Global Awakening: I Got A SSS-level Library System

Chapter 6: The Moment Wendy Queen Found Her Destiny’s Guide

Chapter 6: The Moment Wendy Queen Found Her Destiny's Guide

"Wendy, you did it. You actually did it!"

Those words hit Wendy Queen like a soft mallet to the heart. Not painful, but undeniably impactful. They were words she'd dreamed of hearing, yet never had until now.

Initially bewildered, then incredulous, Wendy finally let a tear escape. She had truly achieved it.

Seeing Wendy's tears, Alex Watson paused, a mix of surprise and wry amusement on his face before he offered her an old but clean handkerchief with a gentle, "Tears already? Imagine what happens when you reach the higher stages—overwhelmed with joy?"

This jest brought a warm blush to Wendy's cheeks as she shyly accepted the handkerchief, wiping away her tears before deeply bowing. "Thank you, Mr. Watson!" she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

「Wendy Queen Loyalty +33」

Instantly, Wendy's loyalty surged to 69, significantly higher than just the day before.

Alex couldn't help but smile. "Alright, let's dive into today's lesson," he said, then scribbled on the board: "Understanding the Essence and Logic Behind Divine Light Mastery."

Wendy was puzzled. Every word was familiar, yet the whole concept was alien. Divine Light Mastery was a practice, but what about essence and logic? Could cultivation truly require such thought? A flurry of questions invaded her thoughts, yet she sensed this lesson would be immensely helpful.

She quickly took her seat, eager and attentive. The lesson flew by, and as the bell rang, marking the end of the class, Alex stopped and smiled apologetically.

"Apologies, Wendy. I got carried away and forgot to give you a break. We'll stop here for today. Rest up. The next phase of your journey is outlined on this sheet."

With that, Alex left, leaving Wendy alone in a room that felt too vast for just one person.

Yet, she remained seated, deeply affected by the profound impact of the lesson, knowing it had just altered the course of her path forever.

Historical texts tell us that a few centuries ago, humanity's progress was deeply rooted in technology.

There was no spiritual energy to speak of, making the practice of cultivation an impossibility.

But then, a seismic shift occurred with a sudden explosion of spiritual energy, transforming the world as people knew it.

Monsters wreaked havoc, and the earth gave birth to dungeons, mystical realms, and alternate realities.

It was in this chaos that humans first experienced awakenings, marking the dawn of the cultivation era.

However, for hundreds of years, the approach to cultivation remained stagnant, with practitioners merely following in the footsteps of their ancestors, never venturing beyond.

No one had delved into the philosophy behind cultivation or questioned the very nature of their practices.

Were the so-called techniques just ways to tap into and utilize latent human potential? Did different techniques operate under unique logics?

This revelation hit Wendy Queen like a tidal wave.

It took a moment for Wendy to regain her composure. She reflected on Alex Watson's teachings, approaching the podium with a newfound clarity. The paper she examined next sent waves of shock through her once more. It started off with a revolutionary idea:

"As the essence of Divine Light builds within, it should be gently distributed, softly permeating every acupoint in a harmonious manner, rather than forcefully purified. The body should not be constrained by the technique, nor should the technique forcibly alter the body. Harmonizing with the technique allows for its use and dispersion at will, embodying the true essence of Divine Light Mastery."

Previously, Wendy might have dismissed these ideas as harmful fallacies. But now, something within her chose to trust.

"Embrace all streams to achieve greatness. Adopt what benefits, reject what harms..."

The mantra left by Alex at the document's conclusion deeply moved her. She realized that her lack of progress wasn't a reflection of her worth but the result of misguided practices.

Without her venture into Alex Watson's Omni-Class, she might have continued down a fruitless path, a thought too dire to contemplate.

This realization ignited a hopeful gleam in Wendy's eyes. She tenderly folded the paper, tucking it away as a treasured guide.

Reaching for the handkerchief Alex had given her, her cheeks warmed with gratitude.

In that moment, Wendy understood one profound truth: Alex Watson had irrevocably altered the trajectory of her life.

In the tranquility of his office, eyes closed in meditation, Alex sensed an alteration within the ethereal Devine Library in his mind.

He morphed his consciousness and stepped into the library's confines. There, two shelves emitted a soft glow.

The left shelf, cataloging biographies, contained detailed accounts of everyone Alex was acquainted with. It was Wendy Queen's biography that shimmered.

Alex approached, opening the book to find a smile spreading across his face. Wendy's loyalty had impressively climbed to 70, reaching a level of respect, following their recent session.

Even more, a subtle evolution in Wendy's psyche had occurred; the shadow of inferiority had begun to dissipate.

This development brought a wave of fulfillment to Alex. Could this be the essence of mentorship? Observing one's student evolve gradually under their influence was profoundly rewarding.

Closing Wendy's biography, Alex turned towards another shelf, his personal collection.

Historically, most of these volumes remained sealed. Yet now, one book faintly gleamed.

Alex Watson—Divine Light Attribute

He withdrew the softly lit volume, flipping it open effortlessly. The initially blank pages seemed to awaken, words emerging line by line, then soaring directly into Alex's consciousness.

Divine Light attribute +1...

Divine Light attribute +1...

Divine Light attribute +1...

After a full ten minutes, Alex exhaled deeply, his mastery over Divine Light had surged by 100 points—a twofold increase!

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