Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 91: Was it because it's fun?

Chapter 91: Was it because it's fun?

"Three reincarnations of happiness, three reincarnations of sadness; where do you belong? How do you live?"

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in the black space. When the voice stopped, Fei again disappeared from the black space and appeared in the bright room. After taking over the body he realizes he was in the world of elves, and he has taken over the body of an elf that was participating in the Tournament of Mafic.

Here, people use magic and elves too. They use magic for almost everything. After Fei took over the body, he lived here for six days filled with tournaments and matches. He fought against many of his friends; enjoyed every moment, flirt with lots of other elves. Finally, after the tournament finishes, he got the third rank and returned to the black space.

This was his second reincarnation, and if he remembers correctly then he would enter the third reincarnation also filled with happiness. And the same thing happened he was reincarnated as a king of a country and enjoyed the harem of hundred ladies. He lived for fifteen days with bliss.

Finally, in the fourth reincarnation, something very bad happened. The moment he reincarnates he got every bit of emotions of the original soul as usual but unfortunately, he was born like 12 years old child. Just after he reincarnates, his mom and dad got divorced due to the bad relationship between them. After, two days later his mom got sick and died.

He was left all alone, he cried and cried for a day. Later, his dad took him and he was settled with his dad and new mom. But he was always bullied by his new mom, and just after three days his dad's business was completely bankrupt, so everyone started to call him misfortune.

In this life, he tried to suicide many times but at the last moment, the original soul of the body saved him, encouraged him to live and live until he can be happy again. So he lived, he lived for next month filled with curses and bully. But he never gave up living, finally, after a month everything turns normal he saved his new mom from the gang which made their relationship better though he suffered a lot of pain for that.

His dad's business was also overcome many obstacles, finally flourishing. After that, before his soul left he says goodbye to the original soul and also thanked him for such support. Previously if he had suicide due to the pain, he would only fail the reincarnation but thanks to the original soul he overcomes this obstacle.

After this painful experience, he once again encountered betrayal by the best-brother his after he overcomes his tribulation. But unlike the previous original soul, this original was soul was full of vengeance, they got rebirth after 100 years and finally, during those years he taught his original soul, he'll get nothing from the revenge.

So, for 100 years, this guy didn't make any friends or fall of any beauty. Only after a hundred years, he began to feel about friends but it was already too late for that. He was already the emperor-level expert on his world. He only gets either respect or fear of others. He was full of sadness but this is his life.

As for Fei, he succeeds in reincarnation, and the reason simply because he managed to change the original soul feeling. It was kind of a pity since the original soul didn't get any friends after he left. But this is just a reincarnation, no-matter how sad he was? He couldn't change anything, nothing at all.

This was a truly sad moment, even though he got his revenge he didn't change himself rather he remained even colder. After, this reincarnation he suffered the third reincarnation of sadness. This life is about the person who was bullied by fellow members all the time. He got angry many times but there was nothing he can do.

He was the son of a poor family who was recruited in the prestigious school due to his excellent grades. This school only had prestigious families studying. This world was very high-tech and most of these students have a higher rank due to their family prestige.

This whole world was controlled by an A.I. It was the core reason for such hierarchy, because of their contribution towards the world; they were rewarded with higher status. And the person, whose soul was shared with Fei, was from a poor family.

But something that Fei understand about this guy made him speechless. This guy is such a genius who builds designs and blueprints for ten time's high-level tech of this world. But this guy was so scared bird that he never shows his design to others. He was scared about his family getting in danger due to such tech design.

Fei had to completely turn this scared guy into a courageous person. Not only that but he also needs to plan for increasing contribution by selling these designs to the A.I. This was a little hard since this guy had no-connections. Slowly but steadily, Fei began to create a relationship with higher up. It was hard at first since higher up treats them as trash or lower being.

So he chooses a violent way. If someone starts bullying him then, he began to counterattack with violence. This caused him some problems, fortunately, the judge was A.I. so he began to show his excellent grades and his talent for society. This caused disbelieve for some moment in fact one time he angrily called them 'trash eating what their ancestor left'.

Fortunately, the person he beats up was really someone with low grades. He made some disturbance between lower level family and higher-level family. After this, he didn't waste any more time to contact A.I. for verifying his techs design. The only problem he was facing, was identity reveal to those who hold the power and right of A.I.

If you gain contribution then there are two ways to spend it, first to increase his status in society, second to increase his power and rights on A.I. though the second option is hard and until you get reveal yourself, no one will know if you are from a poor family.

But unfortunately, no one from a poor family uses the second option because the first option not only brings status but also money which is essential for those families. But Fei had different thoughts or you can say the original soul had different thoughts.

Up until now, it seems like Fei was doing this all but that wasn't true. All Fei did was to encourage him and controlled original soul emotion while every talk and design was made by the original soul. In fact, only one thing that the original soul doesn't possess was strong emotions.

Fei completed this with his soul and now they are flourishing together. But they also encountered some problems like his parent's accident though they didn't die. This caused him to work even hard and earn more rights for A.I. But his rise made many people suspicious; they began to make difficulties in his progress by using their rights over A.I.

His first project gave him 5% right over A.I. This was already a lot which gathers much attention, after all, 5% is already high in front of billions of population. Since rights over A.I. are hard to gain, many people don't choose this option.

Not only that, his second and third projects gave him 20% rights and power over A.I. This made the power struggle even hard. Many people whose rights were above him tried everything they could to decline his next project but unfortunately for them, nothing matters.

In the eyes of A.I., his next project was completely against the sky. He drew a complete way to devour the energy from the star when Mankind has barely set foot outside their solar system. Though A.I. was the creation of mankind when A.I. was made, somebody broke the rules and changed the code. Though he has punished this code was for the betterment of humanity.

Now, for A.I. their only purpose to exist between humans was to develop the human race to the top of the universe. Unfortunately, many people didn't understand this concept and that man has to sacrifice himself. Just, before his death, A.I. function was established and now no-one can completely control the A.I.

Because their contribution was never enough to surpass the 50% right over the A.I. But his project changed this, and the next moment the whole world was shocked due to the announcement of A.I.

"From the date: 2205-01-12, Charles has gain half of A.I. authority. According to the agreement made during A.I. creation, now Charles is the only true ruler of whole Humanity. Any opposition against the Charles will be counted as humanity betrayal."

From this moment on, Charles's life was changed. All of this was brought by himself, all those suffering, all those moments of bullying, all those moments of hard work, now he is the center of this world. Fei didn't almost anything in this, he only watched the struggle made by Charles to get his position.

Then he remembers, isn't this something he is doing now? And he remembers Charles's final words before disappearing "I didn't have any emotions but you gave me this. Though I achieved so much today, I also enjoyed every struggle I made during all this time because you were part of me during those moments. I don't know how did you get inside of me? or your purpose for encouraging me?

Though I don't have your life experience I can tell you are using some kind of magic. Since you are entering my body, was it to gain experience or power? If it is the power then when you started all this, what kind of thought you had? What was the purpose of this? Why are you gaining experience or power? Is it because you want to be strong or is it because you are bored with something?

You helped me a lot though you aren't as smart as mine, remember this remember when you start the thing you are doing, why did you start it 'was it because it's fun?' Because all this time, I felt you lack something as if you have forgotten the true reason for things you are doing.

So, just remember it, remember your first feeling while you start the thing you are doing currently. I didn't figure it out early but since you stayed for a whole year inside my body, there were many occasions I felt it.

Remember, you can get power, you can get experience, you can get wealth, you can get women but what you really need is 'fun' on the thing you are doing?"

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