Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 192: just throw it away

Chapter 192: just throw it away

Chapter 192 just throw it away

Jiang Xinyan asked Chu Lixuan: "Husband, are we going to go to the village tonight?"

"Don't go, it's a waste of time, mainly because the farther north you go, the less good houses you can live in. Besides, it won't rain recently, so let's settle down on the official road."

"A quilt is given to every two people, and they are asked to carry the quilt on their backs during the day."

Jiang Xinyan shared with Chu Lixuan about the deeds of the 100,000-mile Long March.

That is also a story of eating grass roots, bark, belts, and shoes.

They now have space and food, and they are much happier by comparison.

"Yeah! I'll teach them how to tie the quilt with rattan, and they'll each carry it on their backs tomorrow."

When it was dark, let everyone settle down on the spot, and the prisoners set up big iron pots.

The officials dispatched to fetch water, and the second aunt of the Chu family led the women to wash the rice and cook.

An uninjured Jin Yiwei went to the carriage and took down half of the wild boar.

Jiang Xinyan and Chu Lixuan sat beside the eldest princess' grandmother and Jinniang and told stories.

was surrounded by a large group of people, because we encountered an assassination today, in order to ease everyone's mood.

Jiang Xinyan picked a story about a hero in Liangshan to tell everyone.

Don't say her unique crisp voice, but the story itself is very attractive.

She was talking about Wu Song fighting the tiger, Wu Song is a recognized hero.

From ancient times to the present, he is brave and invincible, and he is a true hero with a sense of justice.

Then Pan Jinlian is a damned woman, not only does she disobey women, she also seduces her uncle.

Pan Jinlian's biggest mistake was murdering her husband.

Wu Song is a vengeful person who will pay back his revenge and repay his kindness. He never does things in a sloppy way. In him, he expresses the love and hatred incisively and vividly.

In the beginning, Wu Song was a person who knew the law and understood the law. He would follow the law and follow the procedures to handle things.

But the official couldn't help him solve the problem, so he took Ximen Qing's money and perfunctory to his hero.

Wu Song originally wanted to ask the government to help his eldest brother in redress, but the government did not help him.

When Wu Song was angry, he would defy the law, break the law, break the law and deal with the problem according to his own path, and finally force him to Liangshan.

Chu Lixuan was fascinated, he could feel Wu Song's anger.

He was beside his little wife, smelling the fragrance on her body, and his heart was instantly calm.

But there are also exiles who would otherwise have lost hope in life, and this story piques their passion.

All of them are full of passion, some are angry and some are unwilling, and their appearance is indescribable.

Luo Yansong listened to it with great relish, and the aftertaste is endless, and I still want to listen to it.

Zhao Yu remained calm, but he was shocked, what else did she not know about astronomy and geography?

The Journey to the West mentioned earlier is the story of the gods in the sky, as well as the ghost story of Liaozhai.

Heaven, the world, monsters and ghosts, she knows everything...

Zhao Yu lowered his eyebrows and sat quietly on the ground without moving. No one knew the heat in his heart.

Not as rave, as excited as others.

Chu Liu'er brought her younger brothers and sisters, and they listened with relish and wanted to hear it.

The grandmother of the eldest princess and Jin Niang also liked to listen to it, and they were even more proud.

This storyteller is their wife, so nice.

When their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law saw Chu Lixuan's doting eyes, both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law never dreamed that they would still be able to see Chu Lixuan's idiotic appearance in this life.

Several great-grandchildren of the second room snuggled up beside the eldest princess grandmother, very well-behaved and sensible.

Although they don't understand, they really like listening to the auntie talk.

When Chu Lixiang heard it right, there was no voice, "Sister-in-law, hurry up and say it."

"It's over!"

"Ah! Why did you finish talking? Is there more to come?"

"There's another story behind it."

"Sister-in-law, I still want to..."

"Go set the table and chopsticks for dinner." Chu Lixuan coolly interrupted the younger brother to pester his little wife.

His little wife had been talking for so long, she was thirsty, she didn't wink, it was too annoying, it was really annoying.

"Brother, there is no table for tableware?" Chu Lixiang asked aggrievedly.

He is not afraid of his elder brother at all now, if he had dared to say a word before.

Zhao Yu winked at the two subordinates and asked them to go to the carriage to get the dishes and chopsticks, and everyone sat on the ground to eat.

Anyway, that carriage had everything in it, it was just what it lacked.

Zhao Yu had seen the martial arts of the master and his wife today, and he felt that he could not find out when the contents of the carriage were put in.

is so normal! He must work harder to practice martial arts.

Zhao Yu would not be able to discover the secrets in the carriage even if he became a peerless master.

As you can hear the story, the aroma of the food has been ignored.

Jiang Xinyan ended the story because she smelled the fragrance, and everyone was still in the mood.

However, I was quickly attracted by the fragrance of the food and did not eat it at noon.

I was excited by the story, so I had a particularly good appetite when I ate.

Feng Jianzhi didn't help because he was injured, but he could hear even if he had the inner strength to help.

Chu Hua added an extra bowl of pork liver soup to replenish his body.

Pork liver and mushroom soup, braised potatoes with wild boar, two dishes for dinner, full of rice.

This is a happy life for Luo Yansong and Luo Yuqi.

Even before they were there, their parents were still there, when the cottage was still there, it wasnt as good as every meal.

Luo Yuqi sat beside Zhao Yu, "Brother Zhao, can our brothers and sisters follow you from now on?"

Zhao Yu asked Chu Lixuan for instructions on the way, and their husband and wife said they would let their brother and sister follow.

She said that during this famine period, their brothers and sisters were highly skilled in martial arts, and it was easy for them to go astray.

Stay here, so that they won't be hunted down for **** rations or something.

Zhao Yu glanced at Luo Yuqi. If you are young, don't go to the front of the Lord. If you like the Lord, it will be troublesome.

has smeared her eyes and blocked her. He must put an end to all future troubles.

Zhao Yuqi laughed, his eyes darkened, "You guys just stay, don't go to the Lord and Madam in front of your eyes in the future, you know?"

gave her no chance to approach Chu Lixuan, there were no doors, and even the windows were nailed to death.

Zhao Yu thought proudly, the pork liver and mushroom soup that he drank is extraordinarily delicious.

Luo Yuqi didn't even think about what kind of Lord and Mrs. Her target is Zhao Yu.

"Brother Zhao, your cloak is so broken, let me mend it for you."

Luo Yuqi has money on him, but he can't buy cloth, so he has nowhere to spend it!

"No need, I'll throw it away tomorrow morning." Zhao Yu said happily.

Because, Madam said she would give him a new one tomorrow morning.

Jiang Xinyan and Chu Lixuan emptied two ready-to-wear shops and several quilt shops in Youzhou Mansion.

I was going to send everyone a thick coat tomorrow morning, so I told him in advance when I saw the rags on Zhao Yu's body.

Luo Yuqi felt that Big Brother Zhao was not only handsome, but also had a very nice voice.

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