Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 162: Elias Story - Part 2

Chapter 162: Elia's Story - Part 2


His heart was in his throat as she stood and walked to the front of the stage to face the people. He knew—he had checked this time—that Aymora and the others had covered very possible obstacle or pitfall that could come from her Reading tonight.

They'd all—including Elia and Reth—had a lengthy debate about whether she should reveal the relationship she'd had with him as a child. It explained much that the Anima would understand. But also raised questions they would require answers for—and not just from Elia.

In the end, they had decided not to do it, but the decision suddenly sat uneasily for Reth. Should he have encouraged her to get it all out in the open? He knew it would cause great disruption because of the possible roles of the wolves—he'd wanted them to measure her on herself and heart, not these circumstances she had nothing to do with. But now…

If it ever came out, would they think she lied tonight?

He shook his head at himself. He did not know what was best. The wolves had reason to keep hiding their motives in bringing her here. The risk to them was perhaps greater. But… he didn't know.

As Elia greeted the people, and the entire market was so quiet the buzzjumpers in the forest could be heard singing, he prayed they had not made a fatal error.

Then, she took a deep breath and began.

She told them of her world—describing the boxes they lived in, the boxes they drove in, the tar and cement, the lack of air, and the focus on the mind, over the body."

"In my world, while there are some very strong humans who make great achievements and prove themselves superior, our earth is… sick compared to Anima. Even the most successful among us hold those positions only for a short time. Our bodies do not have your… resilience. We cannot generally sustain physical achievement for more than a decade.

"Instead, my people hold a focus on the mind, and in some cases, the soul. Success, status among my former people is most normally achieved through becoming learned and experienced in a trade, or art, and growing your knowledge until others can learn from you, and achieve under your instruction."

She paused and her face became serious. "There are many things in my world which, by contrast with Anima, I know to be weak. There are attitudes and priorities that, were I ever to go back, I would change to reflect the Anima way. But not everything the humans do is weak—and not every priority they hold is poor.

She told them then, of her childhood, growing up. The love in her home, and her love and loyalty for her family. It was something her Cohorts had emphasized was needed. The Anima lived in family groups, and among their tribes. They not only understood the bonds, but appreciated them in others.

Elia described her parents joy at her birth, their commitment to raising her. Their grief at not being able to have more children. And their focus on helping her to grow and succeed.

"And then, without my knowledge, I have learned that I was touched by the Anima."

Lightning shot through Reth's veins. What was she doing?

There was a sharp inhale among the people—shock and curiosity and a strong scent of caution rose in the room.

Reth stared at Elia, her, silently begging her to step so, so carefully.

"I didn't know it at the time," Elia went on, "but since coming here, through mutual friends, I have learned that an older couple who lived me during my years as a child were Anima. Their interactions with my family—even the challenges we faced in that—were very instrumental in my life. And I wonder if that is what lead to the choice of the tribes to bring me here?" She didn't flinch, didn't look away from any of them as she said, "I do not know the minds of those who selected me for the Rite. At that time in my life I was… lost. And I remained that way for a time after coming here. But I stand before you today grateful for that experience. I stand before you today thanking the Creator that I was chosen—no matter what the reasons why. Because, had the tribes not selected me, I would not have found my true mate. And I would not have found you."

Tears made her eyes shine, but she didn't give in to them. Reth ached and wanted to cheer in the same moment. Her scent was clean, pure. She spoke truth, and they would all know it.

Gripping his hands on the table, he turned his head quickly to look at the others—

Aymora caught his eye first and shook her head. She hadn't known Elia was going to do this. But she also didn't smell displeased. Gahrye and Candace glanced at him and hastily ducked their chins, but both of them returned to watching her immediately.

She'd done this without telling them. What a reckless, independent, and clever, clever girl his mate was. His groin twitched and he shifted himself. Aymora gave a little cough, and he ignored her, turning back to Elia who stood, facing the people, daring them to challenge her.

His every sense told him, she truly didn't know why she'd been chosen, but she was genuinely grateful. He knew everyone one present could see it, and smell it in her.

And their testimony to any who weren't present would have the same affirmation of truth.

Reth wanted to victory roar.

"Thank you, Anima, for choosing me," she said breathlessly. "Thank you. I know I have not brought to you what was expected of a Queen. I pray the day comes that I will no longer step off the path in ways that cause discomfort. But however long it might take for my life to blend with yours, know this: I do not regret a single moment of my life since waking up in Anima. If I could go back and receive the choice, I would have come. Willingly. You have… you have won me, heart and soul since that night. I do not stand here merely accepting the path I was forced to walk. I stand here embracing it. If you leave here tonight knowing nothing else, know that."

She stopped again, and gripped her skirts. Reth's heart, still celebrating, went out to her. He knew this part was difficult for her.

"With all of that before you, I wish to explain why you have seen me make such mistakes since I arrived. And I remind you: I do not ask for mercy. Only for consideration."

Then she took a deep breath, while Reth held his.

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