Global Fog Survival

Chapter 130: Passing The Flame

Chapter 130: Passing The Flame

The man’s lingering willpower seemed to awaken at this moment, his dilated pupils converging once more. With all his strength, he moved his eyes toward the parchment. Using his last bit of consciousness, he accessed the trading market…

[Aid from…]

[Item Description: 76 pieces of hardened black bread, 97 potatoes, 5 injured Level 3 servants, “Bloodstained Holy Triumph Banner,” “Penance Monk’s Pendant”…]

[Quantity: Multiple items.]

[Please enter your desired price.]

[None needed.]

[Would you like to add a note?]

[Note: Hang in there, just hold on a bit longer.]

[Edited successfully. Would you like to send it?]


[Sent successfully.]

Finally, darkness enveloped his vision, and he remembered what had happened back then… It was on the first day, during the hungriest, most helpless, and most desperate moment… A man named Colin had lit a lamp for him. He thought that if that day ever came, he would do the same…

This was a promise he had made to Colin. Now that the “future” had arrived, he would fulfill his promise by lighting a lamp for others, offering them a glimmer of hope. As for despair… it would remain here with him to die.

His pupils fully dilated, and as his eyes, which could no longer see, glimpsed the words [Sent successfully], his eyelids slowly closed…

“Honorable Mr. Colin, I… did not break my word.”

At the same time, a message appeared in everyone’s minds.

[The trading market will temporarily convert to the “gift” function, accessible within your consciousness.]

The blood-red system text flashed through everyone’s minds!

The next second…

[Aid from Nodeng.]

[Item Description: 4 injured Level 3 servants, 1 injured Level 2 servant, “Decaying Wooden Crossbow,” “Karani’s Blade,” “Futora’s Ring,” “Thorn Ring,” “Olive Branch Ring”…]

[Quantity: Multiple items.]

[Price: None needed.]

[Note: I will fight until the last moment of human civilization! For the everlasting glory of humanity!]

[Aid from Victor.]

[Item Description: 104 injured Level 3 servants, 21 injured Level 2 servants, “Shattered Bloodthirsty Cross Sword,” 47 “Steel Hand Cannons,” 1479 “Special Hand Cannon Bullets”…]

[Quantity: Multiple items.]

[Price: None needed.]

[Note: Truly, this is humanity’s darkest hour, but it will also be our most united and least lonely moment. Humanity is not an island. Hang in there; I stand with you all.]

[Aid from Wang Xiong.]

[Item Description: 2 injured Level 3 servants, 57 injured Level 1 servants, “Broken Source Stone Powered Exoskeleton Armor,” “Plasma Heat Fusion Chainsaw Greatsword,” “Source Stone Crystal”…]

[Quantity: Multiple items.]

[Price: None needed.]

[Note: There has never been a savior, nor gods or immortals to rely on. The only ones who can save us are ourselves, and it will always only be ourselves!]

[Aid from Mei Chuan Sangyi.]

[Item Description: 7 injured Level 3 servants, 9 injured Level 2 servants, “Silver Rose Musket,” “Tattered and Filthy Hunter Attire,” “Damaged Zealot’s Shield,” “Restoration Card”…]

[Quantity: Multiple items.]

[Price: None needed.]

[Note: Perhaps my voice cannot reach you, but survive! I know it’s not easy, but hold on a bit longer!]

[Note: I know you need a helping hand. Stay strong!]

You have accepted the aid from…

Would you like to thank XXX for their aid?


[Sorry, this message cannot be delivered. Serial number 498521 (Xiazai) has died.]

[Note: I have faced the same predicament as you. No matter what, keep going!]

You have accepted the aid from…

Would you like to thank XXX for their aid?


[Sorry, this message cannot be delivered. Serial number 483451 has died.]

[Note: I will extend a helping hand to you; you are not fighting alone!]

You have accepted the aid from…

Would you like to thank XXX for their aid?


[Sorry, this message cannot be delivered. Serial number… has died.]

[Note: I know you’ve been trying so hard, but please, try a little more!]

You have accepted the aid from…

Would you like to thank XXX for their aid?


[Sorry, this message cannot be delivered. Serial number… has died.]

[Note: We are not dead! We stand with you! Fight on! Never stop until victory!]

You have accepted the aid from…

Would you like to thank XXX for their aid?


[Sorry, this message cannot be delivered. Serial number… has died.]

[Note: I really did my best, so you have to keep fighting too!]

[Note: I can’t reverse my death, but I know you need help!]

[Note: Hang on a little longer; please don’t give up. We are standing behind you!]

[Hint: I empathize with your plight. I know you need help!]

[Note: We are not a species that simply submits. Show your courage!]

[Note: Stay strong! We have not lost, and even if we die, we will stand!]

[Note: Survive, and witness the great victory that humanity will achieve!]

[Note: Don’t give up!]

[Note: Support has arrived! Smash them hard! Show them who they’re up against!]

[Note: Humanity will prevail! The fallen salute you!]

[Sorry, this message cannot be delivered…]

[Sorry, this message cannot be delivered…]

[Sorry, this message cannot be delivered…]

More and more “gifts” appeared in the trading market—hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions. More and more people “returned” to the battlefield in another way.

This was not just a single force; it was a torrent, a flood that supplied the vital organs of civilization with lifeblood! Amid this torrent, despair was shared, and hope sprouted anew… The battle suddenly seemed more manageable. With the abundance of gifts, even against lord-level mutants, they could now stand their ground.

But the cost was that behind every gift was a sacrifice. Yet humanity would convey its spirit, pass on hope, and sustain civilization through these sacrifices! The war continued, long and unyielding, with no end in sight to this relentless struggle. But after receiving each gift, they felt as if an indomitable soul stood beside them. Those souls roared with defiance; they hadn’t surrendered—they were fighting alongside them!

If darkness could not be eradicated, then sacrifice and resistance would expand the boundaries of hope!

At this moment, no one was fighting alone.

This battle would see no compromise!

Everyone stood tall again in the midst of darkness and despair, their spines straightened, knees unbent. Supporting them was the name of this fragile but resilient species: “Humanity.”

Tonight, they fought for humanity!

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