General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 337: Thunder means (three more)

Chapter 337: Thunder means (three more)

Chapter 337 Thunder Means (three shifts)

Su Xiaoxiao pulled Princess Jingning and left without looking back.

Leaving Xiao Duye alone in the wind alone.

Su Xiaoxiao did not give Xiao Duye any affection at all, but who made her the doctor in charge of the Empress Dowager and Emperor Jingxuan now, she really has arrogant capital.

Emperor Jingxuan's life was rescued, and since Su Xiaoxiao gave detoxification pills, Hu Jiusheng's "crime of poisoning" was completely confirmed.

In a firewood house in the palace, Hu Jiusheng shouted that he was wronged.

"I didn't poison your majesty...I was detoxifying your majesty...just...I may have made a mistake in the dose..."

The presiding judges were Xiao Chonghua and Dali Siqing, and Princess Jingning was also there.

When Emperor Jingxuan had an accident yesterday, Xiao Chonghua and Dali Siqing were investigating the case of the White Lotus Sect outside the capital, and they returned to Beijing only after dawn.

As soon as they heard that Emperor Jingxuan had been poisoned, the two entered the palace non-stop.

Dali Siqing was a good hand in judging cases, but he was not proficient in medical theory.

He thought for a while and suggested, "It's better to take Doctor Su..."

"Please come over here!" Princess Jingning interrupted him.

What a joke, it's not dawn yet, don't disturb her to sleep!

Dali Siqing's scalp was numb.

Uh... delusional?

Why do I look a little angry at Princess Jingning?

"Changping." Xiao Chonghua said lightly.

Changping understood and went to the imperial hospital to call several imperial physicians, including imperial physician Zhu, imperial physician Li, physician Wan, and imperial physician Li.

The group carefully identified the poison found from Shopkeeper Wu, and checked the "antidote" that Hu Jiusheng boiled.

Imperial Physician Zhu said: "It's true that they are all poisons,'s hard to say whether it is to fight poison with poison. I have never seen this recipe."

The other three imperial physicians also expressed the same view.

Fighting poison with poison is indeed a means of treatment, but not all poisons are applicable.

Perhaps the poisoning could not be done once, and the poisoning was added to the poisoning.

Hu Jiusheng understood that if he could not prove that this prescription was symptomatic, he had no choice but to die.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said his trump card: "...It's the prescription of Imperial Doctor Fu...the medical book he left is recorded!"

"Where are the medical books?"

"In Tai Hospital."

Xiao Chonghua asked Changping to search, and he found it.

But it is not more than one, but a thick stack, with medical books, medical records and handwritten notes, all handwritten by Imperial Physician Fu.

Imperial Physician Zhu and others were stunned. Imperial Physician Fu died suddenly. When they packed things for him, they did not find this. They just took it home and gave it to their own son to take away.

Never thought that it fell into Hu Jiusheng's hands!

Imperial Physician Li opened a notebook: "Wan Jindan...Isn't this the magic medicine for Mrs. Cheng's stroke last time? He said it was developed by himself!"

Doctor Wan also turned to a prescription: "Seven bitter tea, Lao Wangye drank it, and it cured the migraine for many years, and also cured the insomnia. Hu Yuanju also said it was his own prescription..."

"And this." Imperial Physician Li made another discovery.

One after another, many Hu Jiusheng claimed to be the secret recipes passed down by himself or the ancestors of the Hu family. It turned out that they were all the efforts of Taiyi Fu.

Some of them were changed well, and some of them were uncontrollable. For example, the poison that Emperor Jingxuan suffered this time was the latter.

This medicine was originally used to treat rheumatism as a tiger-wolf recipe. It is slightly toxic, and its efficacy varies from person to person. It is still in the trial stage, and the risk is very high. Imperial Doctor Fu has not used it on patients.

Hu Jiusheng slightly changed the prescription, and the antidote was also changed accordingly. It seemed to be symptomatic, but its efficacy was not stable.

Half is Hu Jiusheng's pot, and the other half is Emperor Jingxuan's own bad luck.

These words, the imperial physicians dare not say it.

Dali Si Qing asked: "Since you know that your antidote is risky, why do you still use it for His Majesty? Are you taking His Majesty's medicine for testing?"

Hu Jiusheng's mind was in chaos: "I...I tried it with chicken...the chicken is alive..."


You treat Your Majesty as a chicken? !

"No...I...I didn't mean that...I...I am also eager to save people!" Hu Jiusheng was at a loss for words.

He looked at the imperial physicians and hoped that they would stand up and speak justice for him.

But the imperial physicians no longer wanted to speak up for him.

Appropriate the achievements of others as one's own. The seat of this court sentence was taken by the efforts of Taiyi Fu.

Morality is corrupted, morality is lost!

They were able to see his true face completely!

The medical talent of the bullshit, Taiyi Fu was really blind at the beginning, and he accepted such a white-eyed wolf as his apprentice!

"Yes, I took my master's recipe as my own, but so what? At least it shows that I did not poison your majesty! I am detoxifying your majesty!"

Princess Jingning said coldly, "Don't avoid the important and take it lightly, just talk about the antidote. What about the poison in the ointment?"

Hu Jiusheng gritted his teeth and said, "My brother gave the poison in the ointment. I admit his guilt, but what does this have to do with me? You can scare Shopkeeper Wu, but don't deceive me that I don't understand the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

The punishment of the nine tribes was abolished by the previous emperor long ago. Unless it is to support the army and seek to usurp the throne, the family will not suffer.


Along with the voice of a young man, a man dressed as a servant was kicked in.

The little servant is none other than the drug boy sentenced by Hu Yuan.

And it was Su Mo who kicked him.

Su Mo also held a pot of covered ashes in his hand.

In the ashes is the burned paper, but it is not finished, and a few remaining handwritings can be vaguely seen.

"...there is fraud...destroying evidence..."

After identification by several imperial physicians, it was confirmed that it was the handwriting of Imperial Physician Hu.

Hu Jiusheng's whole person is not well.

This is the note he asked the drug boy to bring to Hu Erye!

Second Hu, are you holding **** in your head?

You can't even burn a note!

... In fact, it was already burnt down, it was faked by Wei Ting.

The content of was forced from the mouth of the drug boy.

Of course, the drug boy will not be clear about the subsequent wave of show operations.

The medicine boy honestly recruited: "Yesterday morning, the master ran into the second master before he went out, and the second master said. Someone put some poison in the ointment made by Doctor Su. This time, Doctor Su must look good!"

In other words, he was in the know.

When he arrived at the Yongshou Palace, the ointment had just come out, and Emperor Jingxuan had not eaten it yet.

He has every chance to stop.

It doesn't matter if others don't care. He is both the elder brother of the perpetrator and the official of the imperial court.

His actions constituted murder to some extent!

Dali Si Qing went to catch gavel...

Uh, this is not a court, he caught a loneliness.

He slapped his thigh with a slap!

"Hu Jiusheng! What else do you have to say!"

"Nothing to say, this official will say it for you!"

"Murder Your Majesty, be executed according to the law!"

"Someone! Take the criminal Hu Jiusheng into Dali Temple! Choose another day and ask for the execution!"

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