Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 107: would rather be an outlaw

Chapter 107: would rather be an outlaw

Chapter 107 Would rather be an exile

Jiang Xinyan was very proud when she saw Woojie stunned.

The smile is like a flower, like a rainbow smile, reflecting seven colors of light in the sun.

The wretched Jie drooled when he saw it, the fool turned out to be so beautiful!

But, what does he do to impress her now?

In terms of good looks, he is not as good-looking as Chu Lixuan, and in terms of ability, he is still not as good as him.

Worthy Jie glanced at the high-spirited Chu Lixuan, and then looked at the embarrassed self.

His hatred for Jiang Bilian is even stronger. If it weren't for her, he would have been reduced to such a ghost that he disliked?

If he stayed in the capital, with a beautiful wife and concubine in his arms, how handsome and happy!

The wretched Jie is a typical example; when encountering an accident, he will reflect on himself indiscreetly, and he will always feel righteous.

He has no problem, it's all someone else's problem, if he has a problem, it's all caused by someone else!

Therefore, he attributed all the faults to Jiang Bilian.

The people in the first and second rooms stared at him in shock when they saw that Chu Lixuan was able to stand up and walk.

Especially Jin Niang, she forgot to walk and stood there for a long time, motionless.

Suddenly, she shook off the hands of Chu Lixiang and Chu Xiao: "Mother don't want you to help me."

Then Jin Niang walked vigorously, where there was still a little bit of the whole person leaning on Chu Lixiang's small body as if she had no bones.

On the way, I met several villagers fleeing the famine, after their food was eaten up by locusts.

The family has four walls, and can only take the whole family to escape the desert and beg for food along the way. When they meet the same family on the road, they form a small group together.

However, there are locust plagues everywhere like they did.

The gates of the government are all closed, and the gates of both the prefecture and the county are tightly closed.

You can only go in and out. The rich people who temporarily live in the city still have food and dont need to escape.

The beggars on the road are villagers in the countryside and the poor in the city. They look pitiful in ragged clothes.

However, after listening to Chu Lixuan's words, Jiang Xinyan would not lend a helping hand easily.

The food in her space is limited, and it is thankful to be able to ensure that their exile team arrives at their destination safely.

Jiang Xinyan felt that there were still some bad characters in this exile team, so she was ready to give up.

Uncle Chu and his concubines were the ones who were eliminated in the first round.

After the plague of locusts, there was still no rain, and the sun made the ground scorching hot.

It's hot! The outlaws are numb!

Worthy Jie had to change his shoes before, but in the past two days, he felt the sour feeling of stepping on the iron plate.

Uncle Chu tore off the concubine's clothes to wrap her feet in public, and the concubines were frightened and afraid that it would be her turn next!

Other exiles despised the behavior of Uncle Chu, and slowly began to alienate him and isolate him.

After walking for three hours, the team stopped to rest and drink water. The crowd fleeing the desert saw that the prisoners still had water to drink.

"Master, we also want to be exiles, so let's go with you."

There is a half-old child with deep concave cheeks and a pair of dead gray eyes, and asked.

"Yo! People these days don't even want freedom? Do you still want to be an exile?"

One of the temporary workers laughed, he shouted loudly.

It was the same for them two days ago. They had no water to drink and no food to eat. They had tasted the feeling of despair.

Seeing such a scene, the prisoners wanted to cry.

Jiang Xinyan closed her eyes and leaned against the man's arm, she pretended not to see or hear.

If she opened her mouth to take her in, but how many people have fled along the road!

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