Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 44: Bloodlines and Physique

Chapter 44: Bloodlines and Physique

Fei and fatty walk inside the house and settle in different rooms. The room where currently fei stayed was a spacious room with some drawing on the walls, one bed, a chair, and big mat.

After half an hour, a call comes from another room.

"Young master dinner is ready"

Fei was currently sitting down on the mat trying to stabilize his cultivation asking many sorts of questions about his bloodline to Linger. When he heard the call, he stood up and walks out of the room heading towards to big room.

This was the dining room for them. Fatty was also out. There were plenty of dishes on a big table surrounded by nearly twelve chairs. When fei watched those chairs, he missed some peoples. They were his brother and sister from his clan. They usually stay with fei and loved him very much.

Fei was very happy because of it but when he heard fatty he was shocked. He also felt a little unbelievable and decided to ask when he returns home. There was another thing he was antagonist about i.e. Jiang girl. From fatty and her conversation, he could conclude she has very high status but he never knew about Jiang's family from eight great clans.

More than that, fatty was the son of Lu's family patriarch so why does he need to so much respect. The only conclusion he came up with was, she belongs to some powerful dynasty.

This was the latest information he got from Long Hao. Actually this is not a Zhen Qi continent instead it is the Zhen Qi dynasty which is why it has an emperor. Zhen dynasty is very big so most of the people under the Spiritual sea realm do not know about it.

More than that, the Zhen Qi dynasty is just a low-level dynasty with at least Hundreds of thousands of miles. And there are fifty dynasties like the Zhen Qi dynasty in this continent. Three are also some thirty middle-level dynasties and five high-level dynasties.

Above the Spiritual sea, the realm is the Houtain realm and from there real cultivation starts. As for detail, fei didn't ask so he doesn't know. To reach the Houtain realm, one needs to at least leave for a middle-level dynasty cause a low-level dynasty won't be able to create so much of resources.

Of course, there are exceptions like Sky-high forest but this also contains risk. Fei also asked about this continent's name and other continents. There are actually seven continents and this continent is the smallest named Kailash.

Most people believe this is a holy place of Lord Shiva which is said to be a god. The different continent has a different name. Such as the Wild continent, desert continent, Amazon forest continent. Fei was very excited listening to this after all this world will be very interesting for him.

He also got some basic information about bloodlines and physiques. Bloodline simply refers to identity for someone's identity meaning almost everyone has bloodline from their ancestors. Things that matter most are which families and family members can awaken it since it's already present in their blood.

The reason why there are so few bloodline user on the Zhen Qi dynasty is that their ancestors couldn't awaken it due to lack of resources which led their later generation not to awaken it even if they got resources which is why they are valued.

Resources don't refer to treasures like special herbs and plants. It refers to an alchemy pill called bloodline pill which is the most common pill that can help a person awaken bloodline if he really got lucky to have one. Even if the ancestor couldn't awaken doesn't mean they don't possess this is why only some lucky generation could gain the chance to awaken bloodline.

Like his Long family which shouldn't be supposed to have a bloodline since their previous generation didn't possess. But this generation did have bloodlines and powerful ones which are very mysterious.

Bloodline is also divided into profound, spirit, earth, and heaven, and saint, immortal and divine ranks. Not to mention divine, even earth rank bloodline couldn't be found on the Zhen Qi dynasty.

About ranks of bloodline, fei found it on the system, not from Long Hao. Since their knowledge about bloodline couldn't reach divine or immortal ranks.

As for physique, these are even rarer than bloodline because the physique is not passed through family except beast physiques. A physique is rare than bloodline not on a number instead of power. There are many physique holders but not many bloodlines awaken people. But there are a small number of powerful physiques but bloodlines number most of them are powerful.

It's because on the same ranks physique is less powerful than bloodline under normal condition except special physique like the Pure Yang body, Pure Yin body, chaotic body, Five Elements body. Most of the people possess the same physiques like Fire, Water, Wind, Metal, and Earth.

Some rare people possess rare physique like Fire and Wind, Metal and Earth, Sun, Star, beast physiques. So physiques are common but bloodlines are rare.

With such thoughts in his mind, fei started eating food in front of him. There was a bowl of rice, chicken leg, animal soul, and other items. Fei thoroughly enjoyed eating while chatting with his maid.

"Hao'er, How are brother and sisters?" Fei while eating rice with his chopsticks asked.

"They are fine. Everyone misses a young master. Sometimes they come to visit here and play with Hao'er" Hao'er said with an excited tone, she was just a playful cute girl who always loves to play.

She also cultivates and her cultivation is Soul refining third layer. She didn't have much talent so she always works hard on her cultivation.

'Linger, What will happen if Hao'er practice Dragon Elephant Swallowing the Heavens Art?' Fei asked Linger who was currently on system space through the mind.

'Her cultivation will increase in rapid speed and she doesn't possess any bloodline or physique so fast cultivation might affect her future' Linger said

'Is it possible for her to awaken bloodline if I can get bloodline essence' Fei asked

'It is indeed possible but you have to get bloodline left by someone in the intention of passing it otherwise it will be very hard Linger said in a serious tone.

'I will manage it, so let's give it to her' Fei said with determination

"Young master, what are you thinking?" A loud voice rang in his ear, when he looked around it was Hao'er. He smiled and said "At night come in my room"

With that, he left.

But Hao'er didn't understand his true meaning and thought about indecent ideas. She started murmuring "I am not ready yet but I also can't refuse young master. What shall I do?" While murmuring, her face turned bright red as she runs towards her room. Only fatty Lu was left who was still eating food alone.

In a distant place

Inside a room, a pale looking boy with brown hair wearing white pants and shirt with a gloomy smile said "So you are finally back. I will get my revenge on you"

At another place in open ground, a boy near the age of fei, long face and no smile with a sword in his hand said "I was waiting for you long"

At another place


"What did he says?" A person in plain cloth shattered a cup made out of antique clay. He was a handsome young man with brown hair and eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt and white pants. His face was extremely angry looking.

"Young master that Xia Long Fei is back and he said not to disturb that lady" A burly cloth servant kneeling on a knee said

"So what if he is back? I want that girl and no one can stop me" Young man released an extremely powerful aura making whole room hard to breathe for others. With his aura, he was on Awakening Middle Stage.

"Yes, young master but now you are an inner disciple and he is still outer disciples. It is probably not the best idea to move right now. The young master can wait until he enters inner disciples or we can just send some assassins otherwise once you move, it will be very bad for the clan" Although the burly servant was feeling heavy pressure from the young man, he still talks little giving his young master some suggestion.

After all, the fei was the young master of the Long clan, moving him directly with such a large gap of strength will surely make the clan master angry. Even if the burly servant was a servant of this young man, he was still a member of his clan and he has to suggest good and bad for his clan.

Hearing his servant's suggestion, the young man was initially very angry but later control himself, taking a deep breath said "You go to a dark palace and register him for assassination. And try to make it earlier so that before any of his clan members comes to sect, be sure to assassinate him"

"Yes, young master" Burly servant gave a low bow and retreat from this room.

"Nobody can take what I want not even you Fei," the Young master said with a gloomy smile.

At the fei house, in a fei room, at fei bed. Two people were facing each other.

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