Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 53 Found Out

Nonetheless, he couldn't let that happen. From the moment the Prince had landed himself in his territory, he finally saw a chance to exert his revenge and climb back to the top of the ranks that his father once held.

So whether Prince Wyatt's actions were justified or not, he couldn't let him make a stupid mistake that would ruin the plans that he had already planned out.


"Throw them offboard" Captain Crimson said as he pointed his hands towards the kneeling crew members of Captain Clara.

Their eye widened in shock before they tried to retaliate but, the moment one of them tried to run, they paused.

All around them was nothing but water.

Nothing but the wide dreaded sea!!

There was nowhere to run to and nowhere to hide. Their moment of realisation caused the men behind them to catch up, and before they could react, it was too late.

Several hands had dragged them to the edge of the ship and thrown them down towards the sea.

Before some of them could wake up from their shock, they felt their bodies run cold as the water drowned them.


"Wasn't that cruel?" Prince Wyatt who now has his hands on the helm said as he watched all this happen from above.

Of course, he didn't know how to react to people drowning to death on the other side of his ship, but he had just steeled his heart to kill someone else a few minutes ago, so who was he to judge?

"Killing the mobs yet you let the boss live".

"Huh!!" Captain Crimson eye said in confusion as he didn't properly understand Prince Wyatt's words.

"What I mean is that isn't it cruel and stupid that you are killing the servants yet letting their master go scot-free".

"They are replaceable, so they don't matter in my plans, right?" Captain Crimson eye shook his head as he replied.

"Plans!! Sigh!!! You keep saying how much you hate her and why you want to kill her, yet you are still doing your best to make sure she is alive. You know what? Fine, I am curious, I want to know what your plans are" Prince Wyatt said, curious to know what Captain Crimson eye's plan was and how it affected him since keeping Clara alive would surely come to bite him later in the ass.

And that was something he was sure of.

Finally, this was the response that he was waiting for. Taking in a deep breath, Captain Crimson eye responded.

"Why don't you follow me to my office so that we can talk, since this matter concerns the both of us, we should discuss it in private so that I can tell you all my intentions and how I plan to carry out my goal" He replied "Besides, you possibly can't leave without your Guardian knight and Second in command, right?"

Prince Wyatt's eyes widened like a deer caught in a street light.

"Come again" Prince Wyatt replied, his face turning into a frown.

"Ahem!! I said that your guardian Knight and Second in command are still on my ship" Captain Crimson eye responded, making his voice a little clearer, thinking that Prince Wyatt might not have heard him the first time.

Instantly, Prince Wyatt's frown suddenly turned into a scowl before he reverted to his normal expression.

For a second, he had let his innermost expression show. Although he wasn't a master at hiding and controlling his emotion at will, however, he still had enough skills to deceive a professional therapist.

Such a skill would be useful in this world especially if he was going to be dealing with Knight Camille or people like her.

'And for a moment, I thought that she was hiding somewhere beneath the ship. I should have known that she was more prideful than that' Prince Wyatt thought, shaking his head with a pleasing smile on his face.

"Can you take me to them?"

"Of course, I was already planning to" Captain Crimson eye replied with a smile as he turned around and gestured for Prince Wyatt to follow him back into his ship.

'An eye for an eye. An arm for an arm. A life for a life

Prince Wyatt followed behind Captain crimson eye as he thought.

'If this was earth, I would have been a firm believer of Mahatma Gandhi's quote if not for the fact that these were the very roots that defined this world. Hmmm!! I wonder what the lawyer-turned-activist would have done in my place?'

"Though before you see them, I must apologize for the state they are in" Captain Crimson eye said with an apologetic tone as he walked through the plank connecting both ships.

"What do you mean?" Prince Wyatt questioned with a raised brow.

Clearing his voice as he didn't know how to tell Prince Wyatt how he had both of his important crew members tied in chains, Captain Crimson eye said "I thought that she and Lady Clara were working hand in hand to illegally cross my sea, so I had the both of them tied up in chains.

Prince Wyatt nodded his head in understanding "I understand".

"Huh!!" Captain Crimson eye who was not expecting such a response could only size up Prince Wyatt from the corner of his eyes.

He had expected the Prince to use that opportunity to maybe demand something from him but instead the reply he got was said with a nonchalant expression.

'It's either the Prince is understanding or he doesn't care for the well-being of his crew member' Captain Crimson eye thought, trying to pick which answer was rightfully the correct one.

However, some other thoughts were currently brewing in Prince Wyatt's mind.

His gears were suddenly moving, thinking about how to take care of a Knight that could easily overpower him even though he doesn't exactly know what her strength was.

Looking at Captain Crimson who was leading in front of him, Prince Wyatt thought 'I wonder if he is stronger than her'.

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