Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 141: Crossing the Line

Chapter 141: Crossing the Line


Elia stared at him, equal parts angry and nervous and for once he wasn't filled with the urge to soothe her. He held himself so tightly leashed he couldn't even manage a sarcastic smile. He just opened his hand toward the path and waited. Her lips thinned, but she started walking. Reth fell in beside her, shaking with rage.

"Reth, I am the Queen here—appointed by you—and I am an adult. I am allowed to make choices."

"We will speak of it back at the cave," he muttered through his teeth.

"Yes, we will. But I want it known that I don't like this feeling that I'm being marched back to my room like a child for discipline."

"Perhaps if my very adult mate wouldn't make childish decisions, she wouldn't be treated like a child."

She stopped on the path, her face pale and turned on him. "So, you agree with your people then, Reth? That I am not… capable?"

He glared. This was a different conversation, and he wouldn't be distracted. "You know that I do not, Elia. Do not twist my words."

She glared back, her jaw tight, but a moment later she turned and started walking again.

"You should roar again," she said bitterly. "Make sure no one missed it the first time."

"They know I am angry, they do not know why. And since I dismissed everyone, no one will witness your shame. That's what you're worried about, correct? Since it can't be the fact that we're out here with no guards. I know how much you like evading your guards."

"Is that what you think I was doing?"

"I do not think, I know."

"It wasn't about getting away from them—"

"We'll discuss it at the cave, Elia."

"Why do you get to decide when we'll discuss it?"

"Because I am King, I am dominant. And any other person here—including the wolves—would go where I told them to go to have a conversation. Unless you plan to be the one who defies me to my face?" He turned then to look at her and she stared back.

"You know I don't want to do that, Reth—"

"Then please wait until we're back at the cave."

"—it's just that you're walking around me like a prisoner and I am the Queen and I'm having a hard enough time getting everyone to take me seriously as it is!"

"I'm not going to do this right now, Elia."

"Why not?! I've seen you have entire debates in front of a crowd of Anima!"

"Not with my mate!"

"So, I can't command the same respect from you as Aymora? Or Lucan?"

"Elia," he seethed. "I will speak to you about it when we're at the cave. Please don't make me—"

"What, Reth? Don't make you have an uncomfortable conversation that you can't joke or sex your way out of?"

With a snarl, he leapt forward, shifting into Beast form.

He heard her gasp and recoil, and wasn't sure why, but her footsteps continued along the path when he darted into the trees to follow her that way. He scented the wind. There were more horses ahead, but no others. His insides heated because of his mate. He wanted to bite something. He also wanted to bite her—but the other inside of himself wouldn't allow it.

So he circled her, watching and scenting through the trees until they reached the meadow, and as she stepped into the clearing and the horse-men came to meet her, he was pushed aside…

…and Reth strode out, letting the guards see his anger, smell his rage. The equines gave him a wide berth, eyeing him warily, letting him through the line to join Elia, who roundly ignored him, which only made his flames burn hotter.

But together they made it to the cave and he swung the door open for her, turning to close and bar it once she was through.

She had her arms folded across her chest, and for the first time he paid attention to her arms. She'd developed a great deal of muscle in the last few weeks. He wanted to growl.

"So, this is what you meant when you spoke of "working out"?" he snarled.

"Does it matter?"

"It matters a great deal if you've been escaping your guards for… how many weeks?"

Her chin pushed forward. "I don't know. A couple months?"


"You've seen me getting stronger, Reth! You've seen that it's starting to work with the people. I was never alone! What are you so worried about?"

"I am beyond worried, Elia! Well beyond!"


He stormed up to loom over her. Her eyes widened as he stalked towards her, but she didn't give ground, and the tiniest part of him that wasn't consumed with rage wanted to applaud that she could hold her ground in the face of his wrath.

The rest of him was fucking pissed.

"I am so far beyond worried because you put yourself in danger! It is sheer stupidity!"

"Oh, so now I'm stupid!"

"You're acting it!"

"How is it stupid for me to train, Reth? To get stronger?"

"Because you do it unguarded!"

"Gahrye is always with me—and he's so much stronger than any of you give him credit for!" her eyes flickered the smallest bit on that statement and he scented her falter in herself.

"What?" he snarled. "What are you hiding? Is this about your Advisor? Is that it? Do you seek time alone with him?"

Her mouth fell open and she shoved him right in the chest. He was so taken by surprise he didn't brace for it and rocked back on his heels. Then she shoved him again. "Don't you EVER—"

"You're lying to me! Deceiving me about something!"

"I've been deceiving you about dodging the guards!"


"Because I knew you'd react like this!"

He snorted and her eyes widened again. She knew what that meant to the Anima now. "If you're trying to imply—"

"You disobeyed a direct order—and you took one of the people with you. For months! Do you have any idea how deeply that undermines me if it gets out?"

"Why? Why are you so threatened by me being out there alone? You're out there alone every day!"

"Because I am strong enough to deal with any Anima that might try to take me and they know it!"

"So, we're back to me being weak? How pathetic I am that I can't defend myself?"

"No, Elia! We're back to how all they'd have to do to remove my teeth and dull my claws is to take you!" His chest heaved and he knew his eyes were wild and bright in the dim cave, because hers widened.

"What are you saying, Reth?" she said, not as loudly as before.

He took her by the arms and forced himself not to shake her. "Can't you see, Elia? Don't you get it? My strength, my dominance means nothing if they take you. If they had control of you, they could order me to do anything—anything!—and I would do it. AND THEY KNOW IT."

Her mouth dropped open.

She stared at him, gaping, and he saw the recognition in her of the weakness in himself that made him sick to his stomach. Letting her go, he stalked away, trembling with rage.

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