Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 194: Held to the People - ACT 2

Chapter 194: Held to the People - ACT 2

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She stood at one end of the stage over the amphitheater, where the Anima had their readings—and their Censures. Gahrye stood to her right and Aymora to her left. Candace was there, but not on the stage. She hovered in the wings, watching, her brow lined in concern.

Reth stood on the opposite side, Brant on one side, Behryn on the other.

And, to Elia's surprise, Lucine stood in the wings on that side, apparently awaiting Brant's call for her testimony.

When she'd appeared, Elia had been speaking with Aymora, but the movement near Reth had caught her attention and she'd looked up. Only to find Lucine staring at her, pure malice in her gaze.

She hadn't dropped her eyes then, until Reth stepped between them.

Elia couldn't hear what he said, but Brant and Behryn stepped between him and Lucine and Elia swallowed. She prayed Reth wouldn't create further problems for them, though his anger was warranted.

They waited as the people gathered, their voices and calls rising into a muddy hum in the evening air.

They had no idea what bomb was about to be dropped upon them, and Elia couldn't decide if that worked in her favor, or not.

Then Brant stepped forward, to the front of the stage, to address the people, and Elia's heart banged so hard against her ribs that she wondered if she was injuring it.

Something pulled at her from her left and she looked to find Reth, his back now to Lucine, staring at her now that Brant wasn't between them, yearning and love in his gaze.

She mouthed, I love you.

And he returned it.

"…you are called here tonight to fulfill your duties as Anima, as Citiezns of the Tree City, subject to King Gareth Orstas Hyrehyn. For those of you who are unaware, a tribe evoked the traditions last night and brought a petition to Throne and to Tribe, questioning the loyalty and conduct of Queen Elia."

A murmur of surprise, and some pleasure, rippled through the crowd. Elia kept her chin down, but put her shoulders back and didn't waver.

"During our investigation, while the elders found no wrong-doing on the part of the Queen herself, we did discover a breach on the part of the King."

The reaction this time was quick, and loud, shock and disbelief. But Elia scanned the crowd and saw small pockets—mainly of wolf-packs—that showed neither. Many, in fact, were smiling. Elia shivered and Gahrye subtly shifted his body to brush her arm with his.

"It was the finding of the Elders that our King may have grievously breached the Rite of Sacrifice, and in so doing, thwarted the Creator's plan for our Queen. However—" he raised his voice as the people began to talk and chitter, mostly unhappily, "—we also believe that if there has been a breach, it is on the hearts of the people. So it is for the people to decide.

"For those among you mature, for those among you adults, you are called to stand judgment tonight, on your King and Queen. On the future of Anima."

The crowd became very quiet and still. Brant nodded. "Please prepare yourselves. Ask the Creator for His wisdom and insight. Ask your questions of those involved. We will not cease testimony until the people have been satisfied."

As if the words were a gong that began a ceremony, the amphitheater went still—no voices, little movement in the people. Elia scanned them again, knowing her expression must be worried, but uncertain how she could do anything about it.

Her entire future was in the hands of these people who didn't yet know her—not really.

If you're there, she thought to this Creator of Reth's, then you show them the truth. Because he is innocent. I will not follow any power that would murder its own people for a simple mistake.

"Hear me, Anima," Brant called, his voice louder than before. "Your judgment is called. Your hearts must become one. Hear the testimony of the witnesses. Hear the testimony of the accused. Then make your choice."

Brant stood for a breath looking out over the people. "Let us begin."

Elia's heart was sick as Brant read the accusations again, that he'd laid out to them in the security council.

"We have assessed the petition. We clear the Queen of wrong-doing. We declare the wolves incorrect in their assessment of events. But in the course of this petition, we find that the King has, indeed, betrayed his people." Brant paused and swallowed. "By the order of Anima, the wolf-daughter Lucine was taken by the King prior to the Rite of Sacrifice, not in a mere physical act, but in acceptance as mate, and therefore, the Queen of Anima." The crowd sucked in. Calls and growls rose to buffet the air, but Brant didn't wait for them to quiet.

"It is the judgement of the Tribe that the Flames and Smoke were walked in breach. That the mating was not true. That the Creator's way was thwarted by the choices of King Gareth Orstas Hyrehyn, the seventh in the Royal Line to take and hold the throne. And that the true Queen of Anima was shunned because of the actions of same King. May the Creator not turn His anger on the people for the sin of their King.

"In response to these concerns, we bring you the Anima involved. We ask you to listen, to ask, and to judge. And so, we begin with the accuser, the thwarted Queen. The wolf-daughter, Lucine."

Tension rose in the people—the thrill of drama mingling with the fear or excitement, until everyone leaned forward, on the balls of their feet, waiting, as Lucine stepped out from behind the wings to stand alongside Brant—and between him and Reth.

Reth's eyes were shadowed and full of rage. Elia prayed everyone was too busy staring at the ragged wolf-woman to pay attention to Reth's expression—which said nothing louder than that he would like to execute her for this.

"Tell us, Lucine," Brant said, more quietly than before, "of the events that night, weeks before the Rite. Tell us what occurred, what was said, what was agreed, and what was the result."

Lucine nodded and as she turned to face the people, let her eyes catch on Elia's

And within them, as they flickered to gray and white, her beast's gaze, was a fire of rage so hot, Elia might have burned to a crisp if the flames were true.


NEED MORE? There's a WHOLE NEW BOOK about the Anima. Go to my author page and click "Original Works" or search "Taming the Queen of Beasts" and add it to your library today! (Don't worry, it's set 20 years in the future and centers on Reth & Elia's daughter, so not a lot of spoilers.)

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