Gate of God

Chapter 249: Door within the Throne Room

Chapter 249: Door within the Throne Room

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

When powerhouses met, the battle was constantly evolving.

Fang Zhengzhi did not know how powerful Xing Yuanguo and Bai Xing were. However, in the short span of a few sentences, they had clashed more than a dozen times.

Fang Zhengzhi finally understood what ’offence is the best defence’ meant.

Xing Yuanguo attacked constantly, going for the kill with every hit. He pressed hard, going for lethal blows with each hand, his blade swinging viciously.

More importantly, he chained his techniques perfectly. The first technique transited smoothly into the second, and then the third...

It looked simple, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that this was impossible to replicate.

When Xing Yuanguo first started, his first stroke basically determined all of his remaining techniques. However, in the face of an enemy, who knew what the first stroke would be?

Furthermore, the battlefield was constantly evolving. Different opponents used different techniques. One could not use the same set of techniques to suppress all potential opponents.

As such...

Xing Yuanguo adopted the concept of "adaptation".

He constantly switched his techniques and strokes about. He trained to be ambidextrous so that he could adapt to any situation on the battlefield.

He had learnt every possible technique, then changed it to make it uniquely his.

"What did I miss out?!" Ping Yang said discontentedly.

"Let’s use Xing Hou as an example. The masked black man may have gotten Xing Hou’s power, but can he get his experience?" Fang Zhengzhi pointed at the masked black man firing purple rays of light.

Ping Yang did not understand at first. However, when she looked at the masked black man, she had a revelation.

Even though the masked black man had Xing Yuanguo’s abilities, his techniques were nowhere near as good.

"I know what you want to say, but this is just one of the points you missed. There is something more important!" Fang Zhengzhi waved Ping Yang off, asking her to listen instead of speaking.

Ping Yang swallowed the words at the tip of her tongue, her face flushed. She wanted to rebut, but she did not know what to say. Her mouth opened slightly.

"Tell me!" Ping Yang fumed.

"You said that the black robed masked men were fake whilst the soldiers were real. This is a fatal mistake. However, the explanation for this is a lot more complicated. I don’t think you would understand it. It is said that you can have the same attitude towards wealth and poverty, a good or bad harvest, and a long or short lifespan." Fang Zhengzhi said.

"What do you mean?" Ping Yang looked at Fang Zhengzhi.

"I’m saying that one can face each of these scenarios with the same attitude and mentality." Fang Zhengzhi explained.

"These are clearly different, how can you have the same mentality towards them? Poverty is poverty, wealth is wealth... do you think you’re on the same level as the emperor?" Ping Yang asked in confusion.

"This is why I say it is very difficult to explain it to you. Let me give you an example. Many would say that one’s wealth and lifespan is decided by fate."

"You can’t say that he is totally wrong. If someone had been a saint in their previous life, they may be rewarded with wealth and longevity. If they did evil in their previous life, they may be punished with poverty and a short life."

"This is the classical view. However, the other viewpoint is that we are the masters of our own fate."

"If one was blessed with wealth and longevity but did a ton of evil in his life, he may get his retribution in this life. Another man could have been cursed with poverty and a short life, but did something saintly in his life. He may not need to wait till the next life to reap the rewards of his actions."

"In conclusion, one’s fate may have been predetermined, but we cannot be restrained by it. We must create our own destiny."

Fang Zhengzhi did not elaborate. Ping Yang’s status made it difficult for her to understand equality and change.

"I can understand a little... but, what has this got to do with our current situation?" Ping Yang looked at Fang Zhengzhi conflictingly. Even though she did not fully understand what Fang Zheng had said, she could feel that there was a lesson in morality behind it. However, she still did not know how it linked to The Vast World.

"If I recall correctly, The Vast World got its name for its ability to make the sea a drop in the ocean!" Fang Zhengzhi looked to Chi Guyan.

Chi Guyan nodded slightly. Fang Zhengzhi was right, The Vast World had the ability to make a sea a drop in an ocean.

"What is the opposite of that? Making a drop in the ocean into a sea! It is just like our current situation now. If reality can be made into an illusion, illusion can be made into a reality!" Fang Zhengzhi explained.

"Reality and illusion... how to we break it?" Ping Yang asked.

"We can’t." Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.

"We can’t?! Then what’s the point of saying all that?" Ping Yang said condescendingly.

"In The Vast World, everything real is fake and everything fake is real. We can’t break that, but, what if The Vast World didn’t exist?" Fang Zhengzhi asked.

"Didn’t exist? You’re saying..."

"There is a law known as the law of conservation of energy. No item in the world can exist by itself. In order to support something as energy consuming as The Vast World, there must be something equally powerful."

"You’re referring to the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet?!" Ping Yang did not know what the law of conservation of energy was. However, when Fang Zhengzhi said ’something equally powerful’, she reacted immediately.

"That’s right. If we can find the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet, we can break The Vast World!" Fang Zhengzhi asserted.

"That’s equivalent to not saying anything. Uncle Xing and the soldiers must have searched the entire throne room. If they could find it, this wouldn’t be happening!" Ping Yang said depressingly.

"I just said that what’s real is fake. Since the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet is integrated with The Vast World, it must follow the same rule!"

"What you’re saying is..."

"There are two possibilities. One, there is another throne room within this one. However, you said that this place had already been searched. If it was here, they would have found it. So, only the second possibility..."

"What is it?"

