Gate of Immortality

Chapter 119: Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 119: Unexpected Surprise

" Did I misheard?" Yang Shi's mind became befuddled. " No, Young master. I am clearly honing my promise." Lan Yue chuckled. " You said that if you save us from the bandits, you will get a kiss. But I never said that I would kiss you." Lan Yue said.

Yang Shi stared at Lan Yue with a dumbstruck expression. His eyebrows raised as he snorted, " Is miss playing with words?"

Lan Yue's body quivered as she listened to Yang Shi. In her eyes, this young man was akin to a demon. But Lan Yue didn't felt any harmful intention from him. After all, giving his strength, as long as the young man wishes, he could do anything to Lan Yue. But then, He still asked for her consent. Only because of this, Lan Yue was willing to take the gamble.

" I..." Lan Yue wanted to say something, but she stopped. " No, I shouldn't have made such a mistake." Lan Yue thought bitterly. " Tsk tsk, Even in such a situation, You are still using your intelligence to avoid being tarnished." Yang Shi rubbed his chin as he smiled. " Fine, It's my fault for not stating the conditions clearly." Yang Shi said with a thoughtful tone.

" Ah, Young master, I was just joking earlier. If you want to, I..." Lan Yue became a bit hesitant. " Well, forcing beauties isn't my nature. And it seems your clansmen are here." Yang Shi muttered. Both Lan Yue and Xiao Hai looked back, but they didn't saw anything. But when they turned around, Yang Shi's figure already vanished.

After some time, with the sound of carriages and footsteps, a dozen of people reached there. " Miss Lan, Young master Hai, are you alright?" An old man with white hair asked them.

" Fourth Elder, I am fine. But captain Jing and his company..." Th tone of Lan Yue became heavy. The Fourth elder sighed deeply, " Who would have thought that bandits would dare to come in the vicinity of Eastern Valley Town?"

" Aiiz, It seems sister Yue shouldn't have gone for the search of Fire Spirit Grass." An arrogant voice suddenly came back from the group. Hearing him, Lan Yue's frowned. "The second cousin, Do you not want to save my father?" Lan Yue asked coldly.

" Haha, It looked like sister Yue misunderstood me. How can I not want to save uncle Mu, but Fire Spirit Grass is too difficult to find." The young man hastily said. " But if you do that..." He was saying but the Fourth elder interrupted, " Enough! It's upon the Elders to decide this. You don't need to meddle in that affair."

" Hmph." The young man snorted as he left. Lan Yue didn't say anything, but her eyes were resentful. " Bah, No matter what, I won't let Elder sister marry that fatty." Xiao Hai snorted. Lan Yue smiled as he patted the head of Xiao Hai, but sighed inwardly. " What would have happened if I told my problem to that mysterious Young master?"

Yang Shi wasn't idle to lurk in the woods. After helping Lan Yue, He already left. " Since bandits and people are here, there should be a small town nearby." Yang Shi thought. He used his Celestial View and scanned around. Not long after, he really saw a town. But after looking at it, Yang Shi's mouth became agape.

" No way..." Yang Shi murmured, but he became overjoyed. His Celestial view had already reached the Initial completion stage so he could see the elemental aura of various elements. Currently, Yang Shi saw a radiant spike of golden light inside the small town. It indicates that a large amount of Metal attribute Qi was contained there. If this was any normal metal Qi, Yang Shi wouldn't have cared. But since such a phenomenon is happening. This means that there must be a Metal spirit vein.

" Haha, Heavens finally listened to my prayers. It's a spirit vein and a metal spirit vein on top of that." The golden egg thumped in excitement.

" Hmm, Indeed. It seems our luck isn't that bad. Let's go there." Yang Shi nodded as his figure became fuzzy as he dashed off to the small town.


" So, Uncle, The situation of Lan family isn't good, eh?" A young man sipped tea as he asked a middle-aged man in front of him. The middle aged man was brewing another pot of tea as he said, " Yes. Unless they find the rare Fire Spirit Grass, the Lan family won't have a good ending. After all, How can the Li family lose such opportunity?" The middle aged man sighed.

" Hmm, I see. But getting in the Golden Sun sect as an Outer disciple, is it really that good? I mean, can it really boost the power of a small family to that extent?" The young man asked with some doubt. " Young brother, You don't know, this little town can't be compared with those big cities out there. These small families are different from the large clans. Just a dozen outer disciples of the sect can easily finish these small time families." The middle aged man explained.

" Oh, that's the case. I wonder if uncle ever went to those big cities, like Firmament City or Misty Tower city?" The young man asked. " Well, I was a traveler in my younger days. I went to Firmament City. It was indeed very large, A hundred times bigger than Eastern Valley Town. And the cultivators there are also extremely powerful. Any low level cultivator from there can exterminate this town." The middle-aged man sucked air of cold breath.

" Uncle, whose house is that? Behind the alley? The young man again asked with some interest. " That? Oh, That's the house of the Blacksmith Wu. Hee is really a talented blacksmith of the town. He can forge good weapons. Unfortunately, He is quite old now." The middle aged man replied.

" Thank you for your information." The Young man laughed as he left. Before he left, The middle aged man heard some sounds of coins clanking. He was too focused on making tea, so he didn't notice at first. But his eyes went wide as he saw dozens of gold coins on the table. It was enough for living for a few months. Before h could thank the young man, the young man was already left.


" Are you the blacksmith Wu?" A young voice asked. An old man with a white beard opened his eyes as he looked at the young man. " Yes, What do you need from me?" The Blacksmith Wu asked.

" Well, Can you leave this place for few days?" The young man asked. " What? What are you saying?" The old man asked in confusion. But he felt his vision blurred as his consciousness faded. He fell to the ground, snoring loudly.

" Now sleep for a few days." The Young man muttered as he carried the body of the Blacksmith Wu and threw it in a corner.

" Shall we began our ceremony?" 

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