Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 227: Companions for Death

Chapter 227: Companions for Death

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Reth never took his eyes off of Gahrye. He knew—he knew!—the male was the right choice to defend Elia. He'd already had it in mind to send him. But he was so torn inside. Seeing images in his mind of another male helping Elia, living with her, being there to comfort her when she was sad—or caring for her during her pregnancy…

His beast rose every time he imagined her beginning the birth pains and he was not there. Imaging another male helping her through that.

But Gahrye met his gaze steadily, and his scent was true. He didn't have attraction to Elia. There was a resonance between the two of them, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He suspected it was that they were both different here than the other Anima. Something in their experience of this life that bonded them. But whatever it was, it would only benefit Elia to have someone with her who read her so well, and could advise about those around her. With her human senses, she would be at a disadvantage.

"You must hold blood vow to your Queen," Reth said, his voice low, but steady. "No matter what occurs while you are in her world, she must be the first priority. Your first choice. Always. Even over your own life."

Gahrye nodded without hesitation. "I would offer my palm now."

Reth huffed. "We can take care of it later. But do not think this is a test. I would hold you to it."

"What is a blood vow?" Elia asked Reth. But it was Gahrye who answered.

"It is an unbreakable vow. If I were to deny it, I would be under a death sentence," Gahrye said.

"What?! No! Reth, we don't need more death!"

"If he is loyal, there will be no dying," Reth muttered. And Gahrye agreed with him.

Reth's respect for the male grew.

"But—" Elia started, but it was Aymora who stepped in.

"Elia, you asked us to inform you when you were not seeing things as an Anima would see them," she said quietly. Elia turned to look at her, but her hand stayed on Reth's arm. "There are two customs at play here: Firstly, when a Royal travels, they must always be under guard. But in a situation like this, it isn't right or useful to have a full fist around you. There must be someone, vowed to the throne, that would willingly place themselves between you and death to ensure the royal line continues.

"But, secondly, be it to the Royal line or not, to be offered a blood vow in protection… to be trusted with that task, it is a great honor. Gahrye is not lowered by Reth's offer. He is lifted. Should he return successful, the Anima will… welcome him."

Elia blinked, her mouth slightly open. Reth prayed she understood what Aymora was saying, which was that if Gahrye brought Elia and her cub back to Anima safely, it would greatly increase his position in the Tribes. Reth wasn't sure it would be enough to completely overcome his being disformed, but it would certainly remove the suspicion around him.

He would be regarded not only as the Queen's advisor, but as an eligible male by most.

Reth knew this would please Elia. She'd worried about Gahrye since they became friends.

"Are you… is that how you see it, Gahrye?" she asked him.

The male nodded, his eyes alight. "Very much so," he said. His scent was determined and slightly fearful. But the interesting part to Reth was the tang of excitement. The male wanted to go—he wanted to protect Elia. He wanted to go to the human world. That was… interesting.

"Then I charge you with the protection of the Queen and her unborn. You will be raised to the rank of Defender. Should you return safely, you will not lose it."

Gahrye blinked and his scent spiked. "Thank you… Sire," he breathed.

"What? What just happened?" Elia asked, looking at Reth.

"He honors me," Gahrye said, their eyes still locked. "If I can come back…"

"If he can come back he will have no trouble finding a mate," Reth said gruffly. "But that is a conversation for another time. We still need a second guardian—a female."

"I would go," Candace blurted suddenly.

Elia startled. "Candace? You don't have to!"

The woman looked at Elia and her eyes began to well. "I want to. I'm… I want to see Reth's throne safe, and you back here, and the baby… I want to, Elia. Besides, maybe we'll have time to make some of those dresses we talked about?" She smiled a watery smile and Elia reached across the table to squeeze her hand.

Reth didn't understand why the females always cried when they expressed their care for each other, but it was sweet to see that Elia had chosen well for her Cohorts. The bird-woman was pragmatic and skilled. She could be of use, and was clearly a choice companion for his mate.

"Then it is settled," Reth growled. His skin itched at the idea of what they were all planning—but it was worse when he thought about sending Elia, and the others, into this unprepared. So with a sigh he turned to Aymora. "We have three untried walking the portal, Aymora. Help us understand what is needed."

Aymora nodded and gave him a smile that was meant to be a comfort, he knew. But having the female not only aware of his present weakness, but acknowledging it in the group, made him want to bite something.

"The histories?" he said, then looked at Brant. "And you too, Brant. What do they need to know? I've already warned Elia about the possible risks to her mind. But you both know more than I do. Please. Let's equip them as much as we can."

Aymora nodded and looked at Brant, who indicated she should go first.

"Elia is at great risk by returning to her world. I cannot be sure whether the pregnancy will assist her, or make the risk even greater. That is something you will all need to measure and evaluate when you reach it. The truth is, we cannot know for sure how this will go. But we can know that there is a risk, both to her physical health, and to her mental state."

"What causes it?" Gahrye asked, frowning.

"We don't know. But the histories indicate of the humans that have been to Anima—especially those who stayed and became a part of the Tribes, as Elia has, something within them is changed by being here. And that something… dies when they return. There is something awoken in them by being in Anima. And it cannot survive in the human world."

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