Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 106: Heavenly Yin-Yang Saber

Chapter 106: Heavenly Yin-Yang Saber

True Energy gushed out of her dantian, pumped through her meridians, and scattered all over her body. True Energy began to temper every single corner of her body, whether it is an external part or internal, nothing escaped the splash of True Energy. Every time it splashes on her body parts, it hurts her. Though this pain was something she could bear.

Each Splash all over her body means single tempering. Now she still has eight temperings like this to go through.

After six hours of true energy tempering, she finally touched the requirement to enter the True Energy Stage. Now she began to transfer her twin Martial Spirit to her dantian. First, she needs to transfer it into soul form then turn it into physical form. So from now on, every time she absorbs spiritual energy, she can use these Martial Spirits to turn it into True Energy.

She stops her Immortal Phoenix Fire Rebirth Art and began to transfer her twin Martial Spirit. Since they were in soul form, they pass through her internal organs and blood veins, and finally reached near her naval point and then entered dantian which lies below it.


Just when they entered dantian, spiritual roots in her dantian released terrifying waves of energy as if defending against the enemy. This was important for Qui HuiFang because now, she has to control both and make them rely on each other.

It is said that from the ancient era to the modern era, martial spirits are formed by some kind of spiritual being in any object such as a sword that forms Sword Martial Spirit. But they didn't have a devouring talent which was supposedly given by Heaven's Will.

It is said before the ancient era; humans were bullied and considered as the lowest ranking race between three thousand races due to their weak talent. Their only talent was to reproduce in large numbers. Later, Heaven took pity on them and granted the spiritual being. These spiritual beings possessed many creatures, items, or other things and turned them into Martial Spirit.

They were created to grant humans some sort of abilities and also the power to turn spiritual energy into true energy. This ability might seem normal but in the hands of ancient people, the true energy turned into the most destructible weapon.

True Energy is a superior form of Spiritual energy because they contain a hint of force on them. Force is something that can even break the rules of heaven, so true energy itself is heaven-defying. But this doesn't make humans as they are now. Before the ancient era, it is said to be the most prosperous era due to the availability of a large amount of energy.

These energies can be used for cultivation, condensing laws or Dao, and even to gain enlightenment because those enlightenment trees like Ancient Enlightenment Tree could found in the street. Humans began to create powerful arts that could rival the divine abilities and innate abilities of the three thousand races.

When they reached the top, they began to condense everything they have accumulated till now into their bloodline and pass it throughout the generation. Such as an ancestor of the Long family is said to have killed the dragon god, drank its blood, and condensed the dragon bloodline through special means.

Of course, these were just written in ancient books, they may or may not be true only when someone reaches the top, then he can find the truth but the journey to the Martial Arts Peak is long. But this long and lonely journey made cultivators go through different realms, enter higher great realms, discover energies even powerful than true energy, and achieve longevity.

Qui HuiFang slowly balanced the pressure between Martial Spirit and Spiritual Roots through special communication. After that, she forms the physical form of the Martial Spirit.

"Bang" "Boom"

Just a moment later, a large amount of spiritual energy gushed towards her from the surrounding. They entered her body, to her dantian, and get transformed by her Martial Spirits. This process was three hours long but the result was very surprising.

The amount of true energy after three hours was two-tenth of the total volume for her dantian. But this true energy was even more vigorous and contains an endless amount of vitality. She runs true energy into her palm and shot a palm near the boulder.

"Crack" "Crack" "Bang"

Five-foot of palm made out of ice true energy formed before her hand, and smashed against the boulder breaking into pieces. This was normal ice palm, not even a martial art but the power it contains was huge. She was able to condense spiritual palm made out of ice true energy due to her deeper understanding of ice.

Otherwise, it is generally impossible to create spiritual things out of any energy which also signifies the importance of Spirit-Rank Martial Arts. After that, she murmurs "How long do I have to wait to meet you?"

No one knows to whom she meant, no one knows why she said. Only in her heart, she felt happy thinking about that person.

In the big jungle filled with lots of monsters, a cute girl looked at the back of a boy whose stomach had a deep wound, this made tears following out of the cute girl. But the boy turns his head, and looked at her with a smile on his face saying "No matter what we are facing? We will face it together"

Hearing his words, the girl tears were overflowing, she bit lips and said while crying "Idiot you didn't need to get injured. We could have used the contract defense given by Brother Fei."

This cute girl in a pink skirt was none other than Guo Xin. And this handsome boy in a blue dress dyed in red due blood was Cao Bin. When they returned home, many things happened which made them fall in love with each other, Cao Bin purposed her and became her lover.

Though they get in a relationship, they were still not very close at least they didn't think of something like sex. Whether it was destiny or not, they reached Awakening Stage at the same time and awakened something that couldn't even dream off.

Cao Bin awakened Heavenly Yang Saber Martial Spirit, and Guo Xin awakened Heavenly Yin Saber Martial Spirit. The amalgamation of these two Martial Spirits produces Heavenly Yin-Yang Saber.

These two Martial Spirits were immortal rank individually, but when they are merged together, the newly formed saber rank could reach Divine Rank.

"Fool! Did you forget who are we following? Do you think this could be considered a life and death moment? In the future we will get into such a situation many times, over and over and over, so please save those methods for last." Cao Bin strikes his finger at her forehead and said in low voice.

In front of them was a single-horned iron rhino whose horn has the power pierce the mountains. Its body was in gray color while its horn was silver. There were some bloodstains on its horn which definitely belongs to Cao Bin. This single-horned iron rhino was Middle-level among the middle-rank monster.

When Cao Bin stroked his finger at her forehead, it caused little pain which made her look at him with a grievance in her eyes. Cao Bin sighed and shakes his head helplessly, but suddenly his face changed when he felt a one-horned iron rhino rushing towards them.

"Do you want to try it?" Cao Bin looked at her face and asked.

Guo Xin had a red face when she nodded her head. With lightning speed, Guo Xin's lips were covered by Cao Bin's. Both had a red face, Cao Bin slowly entered his tongue inside her mouth and tasted her sweet mouth.


A big and power saber rises above Cao Bin's head. It was shining like a bright sun making the rhino stop for a moment. It was so bright; it engulfs the darkness around the fight. When its power was shining to its full potential, another saber rises above Guo Xin's head.

If Cao Bin saber was big and bright then Guo Xin saber was thin and cold. It was begun to shatter the brightness of Cao Bin's Saber. Cao Bin saber was golden in color; its hilt was different than sword hilt. Guo Xin Saber was silver in color.

Both sabers were showing their power, and Cao Bin tongue was playing against Guo Xin tongue. When their heart and soul reach the moment of unity, Golden Saber and Silver Saber began to merge.


After they merged together, a silver saber with golden stripes on it was hovering above their head. Both of them stopped kissing, and Heavenly Yin-Yang Saber floated in front of them. Currently, they were already at the last stage of the Awakening Stage.

Cao Bin and Guo Xin caught the hilt with their right hand and looked at the single-horned rhino. Unexpected to them, this rhino has lost all of its fightings will due to the arrival of Heavenly Yin-Yang Saber. But they didn't pity it.

Seeing the Saber, single horned iron rhino tried to flee. They both hold the hilt of the saber from the top to the ground.

"Yin-Yang Dimensional Slash"

Black and white saber energy flew out of their saber, suddenly space froze, and saber energy cut the whole space in half including ground, rhino, tress, air, and even space itself. But their cultivation was not very high, so space didn't suffer, and repaired in the fraction of a second.

As for Cao Bin and Guo Xin, they didn't understand what really happened. They only knew the trees and the rhino were cut from the middle.

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