Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 468: Unwise

Chapter 468: Unwise

Right, theres more people in there, we need to hurry and get them back here!

When Nathan heard that, he asked, The rest came too?


Then why are only you guys here? What about the rest? Natalia frowned, then she continued in a strange tone, They havent tried turning other ways, have they? Before arriving where they were, there were other exits, but Xiang Ning said he had checked those and they might have threats so they didnt choose them. That was why they had only arrived after thirty minutes.

Y-yes. We lost three people at the first and second exit, then after that, we didnt follow the other people to the exits and instead went straight, he said with an ashen face.

Nathan huffed. Didnt you guys see the arrows along the way?

We we did, but Moray said not to trust you, and everyone had their reservations too. So. His implication was obvious. They were afraid that Xiang Ning would bring them harm, that they would die if they followed the arrows.

Xiang Ning smirked. Im not that evil. And based on what happened, he shouldve considered himself lucky you guys didnt abandon him, howd he make you guys believe him? I dont know if you guys are dumb or hes just too charismatic.

His unrestrained mocking faced no rebuttal, because everyone felt like he was right. There was no other way to say it. They were the ones who had refused to follow him when hed first appeared, then, after that, they ignored his arrows. Now they still had to follow them anyway? Why would they listen to a madman? Dumb was a kind word, other people would have said their heads had been kicked by a donkey. It was fine to be cautious, if they were the ones who thought of it. But they shouldnt have done so just because a madman told them to. They deserved it.

Xiang Ning ignored them. He was barely eighteen, while the rest were veteran tier five martial artists of at least twenty-four years old and above. Were they worth his pity? No. He turned and, after he took three steps, there was some commotion at the exit. But they heard more sounds, like something magnetic, and everyone jumped.

A beam shot out of the hatch, aimed directly at Xiang Ning, who cocked his head. He had powerful Mental Power and Combat Instinct, would he be afraid of an ambush like that?

But he didnt retaliate, because the person who appeared was the madman who didnt want to leave and wanted others to stay. Moray.

Shit! Dammit! I finally found you! You bastard! You almost killed us! You deserve to die! You deserve to die! Morays golden hair was drenched with sweat, matted, and grimy like a mop, plastered to his face.

In the face of the madman, Xiang Ning stood his ground. Nobody was sure if it was from shock or whether he was actually calm. To the rest, Moray was acting like a berserk beast. They all frowned, feeling slightly nervous.

Xiang Ning looked young. Although he wasnt weak, he was quite young, and right now he looked like he was frozen with fear.

Only Natalia and Nathan were amused by the scene. There was a Chinese saying: act as a pig to eat the tiger. Although Xiang Ning didnt pretend to be weak, his youth caused a lot of misunderstandings. If he came from a wealthy background, he wouldnt have been underestimated like this.

Natalia whispered, How do you think hell deal with this?

How would I know? But I dont think hell be defeated by bastards like that. Nathan didnt suppress his voice, so everyone heard him and gave him an odd look.

Whos Nathan referring to?

Moray heard him and turned to glare at Nathan, his eyes filled with bloodlust. But would Nathan back down? His aura immediately erupted. I havent gotten my revenge yet. What? Do you want to challenge me?

Tier five, nine-star. He was the most powerful person present, on paper at least. Although there were other high-tier people present, as a person from a rich family, even if they were on the same tier, he could kill them with his vast resources like weapons and battle armor. Just those two alone would be enough for an instant kill.

Morays expression darkened. He dared not act rashly before the Chosen One of North America, though he swore to remember this moment.

What? Do you only bully people who look weak? If youre so upset, you can challenge me too! Xiang Nings voice suddenly rang across the space while Nathan smirked.

Everyone else was shocked. Xiang Ning was strong, but he seemed to only be a spiritual cultivator since he had only really displayed his mental abilities. Although he had also used his weapon to slash robots, hed almost died. Those robots could have been killed by anyone of at least tier three, so if Moray got close to Xiang Ning, wouldnt he lose?

Although Moray was afraid of Nathan, he was still from a rich and influential family so he had decent equipment. That was why other people trusted him. He was the prince of Dexter Corporation, an arms dealer. He was equipped with the most modern battle armor in the world, it would be easy for him to get close to Xiang Ning.

The rest shook their heads, thinking Xiang Ning was being too impulsive. Nathan can provoke him, but you cant! He might look disheveled now, but hes still strong. You cant underestimate himat least half the people in this room would lose to him in a fight.

Most importantly, what Nathan had said sounded like he was protecting Xiang Ning, or at least standing up for him. Although that wasnt his intention, that was how the rest saw it. Xiang Ning challenging Moray meant he was shunning Nathans protection, which was very unwise.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts


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