Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Chapter 158: 125, one person wipes out the entire genius class

Chapter 158: 125, one person wipes out the entire genius class

“I’ll take the front, you guys flank from all sides!”

“I’m on the flank!”

“I’ll guerrilla and sneak attack, providing support for you!”

The newcomers from the genius class had clear roles and begun to coordinate with each other, aiming to overwhelm Lin Zichen with their numerical advantage.

Facing the genius class newcomers coming at him from all directions, Lin Zichen wasn’t in the mood to play house with them and immediately started an overpowering performance with a flash of his figure.

Bursting forth at the speed of an ordinary seventh rank.

He proactively sprinted to the front of each attacking genius class newcomer.

Regardless of whether they were male or female, he knocked them down with one punch each.


“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

“Bang! Bang…”

A series of rapid punches could be heard.

Just a moment ago, the genius class newcomers had been surrounding Lin Zichen.

The next moment, they were sent flying one after another.

Then, they all crashed to the ground, curling up in pain, unable to stand back up.


As Lin Zichen was exchanging blows with a group of genius class newcomers, a whizzing sound suddenly rang through the crowd.

It was Ma Xiwei making her move!

Taking advantage of Lin Zichen’s distraction, she burst out from the crowd in an instant, with a pig-headed face flying toward the Martial Stage, her target aimed directly at Shen Qinghan on the stage.

Lin Zichen had swollen her face, and as an eye-for-an-eye revenge, she planned to do the same to Shen Qinghan!

Let Lin Zichen watch as his beautiful fiancée’s face swells into a pig-head to see what he would think!

“Traitor, receive your death!”

As Ma Xiwei sprinted to a distance of more than twenty meters from the Martial Stage, she violently pushed off the ground with her calves, leaping high into the air and tracing a perfect parabola towards the Martial Stage.

Just as she was about to land on the Martial Stage!

Lin Zichen leaped forth, instantly catapulting behind her and fiercely kicking her upturned buttocks.

Next, a “Bang” was heard!

Midair, Ma Xiwei felt as if her buttocks were about to split open.

The very next second, she was flung out by the powerful impact coming from her butt, crashing heavily into the crowd, too pained to get back up.

Seeing this, President Ma on the second-floor corridor immediately jumped into the crowd, anxiously checking his daughter’s injuries.

Fortunately, the injuries weren’t severe – just a swollen butt.

Over at the Martial Stage.

Under Li Moyu’s leadership, the genius class newcomers quickly launched a second round of attacks.

This attack was even more ferocious than the first one.

However, they still couldn’t withstand Lin Zichen’s punches and kicks and were overthrown in an instant.

All the people present were stunned by this scene.

Originally, everyone had thought that at the start of the school year trial, all the regular class newcomers would unite to attack the genius class, striving to take a top-10 ranking from them.

But now, it had completely flipped.

Because Lin Zichen was so strong, it turned into all the genius class newcomers attacking him alone, just to prevent him from monopolizing all the top-10 rankings for himself.

What shocked people most was that the entire genius class, despite mobilizing all its members, couldn’t beat Lin Zichen!

That was the entire genius class!

Among them were the Capital City’s top scholar Li Moyu, the fourth-ranked Ma Xiwei, and various other peerless geniuses from different provinces.

Yet, despite such an exaggerated paper strength, they were helpless against Lin Zichen at this moment.

Being punched and kicked without any power to fight back, they were utterly overpowered by him the whole time.

This scene was utterly unprecedented!

About half a minute later.

Aside from the “traitor” Shen Qinghan, the rest of the genius class newcomers were knocked down by Lin Zichen, all curled up on the ground in pain, unable to stand, completely devoid of fighting capability.

The ringleader Li Moyu took the worst beating, his face swollen up like a pig’s head, even more severe than what had been done to Ma Xiwei before.

By this time, the stopwatch on the big screen was almost at 1 minute.





When the timer reached [60s], the big screen, like before, performed facial recognition on the person on the Martial Stage.

Immediately after,

Shen Qinghan’s student photo appeared on the big screen, congratulating her for achieving second place in the school trial.

Seeing that the second place had been successfully claimed, Lin Zichen leapt onto the Martial Stage and shouted at the ordinary class freshmen below, “Who wants to be third in the school trial? The ranking is yours! The credits are mine!”

“Me me me!”

“Zi Chen, let me be third!”

“Zi Chen, I’m up!”

In an instant, the ordinary class freshmen were all eagerly volunteering, each wanting to experience the feeling of standing on the Martial Stage under the spotlight.

Lin Zichen surveyed the crowd, and eventually chose Li Chuxin, who had been shouting all along, and called out to her:

“Chu Xin, come up!”


Li Chuxin was so excited that she quickly squeezed her way out of the crowd and leaped energetically onto the Martial Stage.

At the same time that she went on stage, Lin Zichen walked down with Shen Qinghan.

Afterward, as usual, the big screen over the empty Martial Stage started the countdown timer.

From [1s] to [60s], no one dared to disturb her, all of them stood below, watching as Li Chuxin took the third place.

Having easily secured the 80 credits for third place,

Lin Zichen wasted no time and quickly picked a random ordinary class freshman to go up and become the fourth place, grabbing the 70 credits for himself.

At the same time, on the second-floor corridor,

Seeing that the talented class freshmen from Evolution College had gained nothing, Ma Zhenhe turned to Yuan Dongzhi and said:

“Principal Yuan, what Lin Zichen is doing seems somewhat against the rules. He’s already won the title of the top newcomer, so how can he still act as an enforcer and monopolize the top 10 by finding puppets?”

“How is it against the rules?”

Liu Chuanwu was the first to jump out in opposition, bluntly retorting, “Come on, President Ma, you tell me, when has the school trial ever stipulated that one can’t act as an enforcer to secure the top 10?”

Ma Zhenhe said, “Indeed, there is no explicit rule against it, but that doesn’t mean Lin Zichen’s actions are justifiable. What he’s doing now is exploiting loopholes in the rules, and it should be stopped.”

In the past, the top newcomer was always determined through life-and-death fights within the talented class.

They would also be nearly exhausted after securing the title of top newcomer.

But this year, Lin Zichen was an exception.

His strength was unmatched, far surpassing the other freshmen, and he single-handedly blew up the entire talented class.

Without so much as taking a breather, his attacks were dimensionally overwhelming.

And afterwards, he still had plenty of strength left to act as an enforcer and take over the top 10.

“President Ma has a point, this indeed is a loophole in the rules.”

After saying that, the dean of the Mechanical Academy added, “However, we can only fix it next year, not now, as it wouldn’t be fair to Lin Zichen.”

The other school authorities also said, “Indeed, the trial is already underway, it’s not reasonable to change the rules now. We’ll have to wait until next year to make amendments.”

Although these school authorities didn’t like Liu Chuanwu or Tianren Pavilion, they were still quite reasonable people.

Of course, the main reason was that they were now benefiting from the current situation.

For every ordinary class freshman that Lin Zichen brought into the top 10, all ordinary class freshmen would receive 1 credit point.

These were free resources—why not take them?

Hearing what the other school authorities had to say, Ma Zhenhe knew he had touched upon the interests of other academies and tactfully fell silent.

But his expression was sour, clearly holding back anger.

Yuan Dongzhi glanced at him and said indifferently, “President Ma, you’ve been increasingly unstable recently. It’s best to slow down the integration progress of the Fire Eagle Gene, lest it affect your daily life.”

Ma Zhenhe’s expression softened as he replied, “Understood, Principal Yuan.”

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