Fire Mage

Chapter 259: Systems Help

Chapter 259: System's Help

"Old man, did you find him?" Charles asked as he was panting heavily and stared at the two peak-level enemies.

At that moment, both of them completely locked their gazes on him and gave no opening for him even to escape!

"Nope. The enemy seems to have perceived the change in variation." The artifact responded.

Upon hearing the Holem's Crown's words, Charles clicked his tongue and started to think.

'Although I manage to counter Cedric's blood control ability by distancing myself from him, I couldn't completely eradicate it. It's still causing me slight dizziness. Then, there is this forewarning…'

His face went icy cold.

He could feel that his time was nearing and got anxious a little.

Just when he was about to make a move, his heartbeat accelerated at a faster pace.

Simultaneously, the strange forewarning echoed in his mind like an alarm bell sound.

On the other hand, Louise and Cedric hovered opposite to him and looked pale.

Although there weren't any severe wounds on their bodies, exhaustion could be seen on their faces.

"If this goes on like this, we won't be able to succeed," Cedric said in a cold voice.

Louise nodded her head in approval upon hearing his words and was about to respond but suddenly froze.

At that moment, she received a piece of information through a telepathic link and went wide-eyed.

She hurriedly glanced at Cedric and noticed that he was also showing a surprised expression on his face.

Then, both glanced at each other and nodded their heads in understanding.

"One more round." The corner of Louise's lips curled upward as she said those words and waved her hand.

The next instant, the wind blew through the trees with a powerful force, scattering the dried leaves and banging the tower window doors as if they were its chaotic drumbeat.

Meanwhile, dark clouds had long gathered up in the sky and looked dominating.

Thunders and lightning flashes appeared from time to time, announcing to everyone that they were nothing but puny life forms!

"The last one," Cedric muttered as he looked up at the eerie cloudy sky.

On the other hand, Charles flapped his eerie reddish-black wings and felt a sharp headache.

It was the forewarning skill's reaction to the upcoming danger!

His system interface also suddenly turned red and gave out a warning signal!

At that moment, raindrops fell from the sky one by one.

'It seems I've to use it now.' Charles muttered inwardly and activated his Rank-2 [Vision] skill.

A moment later, tens of futuristic images appeared in front of his eyes one by one.

Without hesitation, he activated his [Accelerate Thoughts] skill and glanced at the images.

At that moment, his whole surroundings started to move slower.

No, the whole surrounding went frozen in time!

'System is helping me?' A surprise flashed on his face.

He also saw a strange countdown appeared in the corner of his eyes.

'40 seconds. It's the almighty plot armor!' Without wasting any time, Charles shifted his attention towards the futuristic images and started to gather information.

'In the next few seconds, Louise and Cedric will attack me at the same time. Five lightning bolts will strike me first and break my [Sun's Guard] spell. Lightning? It must be Louise's [Control Weather] spell. At the same time, she will also use her [Curse of Corrosion] spell and [Chain of Chaos] spell and attack…'

'When I try to teleport, something will obstruct me, giving opportunity for [Chain of Chaos] spell to completely bind me… It must be her [Dark Space] spell. But the [Sun's Guard] spell will once again appear around me, and block [Curse of Corrosion] spell before disappearing. Unfortunately, I will only notice the [Wind Scythe] spell at the last minute and lose my right arm in return.'

'When I try to use [Soul Heal] spell to attach my arm, Cedric will use the [Finger of Death] skill and disintegrate it completely. Simultaneously, he will say something and stops my movement. Just when I wake up from the strange state, he will take out a strange emerald amulet, smile at him, and then muttered a word.'

'The next instant, my whole body will forcefully teleport and soon reappear in the area where he stands before. Is it the [Fate-Shift] spell?' Charles nodded inwardly and soon saw the final two images.

He saw a strange crack appeared in the space.

Then, a monstrous reddish claw-like hand came from it, grabbed his body, and pulled him into the void!

'What the hell is that?' Charles stared at the final images for a moment and soon noticed that only 10 seconds were remaining.

'Damn it, I still got no clue about the enemy…I need to fool the enemy and find out his exact location while battling. Otherwise, the hidden enemy might use another method to kill me.' He thought inwardly and soon made a simple plan.

When the 'Time Freezing' effect ended, Charles suddenly extended his hand, released crimson flames, and enveloped the surroundings to obstruct the enemies' vision.

Then, he shifted his gaze towards the space ring and took out two scythes!

There were the two rare artifacts that he got from killing the fake Elder!

Then, he cast [Sleight of Mystery Hand] skill, covered those two scythes with invisible strings, and made them invisible.

By the time the surrounding flames dispersed, Charles had returned to his previous state and stared at Louise and Cedric with a cold look on his face.

Although Louise, Cedric, and Willy felt something was off about his sudden action, they didn't put much thought into it.

In the meantime, Willy stood on the top floor while holding a strange black scroll and had long started to chant a weird incantation.

Due to a strange concealment array applied on the ground, he appeared entirely invisible!

Without putting much thought into Charles's earlier action, he focused his attention on the strange scroll and continued to chant.

Whenever he recited a sentence, strange energy moved out from the black scroll and flew up towards the sky.

Meanwhile, Charles got ready for the final battle and spoke in his mind.

'Mr. Runeth, I want you to create a large-scale illusion at a particular moment.'

Saying so, he activated his [Arcane Eyes] skill, [Accelerate Thoughts] skill, and finally cast [Sun's Guard] spell on himself.

At that moment, Louise also waved her hand and cast her spells.

First, flashes of lightning appeared from the sky, landed above his head, and destroyed his [Sun's Guard] spell in a second!

But unlike before, Charles didn't try to teleport, changed his facial expression into a confused one, and waited.

In a blink, eerie black chains appeared from below, slithered towards his legs, and soon bound his body.

Simultaneously, a black ray shot out from Louise's palm and flew towards Charles's body at a terrifying speed.

Upon seeing the ray, Charles changed his face into a pale one, cast [Sun's Guard] spell on himself.

A banging sound resounded in the sky as the corrosive ray landed on the sunshine layer and completely disintegrated it before disappearing.

At that point, Charles suddenly cast [Fire Born] spell on himself and waited for the [Wind Scythe] spell.

Within a second, an invisible scythe touched his chest area, entered deep into his flame body, and soon appeared on the other side.

A tongue clicking noise came out of Louise's mouth as she saw his action.

Meanwhile, Cedric raised his eyebrows and soon frowned.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly forgot what to say!

Utilizing the opportunity, Charles glanced at the silver ring and spoke.

'Mr. Runeth, do it now.'

A moment later, a strange invisible ripple appeared in the sky and started replaying a scene from one of those previous battles.

'Good.' Charles muttered inwardly and was about to make his move but stopped.

At that moment, Cedric returned to his normal state!

'He nullified them?'

Charles cast [Burning Thoughts] and [Fire Seed] spells on him again.

But to his astonishment, he received no information at all!

Cedric somehow cut the connection with his spells and completely nullified them!

At that moment, a strange smile crept on Cedric's face as he took out a peculiar emerald amulet from his space ring and spoke.


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