"What’s real is fake and what’s fake is real! The altar is the throne room and the throne room is the altar! What that means is that the altar is the real throne room!"

"Ah?!" Ping Yang’s jaw dropped in disbelief. However, her eyes glimmered brightly.

"I see!" Chi Guyan nodded slightly when she heard this.

"Then let’s get out of here!" Ping Yang did not really trust Fang Zhengzhi, but she trusted Chi Guyan with her life. Once Chi Guyan nodded, she did not hesitate at all.

"Where do we go out from?" Fang Zhengzhi asked.

"Through the stone door of course!" Ping Yang looked at Fang Zhengzhi innocently.

"I think your intelligence really needs work! Do you really think you can come out the way you came in?" Fang Zhengzhi looked at Ping Yang condescendingly.

"Erm... we can’t?" Ping Yang asked doubtfully. Then, she became anxious, "What now?"

"If I guessed correctly, that should be the door!" Fang Zhengzhi pointed to his back.

Fang Zhengzhi was pointing towards a closed stone door. This door was carved on the wall and it was flanked by eight solemn and intimidating statues.

It looked like the altar outside.

There were many similar engravings on the wall of the throne room. There were also many engravings of walls and statues. A quick glance revealed no less than a dozen.

But Fang Zhengzhi specifically chose this one.

"Why there?" Ping Yang was confused.

"Real and fake are direct opposites. The doors should also be the same!" Fang Zhengzhi pointed out that the engraving was directly opposite the stone door.

"You... aren’t lying to me right?" Ping Yang still did not believe him.

"Try and you’ll find out!" Fang Zhengzhi replied.

"How do I try?" Ping Yang asked.

"If you believe me, you can try barging it with your head and see if it’ll give!" Fang Zhengzhi said seriously.

"Use my head... to barge it?!" Ping Yang paled. She hesitated, then grit her teeth. She shouted to the nearest Mountain Breaking Army soldier, "Hey... you! Come and protect the princess!"

"Yes!" One of the soldiers who was having second thoughts immediately rushed over happily.

Fang Zhengzhi looked at the expression of happiness on the soldier’s face and sighed. Even the elite armies accepted a couple which simply did not make the cut.

This was an undeniable fact repeated throughout history.

"What is your name?" Ping Yang asked as she looked at the soldier.

"In reply to your highness, my name is Wen Daobao, my father is Wen Qinghe. I will guard your highness with my life!" The soldier puffed his chest and walked confidently to Ping Yang.

"Oh so you are the son of one of the law ministers? Good. Now, I order you to barge through that door!" Ping Yang pointed at the door.

"Ah?!" Wen Dabao paled upon hearing that.

He had only joined the Mountain Breaking Army for the honour and glory. The Mountain Breaking Army was famed throughout the empire. As long as he served three years with them, he would be respected for the rest of his life.

He may even be able to take over his father’s post in the future with the help of the Stabilisation Constabulary.

In fact, Wen Dabao did not want to join this expedition to excavate the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet.

He simply wanted to serve in the army for three years.

Of course, the Mountain Breaking Army did not really bother much about his presence. The deputy general initially had no intention of having Wen Dabao participate. However, Wen Dabao’s father heard of the expedition and thought that it was a good opportunity for Wen Dabao to do something great.

Afterall, an ordinary honorable discharge could not compare to an honorable discharge after doing something great for the dynasty.

This was an understandable thought. Xing Yuanguo was leading the expedition, what could possibly go wrong?

In the end, heaven knows best.

Wen Dabao had used his talents at ’cruising’ in order to survive till now. Who else could understand the pain that he had went through?

And now...

He thought that he would have an excuse to leave the carnage and laze around beside the princess. He never expected to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

This was hard for him to swallow.

"Why? You dare to disobey a direct order?" Ping Yang stared at him, her arms akimbo.

Wen Dabao began to sweat profusely when he saw that. A shiver went down his spine and he felt as if his head was going to explode.

When Ping Yang raged, the entire capital trembled.

Afterall, not everyone was Fang Zhengzhi. Ping Yang was a devilish girl in the capital who no one dared to antagonize. Even her father would sweat if he saw Ping Yang as she was now.

If the emperor wanted his official to die, his official had to die.

Ping Yang was not the emperor, but she was the master. As the most pampered princess in the empire, her wish was a command.

"No... no... I... I wouldn’t dare!" Wen Dabao stammered as he lowered his head.

"Then why aren’t you doing it?" Ping Yang bellowed.

"Yes, yes..." Wen Dabao nodded repeatedly, but he was still rooted to the ground.

When Ping Yang saw this, she glared at Wen Dabao. Just as she was about to rage, Fang Zhengzhi walked over and patted Wen Dabao on the shoulder. Then, he whispered something in Wen Dabao’s ear.

Wen Dabao immediately raised his head, his eyes glowing.

"Plonk!" He fell to his knees.

"Thank you your highness, thank you princess! I will follow your orders!" Wen Dabao clenched his fists tightly, clearly reinvigorated.

Ping Yang could not understand what was going on. Wen Dabao was clearly hesitant despite the order coming from me. Why is it that he is so motivated after Fang Zhengzhi spoke to him?

What is going on?


Before Ping Yang could question him, Wen Dabao charged, his eyes glowing as his body shot out like an arrow.

He did not dodge or hesitate.

"Dong!" A huge sound echoed out as Wen Dabao crashed against that door.


His eyes went black as he fell to the ground, unconscious.

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