Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 470: Devourer

Chapter 470: Devourer

Although the people were shaken by the commotionWhy does a kid like him own a bioweapon?they were all weathered martial artists, so after just a momentary pause, they charged for his head. They were looking down on the boy, but a bioweapon could take any martial artist to the next level. While he could never beat so many people, they still had to pay a bit of blood to kill him!

From Nathans perspective, Xiang Ning was serving himself on a platter. Did he think he was so great just because of a bioweapon? You took the weapon out to look cool, but in the end, you showed such a huge weakness. Do you think these powerful people are that useless?

They all thought he was dead for sure.

Hahaha, I cant believe how little chemistry you have with your bioweapon, and you dare take it out. You must be asking for death! The person following closely behind Moray slashed mightily.

Chemistry between a bioweapon and a person was important. The more chemistry they had, the more power could be unleashed. Right now, Xiang Ning was too weak to match his Devourer, so he couldnt even use it. So, naturally, it looked like he had low chemistry with it.

Just as everyone thought he would die, there was a plot twist!

They heard a faint muttering from Xiang Ning.

Eight Gates!

Gate of Origin, Gate of Resting, Gate of Life, Gate of Pain open! Xiang Ning straightened his back so fast that no one could react, the muscles in his arm bulged, and he pulled the Devourer up. The power he displayed made Nathan and the rest widen their eyes.

When the Devourer was pulled up, it immediately blocked the attack launched by the first person to arrive!


Metal collided with metal and the other persons eyes widened; he felt like time had slowed by two or three times. How was that possible!

Xiang Ning smiled. In the next second, seven people surrounded him!

Gate of Resolution! Gate of Joy! Sixth Gate, open!

Xiang Nings aura reached a new peak. He could possibly be tier six, nine-star now.

The heavy, sinking Devourer in his hand suddenly turned as light as a piece of paper, so when he jerked it up and horizontally swung it, the circle of fighters were in shock as the weapon slashed quickly in front of their chests.

Duang duang duang duang!

Consecutive clangs of metal on metal sounded. Nathan and the rest widened their eyes even more as their jaws dropped. They had just witnessed everyones weapons being shattered!


Oh my god! Am I dreaming?

Hows that possible? Hows that possible?!

How is he that strong? Was what Nathan said.

One must understand that those weapons were suitable for tier five masters, which were at least Hunter Mk. 6 iridium longswords or meteorite blades. They were famous for their durability and sharpness, yet they had been rendered useless by Xiang Nings Devourer. Not only was it a testament to the greatness of the Devourer, it also proved its wielders abilities!

One could have excellent weapons, but it didnt mean they had the ability to properly wield them. Just like how Xiang Ning had fed the Devourer so much that his own growth couldnt catch up to the weapon, rendering him unable to use it. Thankfully, he had the Eight Gates technique, which raised his own ability to a level that could wield the Devourer for ten minutes.

The current Xiang Ning looked like the devil.

Then, with a crack!, the Devourers blade broke. The stunned group was lit ablaze once more, and Xiang Ning thought it was strange when he saw how fast his Fury Points rose. The strength he had just displayed was enough to defeat them all; it would be fine if they didnt want to surrender and admit defeat, but to retaliate?

Hehe, without a weapon, what can you do?

To them, Xiang Nings sudden outburst was only because of the weapon. Although something felt wrong about his strength, the weapon overpowered him and their attention was only on it.

You can no longer use your weapon, but we still have ours! As they spoke, they took out their spare weapons. Although not everyone had one, the ones with more portable weapons had spares.

To their disbelief, the bioweapon restored itself where the broken part was and Xiang Ning shook his head. Dont you guys know that a bioweapon can heal itself? And did you guys really think that your weapons could destroy mine?

Looking at the freshly healed weapon, their expressions darkened. This was a sticky situation!


Moray stood up, patted the dust off himself and smirked while looking at his bioweapon. Then a black tube similar to Xiang Nings tube appeared before him.

What a coincidence, Ive got a bioweapon too!

Ssss! Similarly, the pressure lock was released to reveal a long sword as black as ink. It was shorter than Xiang Nings bioweapon, but looked extremely sharp. Youre Chinese, arent you? To be honest, I really love cold weapons made by your people, they're excellent! He took the weapon out. Just like the Devourer, it had an attachment at the connection between the blade and the hilt. It was smaller than the Devourer, but everyone could sense the madness contained in the grayish black goo.

When they thought Xiang Ning was dead, he smiled. A bioweapon? Is that a gift for me? The glow from the Devourer suddenly turned red and while Morays bioweapon had initially radiated fierceness, it froze, then radiated fear instead. An emotion only Moray could sense!

Whats going on? Hows that possible? He was in disbelief.

Then the goo slithered out of the Devourers attachment and turned into a Western dragon head. It no longer displayed the head of a beast like the Kaiser Aurumzard, it was now a fusion of all the tyrant-level beast cores it had consumed. Twisted, violent, greedy, and evil were all adjectives that could be used on it. Just like its name, the Devourer existed to Devourer everything before it!

The group was shaken. Seeing a bioweapon was already rare, and the appearance of a bioweapons core in that form was even more so. They had seen for themselves how nourished this bioweapon was.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

RIP Moray's bioweapon

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