Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 48: Thunder Force, Life Force and Potential

Chapter 48: Thunder Force, Life Force and Potential

Fei didn't look further just stored it on his spatial ring. He first wanted to store in his pagoda but realizing number of people around him, he didn't do it. When things are absorbed in spatial ring, it flew in like it got swallowed whereas, to put it on pagoda, it will just disappear. This might aroused some doubts on other which is not good for him.

So he just put it in and walks forward. He didn't notice shock created in elders face.

"Did he just get Blazing Fire Sun Technique?" Blue rope elder asked other in shocked voice.

"If my eyes aren't wrong then yes" Gray rope elder chuckled.

"It is really Blazing Fire Sun Technique. This is blessing for him. Blazing Fire Sun Technique will help him acquired fire attribute in his qi, in case he doesn't have one. But this also required terrible perception. There are thirteen layers in it and each layer is harder than previous one." White rope elder said

Silver and Red rope elder didn't say much just continue to watch.

"Terrible pressure" Fei just took a step on 81st step, he felt his body will be smashed down. He took deep breath and murmured "Dragon Elephant Phantom"

With his call, magic power hidden in his cell burst like fire spreading powerful energy throughout his body. His speed, stamina, endurance doubled up.

This time, he knows now he can't walk like previous time. His magic power is burning out, so he needs to finish this quick.

"River step"

His speed increased like phantom, he travelled from 81st step to 85th step in just three breath of time. This was very fast speed and it was consuming large amount of qi from his dantian but fei still didn't intent to slow down. He just ran like a gust of wind.

"Holy shit"

"This guy is running so fast"

"How can someone run after reaching 80th step?"

"Yeah this guys is clearly a monster"

Those who were below were shocked to their mind exploding. This was too much for them. Not only them but those who were above 80th step also felt fei. They were also dignified because of such action.

"Impossible! He must be using some kind of treasure" A yellow cloth wearing boy said with gloomy face. He was clearly at the top and now someone is catching up to him made him very unhappy. He had his own pride. He refused to accept this situation.

"Even if he is using treasure, there is no rule" Second lazy looking tall guy in purple dress said. It sounds like he was forced to participate.

Seeing fei speed, girl in white cloth also murmured "Is he trying to get attention?"

At this time, elders were also shocked. They whispered in low.

"He must have cultivated some sort of secret art which increase his strength for period of time which is why he should be running so fast"

"I think the same. Well as long as he doesn't break the rule, it's okay"

They talk like they didn't care but among them one looked very gloomy at this time. Killing intent appeared in his eyes. This was red rope elder. Other elders also felt that killing intent but didn't care. The reason why he released killing intent was because person at the top of that group was his nephew and now he was getting surpassed.

Fei speed was terrible. It didn't take long for him to catch up to 90th step. At this moment finally he stops, sit down and start resting. He stop running his dragon elephant phantom in his dantian. He started taking some rest.

While he was taking rest only five people arrived at 90th step.

They also sit down taking rest. No one dare to injure other at this moment. Everyone was defenseless, at this moment lady in white clothes reached near fei and asked in small delicate voice "senior brother may I know your name?"

Fei opened his eyes and saw a girl in white. Her face looks like pure moon. She was wearing ancient Chinese style clothes. Slender body, curvy butt and breast with little round, little long face, she looks just like fairy. Even fei was daze for some seconds. But he reacted soon with smile on his face; he said "My name is Xia Long Fei and yours?"

"Oh sorry I should have introduced myself first. My name is Yun Chufen." Although she participate in outer sect competition meaning her age should be less than fifteen, her body is well developed as she just look like nineteen year old.

She intoxicated surrounding just with her voice, she asked "senior brother is strong, how come we never had heard about you?" She is true after all only hand full of students know about him. So it can be clear she hasn't heard of him.

"Oh I am relatively old student maybe that's why?" Fei didn't explain just using plain way to answer. He once again says "junior sister shouldn't you get rest for upcoming floors?"

"Yes, yes I almost forget" She giggled and knocked her own head indicating her poor mind. She was acting cute at this moment.

Fei smiled at her and sit cross, trying to regain his lost stamina. They can't use pills to recover but they run spiritual qi inside their body tempering their body. This is relatively slowest way to recover stamina but fei had different on his mind.

While he was cultivating, some was releasing killing intent to him. This was none other than Zhao family disciple. His name is Zhao Guiren. Cultivation is soul refining stage 8th layers. Among all, his realm is highest. Second to him is another guy with slim body and handsome face. He was wearing blue dress and had normal face expression.

His name is Lei Gang. His cultivation is Soul Refining Stage 7th layer. He had a sword in his waist. It was clear, he was sword cultivator. Fei even felt sword oppression from opponent. Next to him was another bulky guy. His skin was little dark but had strong physical strength. He was wearing tiger skin cloth. He had a T-shirt and short pant.

Next were Yun Chufen and Fei. They were currently cultivating when they felt killing intention from Zhao Guiren. But next moment he stopped his killing intent, he clearly felt now is not the time. Fei also felt that but he didn't care. He was focus on revolving thunder force around his body.

Due to God Force seed, his thunder qi changed into thunder force. But it is only first level thunder force. Force is divided into three types, maybe more but fei only knows these three: Spirit, Earth and Heaven. Now his thunder force is spirit first level force. His five elements are not powerful enough to enter God Force Seed.

Yes only if any kind of qi is powerful enough to break barrier of God Force Seed and enter, they can turn into force. If it wasn't for that black thunder power, thunder qi produced by his spirit roots aren't powerful enough to enter God Force Seed.

Thunder force is very powerful even if it is just spirit first level, it is enough to temper his vitality to regain stamina. Vitality means life force and life force is source of stamina. Cultivation increase life force, increasing stamina of a body and life force also represent potential. If they life force is exhausted their potential will decrease.

Recovering life force is hardest thing to do. Only some sacred cultivation arts and heavenly treasures can recover life force. Life force can also bring huge power on burning which is why there are some live saving arts that consume life force to give extra power for short time.

His berserk is same, which is why he doesn't use berserk anymore unless life and death situations. After all his talent is sealed, all he had is potential. He is using his potential to increase his talents. Since life force is also a force, it is very hard to increase or temper with qi but using another force is to temper life force is different story.

Force is something that is very hard to understand; even with Dao of enlightenment fei couldn't understand it. He can only depend on God Force Seed to increase force in his body. According to Ancient Heavenly God Force Art, Force can even break cycle of heaven at highest stage. Now fei can understand why it said such arrogant words.

Life force is also a force. Increasing life force means increasing cultivation, if you reach highest level of life force means you reach highest level in cultivation. Highest cultivation means even above heaven after all cultivation is path against heaven. If you are above heaven doesn't that means you can break cycle of heaven with ease.

Fei was revolving thunder force to temper is body cell. These cells contain life force. Spiritual qi practice cultivation, cultivation increase means life force increase. So that means life force is directly related with spiritual qi.

Yes it is true, even fei knows spiritual qi contain very thin amount of vitality. If you can get life force related cultivation art, you can separate vitality from spiritual qi and absorb vitality only.

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