Gate of God

Chapter 1011 - Combine the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven

Chapter 1011: Combine the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“You don’t have them?” Yun Qingwu looked at Fang Zhengzhi with a strange expression. “If you really don’t, then we can wait to die together.”

“Of course not...” Fang Zhengzhi was emotionless but he added a sentence after that, “At least not the complete Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven.”

“Then how many do you have?” asked Yun Qingwu.

“Uh...” Fang Zhengzhi hesitated. He was not afraid of saying the truth but he felt strange because Yun Qingwu was the one asking the question.

It felt like he had painstakingly saved some money secretly but was immediately busted by his wife.

He felt guilty.

Although they were not married and this feeling should not exist, most of the Maps of Access to Heaven that Fang Zhengzhi had come from Yun Qingwu.

Of course, another important reason was that the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven was too precious. It would easily cause trouble if someone else knew how many Maps of Access to Heaven he had.

The Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven was Fang Zhengzhi’s biggest secret.

Yet now, he had to reveal this secret to Yun Qingwu, a person who used to be his enemy and the commander of the Monster Race and Demon Race, how would he not be worried?

However, thinking about the deal that Yun Qingwu brought up earlier on...

Fang Zhengzhi felt that he was overly cautious.

“My only wish is for you to kill me with your own hands and bury my body under the Cang Ling Mountain, carving the word “Wu” on the tombstone...”

For someone who was ready to die, even if she knew how many Maps of Access to Heaven Fang Zhengzhi had, how threatening could she be?

“Alright, I have...” Fang Zhengzhi thought about it. He received one on the Cang Ling Mountain, followed by thirteen from Yun Qingwu, nine from the Heaven Dao Pavilion, three which he had snatched from Yun Qingwu and finally, two more from Chou Qi. “I have 28 of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven.”

“Indeed, the two maps of Chou Qi is with you.” Yun Qingwu nodded her head and did not seem to be surprised.

“You know that Chou Qi is looking for the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven?” Fang Zhengzhi was slightly surprised.

Based on his understanding from Chou Qi, Yun Qingwu should not know the exact number of Maps of Access to Heaven Chou Qi had. Moreover, Yun Qingwu did not seem to be concerned about the collection of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven anymore.

Yet now, Yun Qingwu said she knew...

That meant that Chou Qi could be lying. Perhaps Yun Qingwu, unlike what Chou Qi had claimed, was actually concerned about the maps and had been looking for them all along.

Then could it be possible that Yun Qingwu still had some?

This was possible and in fact very probable. After all, it had been more than six months since the battle on the Heaven Zen Mountain.

Besides that, Fang Zhengzhi had always known that Yun Qingwu had made use of the ‘Xuanji Sect’ to control the Radiant Moon Empire and War Pinnacle Empire after the Godly State experts arrived.

Granted with these factors, it was not difficult for Yun Qingwu to obtain the remaining Maps of Access to Heaven.

“Do you still have the Maps of Access to Heaven with you?” At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi asked.

“No, I don’t.” Yun Qingwu shook her head.

“No?” Fang Zhengzhi refused to believe her.

“There are only 36 Maps of Access to Heaven and you have 28 of them. That means you are only lacking eight...” Instead of answering Fang Zhengzhi, Yun Qingwu seemed to be deep in thought. “Although 28 Maps of Access to Heaven are insufficient to defend against the Tree of God, they could be used to help you escape.”

“Used? How?” Although Fang Zhengzhi did not believe that Yun Qingwu had no maps with her, he forcefully suppressed his doubts when he heard the next sentence said by Yun Qingwu.

That was because he never knew that the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven could be “used” as he had always thought that they were for viewing only.

Or perhaps...

Used to plot formations like what Yun Qingwu did in the past.

However, plotting formations was Fang Zhengzhi’s forte. After all, the Law of formations were made possible through the developments in a battlefield.

The formations differed at different geographical locations.

So here came the question...

How to use them?

Use them by throwing them on Nangong Mu’s face?

