Gate of God

Chapter 137: The Same Confidence

Chapter 137: The Same Confidence

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

A poor villager, a person who had never even entered a Hall of Dao, a person who had just passed the capital examination, a person who hadn’t even reached the Heavenly Reflection State...

Was the Double Dragon Roll Champion?!

Not even mentioning that nobody believed it, nobody had even thought of it before.

On the other hand, looking at Chi Guyan, her natural ’Xuan Heavenly Dao Body’, accessing Dao at four, solving the Illustration of All Creation at five, ranked number one in the Hidden Dragon Roll at ten, and battling Nangong Hao with her Heavenly Reflection State abilities at the age of thirteen, a battle that shocked the world.

That battle trembled the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

A thirteen-year-old girl already had such talent, what heights would she reach in the future?

Almost nobody dared to guess.

Even the current emperor agreed on the scene itself that Chi Guyan was the Double Dragon Roll Champion that shocks the world mentioned in the divine message, because, in the history of the entire Great Xia Dynasty, there had never been a person who reached Heavenly Reflection State at the age of thirteen.

Furthermore, Chi Guyan was born in the iron-blooded noble family of the Divine Constabulary, and began studying military books and military tactics since young. If her cleverness wasn’t a talent that shocked the world, then what was it?

Comparing between them, who was higher and who was lower, simply didn’t require any competition.

"I think such a meaningless promise... can be voided!" After laughing, Chi Hou evidently relaxed, and seemed much happier than before.

"That’s right, this is simply an impossible task!"

"Yes... not mentioning two years, even if it was twenty years, there still wouldn’t be hope!"

When the officials heard Chi Hou’s words, they also instantly began to add on. There were even scholars at the side giving Fang Zhengzhi a spiteful look.

Because, even among them, there were already powerful people of the Heavenly Reflection State.

Star Conglomerate?

In their eyes, that was at most a joke...

"Man cannot be without honour, if I reneged the promise halfway, then, I would have lost my honour. No matter what, since Young Master Fang suggested this, I must keep my promise, and wait another two years! And within these two years, I won’t discuss with anybody about engagement. I hope father lord can uphold this!"

Chi Guyan’s voice wasn’t very loud, but, it caused all of the discussion going around them to suddenly turn silent. Because, her tone was very serious, and very determined.

When Fang Zhengzhi heard this, he looked at Chi Guyan, and all of his confusion was suddenly cleared up at this moment. He finally understood why Chi Guyan was willing to bring him into this.

He used Chi Guyan to defend against the surrounding storm.

On the other hand, Chi Guyan was also using Fang Zhengzhi to defend against the surrounding storm.

Even though the storm was different, but, their degree of annoyance was the same.

Any matter in the world, no matter how unbelievable it was, as long as there was a win-win situation for both parties, would become a logical one. It was just as if two sworn enemies who were initially fighting suddenly encounter a third person who wished to eliminate both of them.

This, these two parties would also put aside their enmity and fight the third person together.

This was how the world worked.

There were no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

If Chi Guyan was still in the Heaven Dao Pavilion, then she naturally wouldn’t have to worry about being harassed by the storm. But, once she left the Heaven Dao Pavilion, it was equivalent to stepping back into the storm.


Considering Chi Guyan’s family background and family status, the average noblemen wouldn’t pay any attention to this. But, if it was a lord? Or, it was a prince or even a crown prince?

Even though Chi Guyan’s status was powerful, she still had to take into consideration the status of the Divine Constabulary as well as considerations for the future, thus couldn’t offend all of the noblemen, princes and crown prince.

Even though she was the pride of the Heavens.

But, she also had her own troubles, and her own worries.

Fang Zhengzhi suddenly began to somewhat pity Chi Guyan. She had pushed him towards higher ground, but how about Chi Guyan? All along, she stood at the top.

Mutual help?

Fang Zhengzhi thought for a while, but still felt that this phrase was unsuitable. To hell with mutual help, all he wished for was, after finishing the imperial examination, marry a beautiful and gentle wife then return home to leisurely live the rest of his life.

That was true life.

As to why he wanted to participate in the Law of Dao examination, it was the same reason a person who was filled with knowledge would definitely want to show it off in the outside world. Furthermore, the most important point was, those sisters in the Northern Mountain Village were pretty.

But, they had always lacked a certain temperament.

Ever since young, he had watched them as babies. The memory was really too deep. At that time, Fang Zhengzhi’s mental age was around twenty, and that feeling was indeed weird.

It was like raising a baby until she was ten years old, then, suddenly saying, I want to marry her.

Fang Zhengzhi really couldn’t bring himself to do that.

But, the Chi Guyan in front of him was different, and at least, he hadn’t seen her for these eight years. Hence, that memory only remained at a certain deep moment.

It was barely still acceptable...

"My ass!"

Fang Zhengzhi eventually decided to continue treating Chi Guyan as an honoured guest. Of course, if she insisted, he felt that he could still keep her as a bed-warming servant, or a woodchopping girl and so on.

