Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 209 I had fun today!

Michael quickly blocked two of the attacks from both of his sides, but because he only got two arms, one of the bodyguards managed to hit Michael on his chest resulting in him tumbling backward due to the force behind the attack.

Woo-woo! Woo-woo! Woo-woo!

The three guards were about to launch their attacks once again when they quickly halted in their tracks when they heard the police siren that’s slowly getting louder as it slowly made its way towards their direction.

"You got lucky this time kid" one of the bodyguards snorted as he wiped his nose to the side using his thumb.

"Hmmph" Michael just snorted in disdain, which got the other three mad but quickly held it in as they slowly made their way over towards their fallen comrade and slowly helped him up.

Amanda slowly walked down the stairs, followed by a bruised Steve, and in between the two of them are two staff of the restaurant, it was to prevent the two of them from causing more trouble than they already did.

The police came and quickly left when Michael explained to them what had happened, and the police were somehow lenient to them and only warned them because they didn’t break anything after the fight, and the other reason is that the two police officers who responded here are just two of the police officers who were at the scene back then when Michael rescued Amanda from Jin, and what the officers did quickly annoyed Steve as he wanted to put Michael behind bars, but he and two of his men who got beaten up badly was just ignored, as the two police officers didn’t even bother to ask them any questions.

Which was a clear show of favoritism towards Michael...which is pretty much normal in today’s society lately.

"This isn’t over yet!" Steve glared at Michael, before hatefully looking at Amanda as he and his men quickly left the scene in their cars.

"Well, that was fun" Michael chuckled.

"Fun? That was trouble! That guy would surely make things difficult for us, especially you!" Amanda angrily snorted with arms crossed.

Michael just laughed and looked at Amanda, and said, "Says the one who gave him those bruises on his face"

Amanda didn’t know what happened but she suddenly grew frantic, and when her eyes landed on a familiar staff, she pointed at her and said, "She..she’s the one who gave a beating to Steve, n-not me!"

The woman that got pointed out started shaking her hands in front of her in panic, trying to deny what Amanda had said, and at first, the people around were dumbfounded, then they suddenly had knowing smiles on their faces, especially the women who could understand her, because they also didn’t want to look like an Amazon in front of their man.

Michael just snorted with a laugh, which made Amanda punched Michael on his shoulder in annoyance.

Michael just smiled stiffly, and then he faced the crowd of people looking at him, he smiled and said, "Sorry for that folks! As I promised earlier, order what you want and I’ll pay for it, alright!?"

"It’s fine, that was a good show though!"

"We just hope that you didn’t get yourself in more trouble. After all, that young man is still someone of nobility and it might cause some scandal later"

Most of the customers were a little bit concerned about the well being of Michael and Amanda after this, but it’s only till that because they weren’t dumb to not see that the couple clearly aren’t afraid of Steve or even his family at all from just how the way they had treated him earlier.

Michael walked over to the woman that Amanda pointed out earlier, and he took out a stack of money from his wallet and gave it to the woman and said, "Anything left of that, make sure to split it between you and your coworkers, alright?"

The woman just unconsciously took the money from Michael’s hand while nodding absentmindedly as she stared straight at him.

The people around them were slackjawed as they stared at the stack of at least ten, one thousand dollar bills at the hands of the waitress.

Michael turned towards the also dumbfounded Amanda and said, "Let’s go?"

"You really didn’t need to give them that much" Amanda said as they slowly walked out of the restaurant premises. It was because she felt that Michael is being too wasteful because it would have been fine if he had just given them a few instead of a lot.

Michael just smiled and said, "It’s fine. After all, we did cause big trouble for them this time, and I’m pretty sure that Jenny would certainly be calling you any minute now"

Ring! Ring! Ring!

And just as Michael had predicted, Amanda’s phone started ringing, and she saw that it was precisely Jenny that was calling her.

Amanda looked at Michael and answered the phone...

"Hello, what is it, Jen?"


Inside a hotel room.


Steve angrily slammed his hand on the table, causing a stinging sensation on his palm, but he was so angry that he didn’t feel it.

"Amanda, and that bastard! Just you two wait, I’ll get you back a hundred, no, a thousand times for this humiliation that I suffered from both of your hands!"

"What are your plans then, young lord?"Jack, who was Michael’s first victim earlier spoke out, and his nose had two tissues blocking both of his nostrils.

"Kill that bastard, and make Amanda mine! I will make sure to make her submit to me...in bed!"

Steve grinned maliciously, then had a lewd smile on his face as he thought of something.

Steve looked at Jack and said, "Send word to my mother, tell her that I need more allowance and more men to accompany me, don’t forget to tell her what happened to us"

"Yes, young lord" Jack bowed and left the room, leaving Steve all alone by himself.

Steve walked over towards the direction of his room’s balcony, and he looked at the busy city below him and thought.

’Amanda, oh Amanda. This time, you won’t be able to escape from my hands and that bastard who was with you earlier. He will pay for what he did to me...with his life!’


Two o’clock in the afternoon, three hours after the incident in Jenny’s restaurant.

"Uwah, that was a good movie!" Amanda stretched her arms upwards with a satisfied look on her face, as both she and Michael slowly exited the cinema, followed by the other viewers behind them.

Michael had a smile on his face as he looked at the joyful look on Amanda’s face.

"Yeah, the movie was good"

Both of them arrived in front of a clothing store, as Amanda suddenly sped up and stood before Michael and stared straight at his eyes.

"You know what? You’re actually a pretty cool guy"

Amanda smiled and poked Michael’s chest, and continued, "I had fun today, see you later...Michael"

Michael didn’t even have the chance to open his mouth and say something in return when Amanda suddenly turned around and cooly walked away from him.

"Damn, a second date is already on its way"

Michael smiled as he watched Amanda slowly disappear from his sights.

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