Looking around, he spotted Anjia near the entrance of the fortress.

He quickly approached her and asked, “Anjia, why did you lead the soldiers here? Is the bandit camp cleared already?”

Anjia might be mischievous, but she always carried out the tasks assigned to her seriously.

This was the first time she had acted like this.

“Cleared it up, and look, they’re not still there?” Anjia pointed towards the ditch in front of them.

Following her gesture, Fang Hao saw hundreds of robust men with various tools, dredging the river.

“You brought them here… to dig a river?” Fang Hao was stunned.

Increasing the depth and width of the river was a measure Fang Hao had formerly considered to make the wooden bridge in front of the fortress the only point of entry.

Initially, he had planned to have the skeletons doing the digging, but he hadn’t had time to supervise it due to his other commitments.

Anjia, however, had remembered this and even brought the bandits from the quest to serve as laborers.

“Murdering them seemed like a waste. Why not put them to work,” Anjia explained.

Fang Hao was left speechless.

Although he had brought the thousands of rebels to work, the quest was only for 12 hours. Once that time was up, they’d automatically disappear without needing to be fed, and the work would also be completed.

It seemed like a win-win situation no matter how he looked at it.

“They appeared, and you just brought them over here?” Fang Hao asked, intrigued.

Anjia sat down on a box beside the river, watching over the bandits as they worked diligently. “Not exactly,” she replied. “They were more aggressive when they first appeared, shouting and yelling, saying they outnumbered me and wanted to fight me one-on-one.”

“And then?”

“Then I just beat up their boss and their second-in-command. After that, they became more obedient,” Anjia explained casually.

She pointed towards the burly man in sturdy iron armor, with a bruised face, in the distance.

That seemed to be the boss she referred to.

“Alright, just keep an eye on them. Make sure they don’t cause any trouble.”


Fang Hao nodded and deactivated his God’s Presence.

Now that he had confirmed Anjia was safe…

Fang Hao started to go through the blueprint he’d received.

If the materials to build the armor are available, he could try building some Stone Monster Armors to enhance his combat power.

[Stone Monster Basic Head Part: Iron 5, Cast Iron 2, Metal Parts 12, Precision Parts 8.]

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