Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 168: The Weeping Tree

Chapter 168: The Weeping Tree


She almost spoke up, almost questioned Behryn. But she was so desperate to be with Reth—he'd said they could be alone tonight! And outside!—that she was reluctant to take any of their time to make this conversation drag any longer than it had to. So she stood in the moonlight, admiring Reth's shoulders, his trim waist, the way those leather trousers hugged his thighs, and told herself she would ask about the wolves tomorrow.

She was so full of happiness she could burst, though it occurred to her that the people in the market would likely be leaving soon and might delay this even further. So she began to walk—very slowly—down the path, knowing Reth would have one ear on her, and hoping it would urge him to finish quickly.

A quick glance at the shadows and flashes passing on either side confirmed that the guards followed her, so she wasn't breaking her promise to Reth about slipping away from them. And the night was so beautiful, it was lovely to get away from the lanterns and let her eyes adjust to the dark.

So she walked on, very slowly, even when she came to the bend in the path that would take Reth and Behryn out of sight. She knew Reth could scent her and would be impatient to find her.

"Elia! Wait!" she heard him call.

"You're needed here, my King!" she called back, giggling when he growled, and stepping off the path so he'd have to hunt her.



"…Are you certain, Behryn? The wolves have short fuses, but they rarely attack without proper preparation. I think they are far more likely to try to undermine here when emotions aren't as high—it's what I would do if I were in their shoes."

"I hope so. That was my instinct earlier. But I don't know, Reth. Something feels… uneasy."

"Do you have a scent of them? The whisper of a plan?"'

"No, Behryn said firmly. "It's only a feeling."

Reth regarded his friend. "It's very late," he said carefully. "I wouldn't be surprised if we woke up tomorrow to a defection."

Behryn's eyebrows popped up. "I hadn't considered that. You could be right."

Reth turned and realized Elia had made it far enough down the path to be out of sight. He could scent the guards and knew they followed her, so he wasn't too concerned, but he grieved the time apart. "Elia! Wait!" he called.

"You're needed here, my King!" The vixen giggled!

Reth growled, then turned back to his friend. "I think you follow your instincts, Behryn. But please… please, for the love of the Creator, do not come to my cave tonight for anything short of an outright challenge for the throne."

Behryn grinned. "Poor, frustrated King," he murmured with a chuckle.

Reth glared, but thanked his friend for his support, then turned for the trail, sprinting until he caught her scent, just off the trail to the north, and he laughed, pushing back the vines to follow until he saw the flash of her skirt ahead, between the trees.

When he caught her up, she laughed as he threw his arms around her and picked her up off her feet, swinging her around and then into his chest.

"My beautiful mate," he whispered and kissed her. She'd thrown her arms around his neck, and her feet swayed feet above the ground, but he didn't let her go.

"My handsome, strong, beautiful mate," she whispered back against his lips, and deepened the kiss.

Desperately aware of the guards that circled them, now uncertain of the correct path, Reth let her slide down his body to the ground then caught eyes with Evyn through the trees and cut his gaze back to the path to send them away.

The guard grinned, but made the whistle of the night dove, and the guards melted away.

Then Reth took her hand and told her to follow him deeper into the forest. Where he was taking her, the guards would still be able to hear if there was a problem. But there would be no witnesses to his wife's nakedness.

And naked she would be. He was determined.

It only took a few minutes to find the spot he'd been planning to bring her for months. But he'd always been far too concerned about her safety. But tonight… tonight felt magical. And even Behryn agreed, the risk was greatly reduced after the acknowledgement from the people.

The wolves would find little support if they chose to attack her now—even from within their own packs. That was what had Behryn on edge—he worried that rather than attacking Elia, they'd take another approach and perhaps harm the City.

But it didn't have the right feeling to Reth. The wolves were strategists. Pack hunters. They didn't like to work alone, and Reth had a good feeling that Lerrin was doing the job he'd been created to do. After all—

"Husband, are you thinking about work?" Elia whispered, stroking her hand up and down his arm.

He shuddered as the hairs on his arm stood up, and he almost grabbed her there. But the spot he'd chosen was just ahead. So instead he held her hand tighter, and tugged her forward. "Come see," he whispered.

A moment later when he parted the undergrowth and Elia saw what he'd revealed, her eyes went wide.

It was a small clearing—not much of a clearing at all, because while a small brook bubbled along its side, a large tree stood at the center, one of the ancients of the forest. It was so old its branches had turned toward the earth and begun to sag. All the year's growth on twigs and thin branches flowed from the thick branches and trunk, towards the ground, so that the very tree itself seemed to cry.

"Reth, it's beautiful!" she said.

"It gets better," he grinned, and pulled her forward into his side, parting the swaying curtain of leaves and twigs, to push underneath.

Elia gasped and let go of his hand.

The lowest branches of the tree had been pushed higher over the years so that they started fifteen feet up the wide trunk. Yet, as they splayed out—and were pulled down by gravity—they created a tent of privacy around he and Elia, the new growth only starting at the ends where it could receive sunlight.

Elia walked ahead of him, turning around with her mouth open, looking up into the wide roof over them of branches and leaves, puckered by small spaces that showed the night sky, and even the stars. Yet, all around them was nothing but rustling leaves.

"Reth, I love it!" she whispered, as if she were in a place of worship that should not be disturbed."

"Well, good," he said and nodded behind her. "I prepared a spot for you." The ground was harder here, so he'd brought a couple of the larger furs and spread them out, along with a small picnic basket, though he doubted either of them was hungry. Not for food, anyway.

She hurried over to the furs and ran onto them, letting her feet sink into the soft hair and groaning. "Oh, it feels so soft!" She opened her arms and beckoned him to come.

He joined her quickly, barely able to stop himself simply taking her in a kiss.

But he forced himself to be patient for just one more moment.

When he reached her, she threw her arms around his waist and murmured into his chest. "Thank you. I can't believe you thought of this ahead of time. Thank you."

"You deserve something special after all the hard work you've had to do," he said, combing her hair back with his fingers. "I've been wanting to bring you out here all along, but especially since you said being outside was on your list."

She tipped her head up then, beaming. "Yes, it is," she purred.

Growling his approval, Reth took her face in his hands and let himself hold her gaze. "I love you so much, Elia… what you did tonight—"

"You deserve it, Reth," she whispered, her face serious. "I wish I could have done more."

He stroked her face. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I thank the Creator that you're mine," he whispered. "And I vow to you, Elia… there is no other woman for me. Ever. If something were to happen to you—"

"Don't think about that, not tonight," she said hurriedly putting her hands on his shoulders. "Just kiss me, Reth. And let's enjoy this. Let's think about all the other things tomorrow. For now, it's just you and me and this place and… let's make the most of it."

"I couldn't agree more," he growled, then took her mouth.


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