“There are various ways to use the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven, one of which is to use it as a form of distraction to plot your formation. However, it is not the best way to use it,” explained Yun Qingwu.

“So what is the best way then?” Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes lit up. Did the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven really have other uses? Could it really be used to throw on his opponent’s face?

“Combine the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven.”

“Nonsense, how do I combine them if they are not complete?” Fang Zhengzhi was speechless.

“The Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven look the same but they are different. Each of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven comprises of different ‘Daos’ and realms, therefore, there is a sequence. If you are able to arrange them according to the sequence, even if you don’t have the complete set, you can still form a portion of it,” explained Yun Qingwu.

“Sequence? How do I know the sequence?” Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes lit up again. He could give it a shot if there was really a sequence.

It was as though he had received a map that was torn apart into 36 pieces. However, he could still piece together a part of the map with 28 pieces.

Although the roads would not be complete, he still could obtain some hints from it.

“It’s difficult to tell the sequence of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven at one glance but if you can deduce from the Thirty-six Dippers, it is still possible,” said Yun Qingwu.

“Thirty-six Dippers?” Of course, Fang Zhengzhi knew what that was.

However, the Thirty-six Dippers was a part of Astrology. There were too many different versions of it that it was impossible to master everything by reading some books.

In order to completely understand the core of the Thirty-six Dippers...

One had to do in-depth research.

Moreover, one would have to spend a long time doing in-depth research and be extremely patient.

Fang Zhengzhi was only so-so in terms of patience.

Although he understood the surface level of it, his knowledge was not in-depth. It was difficult for him to deduce the sequence of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven using the Thirty-six Dippers.

“Hmm.” Yun Qingwu nodded.

“Then what?” Fang Zhengzhi asked impatiently.

“Then? Then it is your own business.” Yun Qingwu looked extremely calm and looked like she was saying, ‘I am only going to tell you everything I know’.

“...” Fang Zhengzhi was speechless.

He did not mind to act humble and re-learn. However, he had no time for that now.

Indeed, learning was important!

“You don’t have much time, start now, you just have to combine the 28 pieces of the Maps of Access to Heaven together. It shouldn’t be a difficult task to get out of here,” reminded Yun Qingwu kindly as she saw how Fang Zhengzhi kept silent.

“...” Fang Zhengzhi remained silent.


“...” Fang Zhengzhi remained silent. The roots of the tree spurted out from the ground and twined around Fang Zhengzhi’s right leg, causing him to almost fall to the ground. Yun Qingwu who was beside him also fell and their faces collided with each other.

It looked somewhat intimate.

However, Fang Zhengzhi had no mood to enjoy that as the “birdcage” made by Nangong Mu had shrunk so much that it was almost impossible for him to dodge the strikes.


He would definitely die if he continued delaying!

What should be done?

He didn’t know the Thirty-six Dippers...

Wait a minute!

Someone should know!

Yun Qingwu!

Fang Zhengzhi was aware that Yun Qingwu was very proficient in terms of her knowledge on the Art of Qimen. He knew that when he first went to Yun Qingwu’s boat.

Yun Qingwu must be the person who knew the Thirty-six Dippers the best in the world.

She was a talented lady.

However, this talented woman was mixed blood of the monster and demon race. Moreover, she was the Young Lord who was respected by the Monster Race and Demon Race and an enemy that Fang Zhengzhi had to be wary of.

“Do you know the Thirty-six Dippers?” Although Fang Zhengzhi knew that Yun Qingwu would definitely know, he could not hold in his question.

“A little,” said Yun Qingwu without denying.

“So you can deduce the sequence of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven, right?” asked Fang Zhengzhi again.

“Yes, but are you willing to hand the Maps of Access to Heaven over to me? Aren’t you afraid that I will run away with them?” Radiance flashed across Yun Qingwu’s eyes and she blushed because she was too close to Fang Zhengzhi.

She dazzled the entire nation when she turned and smiled.

Fang Zhengzhi had never seen such a beautiful “scenery” before. His heart fluttered when Yun Qingwu blushed.