When he thought of this, Fang Zhengzhi’s mouth instantly revealed an intoxicated look that everybody understood.


This expression very naturally landed in the eyes of Chi Hou.

As the iron-blooded Divine Lord, having fought countless battles and controlling the five capitals of the Northern Desert, what Fang Zhengzhi was thinking might not be understood by Chi Guyan, but as a man, Chi Guyan could see his mind very clear.

Then, Chi Hou became infuriated.

He felt that one could be shameless, but couldn’t be shameless to such an extent. This wasn’t shameless anymore, instead, it was scoundrelly. What right did a poor scholar from the village have to control the marriage of his precious pearl?

Even thinking of it was a sin!

"Fang Zhengzhi, I will swear now that if you can’t defeat Guyan openly within two years, I will make sure I let you know what rather being dead means!" As Chi Hou spoke, he lightly clenched his fist in the air, and a jade-green lightsword was gripped in his hand.

That was an inch long lightsword, so sharp that even the air around it trembled slightly, emanating an endless sense of chill.

Fang Zhengzhi instinctively took a step back.

Then, at this moment, Chi Hou lightly flicked his finger.

The jade-green lightsword in his hand flew out like a sword that decapitated people from a thousand miles away.

What a powerful lightsword!

It can actually leave his hand?!

As Fang Zhengzhi thought, he saw the lightsword land on an artificial mountain not too far away. Then, in an instant, a powerful tremor originated from the entire artificial mountain, and immediately after, countless lightswords flew up into the sky, and exploding apart just like the Heaven scattering flower blossoms.


The huge five-meter-high artificial mountain was instantly reduced into powder.

Real powder...

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes instantly became round. He could still barely achieve reducing a stone into powder with one palm, but now, he had accomplished something like this in front of him.


It was initially already a Dao of All Creation.

But, when the lightsword left his hand, it could still change its form, consisting of the Dao of All Creations that could reduce stone into powder.

What was this concept?

It was just like integrating a Dao of All Creation within the Dao of All Creation.

It was somewhat extreme, but what was for sure was that Chi Hou’s abilities could definitely finish him in a second.

Chi Hou’s rage shocked the entire Northern Desert.

Fang Zhengzhi naturally was also shocked.

Wait a moment...

There seems to be something wrong with this scenario?

Wasn’t it just a promise, not being able to win, wasn’t that a very normal thing? Two years ago, you can walk your plank bridge, and I’ll walk my sunshine road.

We don’t owe each other anything.

This is the normal scenario!

What’s the point of loving and killing one another?

"Lord, I think that we can discuss about this further!" Fang Zhengzhi felt that the most painful thing in the world was waiting for death.

Defeat Chi Guyan within two years?

He really hadn’t thought about this...

"No discussion is necessary. I have already decided that within these two years, I will announce to the world that I’ll treat you like the Divine Constabulary’s future son-in-law. But if you disrespect Guyan in any way, I won’t wait two years!" Chi Hou waved his hands, indicating that he had made up his mind.

"You really don’t need to treat me like the future son-in-law? There is simply no need..." Fang Zhengzhi felt that things seemed to be getting out of control.

"Don’t tell me you feel that my Guyan can casually arrange a marriage with anybody? Without a name and without a status, how would the outside world view Guyan!" Chi Hou was enraged again.

"I don’t have to care about these details."

"You don’t have to care, but I care!"

"Since this is the case, there are some things I have to make clear. I didn’t bring any engagement presents. Furthermore, I hope that during lord’s announcement to the world, please make it clear that I wouldn’t be a son-in-law living with his wife’s family!" Fang Zhengzhi thought for a while, and felt that it was better for some things to be stated clearly.

"Not living with your wife’s family?! Don’t tell me you still want Guyan to marry into your lousy village?" Chi Hou naturally didn’t care about the present, but this sentence about not living with his wife’s family caused him to become enraged again.

"The mountains become famous not because of its height, but because of the deities living there. The waters become powerful not because of its depth, but because of the dragons living in it. Things may seem humble, but there are great virtues within. The great people of the past had already taught us, why isn’t lord able to see past this?" At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi’s expression turned somewhat serious.

"You..." Chi Hou swallowed the words that came to his mouth. Then, he looked very seriously at Fang Zhengzhi. "I really want to see if two years later, you can still negotiate as freely with me as today!"

"I think I can!" Fang Zhengzhi’s expression was very serious.

It felt as if he was saying something that was very ordinary. If he wasn’t speaking about this incident, nobody might even feel that he was joking.

Chi Hou was slightly taken aback.

Suddenly, he felt that there was something familiar on Fang Zhengzhi’s body, just like the first time he entered the battlefield. At that time, fifty thousand barbarian cavalries stood in front of him.

But, he still chose to look at them with contempt.

Because, he had enough confidence. And now...

On Fang Zhengzhi’s face, he saw the same confidence.

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