Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 215: Death Walking

Chapter 215: Death Walking


She should pretend she wasn't worried. She should dominate. Keep her chin low but her shoulders back and… and what?

The light in Lucine's eyes was so purely vicious, Elia's spine tingled.

This was it, she realized. If Reth didn't have his eyes on her, right at that moment, this was the moment she was going to die.

This woman had wanted to kill her literally since the moment of her arrival in this world. Elia had watched her murder several women without pausing for thought.

She'd challenged Elia to a fight to the death just hours earlier.

And now she stood here, smiling a wicked smile, while Elia was tied and helpless.

Lucine must have seen—or smelled—Elia understand that her time was short, because her smile widened and her eyes narrowed.

Elia's stomach flipped over. She couldn't breathe.

She was going to die.

The certainty of it hit her like a punch to the stomach and her breath huffed out of her. She had no idea what kept her eyes high and locked with Lucine's, how she managed not to dissolve into a puddle of tears and screaming, but she didn't.

She braced her feet on the ground and kept her hands low between her knees so she could push up quickly if she needed to. The only thought she could grasp was the scream for Reth echoing in her skull. But she also knew there was no time.

If he wasn't here already… it was too late.

"Lucine," she said faintly, then cleared her throat. "I should have known."

"Don't feel bad," Lucine said, her voice a seductive rasp. Apparently Reth's throat punch had done some damage. But Lucine didn't seem uncomfortable as she tipped her head to the side and smiled, like they were girls in a high school hallway who didn't like each other and she was deciding how to eviscerate Elia. "I doubt you could have figured it out without Reth feeding it to you."

Elia snorted. Snorting was good. Snorting was dismissive and… not terrified.

Snorting was also an expression of supreme disgust in Anima. Shit.

Lucine's eyes narrowed further and the fake smile faded. "Submit," she said through her teeth.

"Excuse me?" Elia said.

"You heard me."

"I am the Queen, I will not bow to you," Elia snapped. "It wouldn't stop you killing me anyway, so why bother?"

One of the wolves to her left leapt forward and gave a shuddering growl, snapping his teeth just inches from Elia's face. She tensed, but didn't flinch.

Lucine looked disappointed.

Elia was beginning to tremble. She needed to distract them. So she cut her eyes to the left, to Lerrin's face—not nearly as dark as Lucine's, which surprised her. "I thought you were better than this, Lerrin," she hissed. "We all did."

Lerrin's jaw went hard. "Your mate killed my father and banished us from WildWood. Did you think I would just roll over and show you my testicles?" he snapped.

Elia almost choked on hysterical laughter. The mental image of Lerrin… but no, it was shock. She was in shock. Or something.

She needed to think, but she couldn't. The image of Lerrin looped with the scream for Reth in her head, and nothing else could be accessed. Mentally she ran in circles, while physically, the wolf guard next to her snarled, "Let me take her throat, Highness. It would be my honor to kill her for you."

"Stand down," Lucine snapped. She'd folded her arms when Elia snorted and now she stood there, scanning her from head to toe. "It must be some kind of odd fetish," she said, shaking her head. Elia didn't ask, but Lucine continued to look confused. "I cannot understand what he could possibly see in a human woman—so weak and frail. Such dull senses. Such limited… flexibility." She stepped forward slowly, until she stood right at Elia's toes, then leaned down until they were almost nose-to-nose.

Elia knew the wolves would be able to hear her heart pounding, and how her breath was shallow and short. But she kept her eyes on Lucine and gritted her teeth.

Lucine gave another smile and spoke quietly, as if every Anima within fifty feet wouldn't be able to hear her anyway. "At one point he had my ankle hooked over his shoulder. I bet you can't do that you soft, weak excuse for a female." Before she could respond, Lucine put a finger to her lips. "He is a very good kisser, I'll admit. But the part I enjoyed the most was when he sucked on my breasts. A very, very talented tongue."

Rage exploded in Elia's chest, right alongside the terror. But she knew she couldn't give in. Lucine wanted to knock her off balance. To take her by surprise. Then, no doubt, tear out her throat when she wasn't looking.

So, Elia leaned slightly closer, pretending she wasn't panting in fear. "I'm going to assume that all these men around us aren't as na?ve as you in this area, Lucine. Forgive them when they laugh at you later. Really, you're just embarrassing yourself if that's what impresses you about his… skills. I know it was an important fifteen minutes in your short life, but—"

Without warning Lucine's hand shot out, taking Elia's cheek in a backhand. The wolf had moved so quickly Elia didn't even have time gasp before she was on her side in the dirt, blinking, shaking her head, trying to clear her vision.

"You are disputed," Lucine said, her still-hoarse voice deep and stern. "Your throne is disputed. Prepare yourself for the challenge. I have no time for ceremony. Rise and fight. When your mate finally finds us, he will find his new Queen waiting."

Then she blinked and tipped her head again. "I know this has been an important few months in your life, Elia, but just in case you missed it, I just challenged you for your throne. I'm going to kill you, in just a few minutes, and then I'm going to take your mate for myself." She smiled. "I trust you'll forgive the watching males when they laugh later at how pitiful you are."


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