Yun Qingwu’s beauty was not the beauty when she turned and smiled.

In fact, Yun Qingwu gave off a feeling as though she was the red in the black ink painting. She was eye-catching but elegant.

Fang Zhengzhi clenched his fist.

Yun Qingwu...

Although she was beautiful, she was so terrifying that nobody could guess what she was thinking of.

It was like a mystery that one would like to solve.

However, after one solved it, one would realize that there were more mysteries behind it. There could even be a knife in the mystery, a knife that was capable of killing.

Fang Zhengzhi did not want to guess what was going on in Yun Qingwu’s mind as he could not possibly do that.

However, whatever Yun Qingwu said was very practical.

Like what Yun Qingwu mentioned, Fang Zhengzhi knew that she had a deep understanding of the Thirty-six Dippers, however, would he really bear to hand over 28 of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven to her?

What if...

She really fled without Fang Zhengzhi?

Even if she did not flee without Fang Zhengzhi, would Fang Zhengzhi still be able to control her like now?

If she had the power to escape the control of the Tree of God, she would definitely be able to escape from Fang Zhengzhi’s control.

This was a dilemma that Fang Zhengzhi had never faced before.

If he did not give her the maps, he would die.

If he did, he would die too.

“Apart from using the Thirty-six Dippers to deduce the sequence of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven, are there any other methods?” asked Fang Zhengzhi after pondering over it and added, “You know that I will definitely hand over the Maps of Access to Heaven to you.”

“I know...” Yun Qingwu was not surprised but she looked disappointed. “I thought we were already a team.”

“...” Fang Zhengzhi’s heart fluttered.

He could see the disappointment in Yun Qingwu’s eyes. It was an expression that never appeared on her before and she looked like she was the Meng Jiangnv who cried the Great Wall down 1 .


An endless wait.

Yet, she was ultimately disappointed.

Fang Zhengzhi suddenly felt that perhaps Yun Qingwu would not trick him. Perhaps Yun Qingwu really wanted to fight alongside with him.

However, he negated this thought quickly as his opponent was Yun Qingwu.

A woman whom he could not understand.

“Speak, you must have other ways.” Fang Zhengzhi clenched his teeth. At this point in time, he had no choice but to sound extremely harsh.

Yun Qingwu raised her head.

She looked quietly at Fang Zhengzhi. They were so close to each other that Fang Zhengzhi could feel the warmth in Yun Qingwu’s breath.

“You want both the Demon Lord and Monster Lord to die?” Fang Zhengzhi’s heart fluttered again but he suppressed that feeling and reminded Yun Qingwu.

“There are no other ways, but...”

“But what?”

“There is another way which does not require you to pass the Maps of Access to Heaven to me.” Yun Qingwu said after hesitating.

“What is it?” Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes lit up and he rejoiced secretly to himself. Indeed, Yun Qingwu’s words could not be trusted.

“It’s simple, you just have to put me inside the black-golden box containing the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven and I will be able to combine the Maps of Access to Heaven for you. Once I’m done, you can use it.”

“Put you inside the black-golden box?” Fang Zhengzhi was stunned for a moment but soon figured it out.

If he put Yun Qingwu in the black-golden box, he would still have control of the Maps of Access to Heaven and all that Yun Qingwu could do was to help Fang Zhengzhi to combine the 28 Maps of Access to Heaven.

However, the black-golden box did not belong to a standalone Small Dimension. Instead, it belonged to a completely sealed space.

To put it simply, it was impossible to breathe in the black-golden box.

In order to use the Thirty-six Dippers to deduce the sequence of the Thirty-six Maps of Access to Heaven within a limited time in a place without air...

How terrifyingly powerful must her state of mind be?

“Rest assured, I am confident about this but you have to remember your promise. If I die... you have to bury my body under the Cang Ling Mountain and burn a musical score for me every year on the Qingming Festival. If possible, I hope to hear... the “Guanglin San” played by you.” Yun Qingwu’s eyes looked desolated towards the last part of her sentence.

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