Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 79: Student council president and long term noble and Ractos.

Chapter 79: Student council president and long term noble and Ractos.

The four country that said to be the biggest countries in the continent; Azolias, Rizzetta, Septard, and Rose.

The academy that was built by those four country in the border between Azolias and Rizzetta, "Continent school- Diebold Composite academy".

Most of the student aiming at this academy were the one who wanted to study at the academy that had the name of Diebold on it, but of course, those who went to this academy because they judge that this academy was the best academy for achieving their goal wasnt little, too.

Sorry for the late introduction.

I am the third prince of Azolias kingdom. My name is Zio=Azolias. My hair was a curly one like that of my mother, but other than that I said that I looked like my father... the current king of the Azolias kingdom, I also said that I was the spitting image of him when he was young.

Well then, let's bring our topic back to the Diebold academy. The reason that why I bring out the topic was none other than the fact that I also went to this academy and I had the position of the student council president.

Student council president, just like it name said, was the position as the head of the student body. It was a position that only a person with high position from the four country that I mentioned before could get for the sake of training. While I said training, this was the second one for me, though.

Well, even though I said I was the head of the students, there wasn't particularly hard task that I had to do, at most I just had to become the mediator if there was an emergency happened.

Then, reaching this part, I'm sure there will be someone who wondered.

Why a royalty even need to go to school? right?

Normally, even if someone who held a weak place that wouldn't even join any succession war, it still unusual for a royalty to went into school like this. Rather than learn thing un-efficiently from a class that contains several people in one room, it will be more efficient to learn privately from a excellent private tutor.

Then why? The reason was the thing that I mentioned above, the goal for those who went to this academy. If I had to choose the reason between those two reason that I said above, I could said it was both.

The reason for the first one was simple.

If, by some case there were none of the azolias royalty went to the academy where the name of Azolias hero, it would create some kind of trouble for sure.

However, my oldest brother who would inherit the throne, and the second brother who would became the prime minister, were busy that they couldn't attend the academy.

And so, it'll all come to me. A person who didn't had any special roule assigned for me like that of my two older brother, the one so called as spare, to take the job to rolls into this academy.

Then just like I said above, the two reason that I stated above could became the reason for my enrolment into this academy, but if I had to say it, the second reason was the biggest of all.

The second reason for my enrolment... The other reason why I enroll into this academy other than because of the prestige of this academy.

It was the Ractos household.

Duke Ractos Household.

One of the four duke households of Azolias kingdom, and the direct descendant of the person who became the name of this academy, Diebold=Ractos.

It was said that before I was born, their family was often misunderstood and entangled by a scary rumour due to their scary appearance, and now... well, it seems that it's always like that since the past, but they still become an irreplaceable noble of Azolias Kingdom.

Of course, just like me, a part of royalty who couldn't not attend this academy, they, the people of Ractos, no, it because they were people from Ractos Household that they had the greater obligation to enroll into this academy more than myself.

In the first place, it was because of the will of Diebold-dono, that he wished for the children of Ractos of this generation to attend the academy.

... Any keen person should already had any idea of what I wanted to said.

That was right. The second reason for my enrolment into this academy was to help Ractos's kids from behind, and sometimes in public if the situation asked for it.

Just like I said above, everyone from Ractos household were easily misunderstood due to their appearance.

Of course, the previous head, Grid=Ractos, the current head, Jake=Ractos, and of course, their children weren't any exception, too.

Sera who just entered last year wasn't much a problem, but Grisiss face, or rather it's colour create quite bit of problem, and Daria who was on the same year as me already completely turned into "Ractos".

If someone who knew their true self like me didn't make move and gave a follow up, it would raise a problem for sure.

... No, thought it's only a little, but probably some problem already occurred somewhere.

It was about Daria, that I said "already turned Actors".

If I had to describe her from how she looks, she was a woman who had an terrifying aura.

Right, if we only saw how she looks, she was a beautiful woman that no one could object her beauty, but just like a Ractos she was, a sharp almond shaped eyes with jet black pupil like that of darkness. And lastly her bright blazing scarlet wavy hairs like that of a hell's inferno.

To add things, Daria was expressionless and talk a little. But, when she take a glance at you, it felt like she glared at you much.

The first time I met with her, I thought that she was gonna cut me in pieces. She scares me a bit.

Now, from all of that trait, the worse of all was the fact that she talk a little.

It wasnt like she just talk a little, and it wasn't like she always silent all the time. If the problem was just that, then I wouldn't really called that as problem.

But, it was the fact that in contrast to the thing that was on her mind or the word that she actually wanted to said, the word that come out from her mouth was the one give people wrong impression the most.

Of course, she didn't do it all on purpose.

I didn't really knew the actual reason, but she always like that since she was a kid. And so, what was the result of that girl in this academy...

"Haah, "Daria Faction" huh..."

The word that come out from my mouth together with a sigh, "Daria Faction" was a faction of student inside the academy. It held the greatest strength among the faction inside the academy, and reign on the top.

Of course, I knew. For me who already had interaction with Ractos since childhood so that I could get used to them, I knew.

She never had such purpose, not to mention to reign over with her own faction, she never had a slightest idea to even create her own faction.

I was sure, that she couldn't really understand the, umm, doctrine or something like that of her own faction. Even I didn't really understood about it.

For some reason, her faction was vigilance around me. And of course, it's quite hard for me to knew something that even Daria herself didn't really know. The things turned into this mess before I even realized.

From who know where, before I, and even Daria realized about it, everything was already put in place and completed.

If I had to be honest, Diebold academy was the gathering of nobles kids.

Special, or genius commoner usually enrolled into the academy in their perspective country, and for a special case like Diebold academy, who didn't actually located in any of the country existed, and didn't belong to any of the country, normally they didn't enroll into such academy.

Well, even a nobles kid normally just hire a private tutor and finish their education at home, so usually there weren't many who had thought to went into such academy.

But just like I mentioned above, the one who enrolled into this academy were those who wished the perigee of "had attended the Diebold Academy".

If I had to simplified it more, then this place was the gathering of people with high pride and love to boast.

I didn't know how the things were on the other academy, but it would be weird for such kind of people to didn't create a faction of theirs in this kind of place.

Inside such environment, before she realized about it, she already established the strongest faction in the academy. Before she even realized.

For now, Daria faction didn't show any movement that would cause a problem.

But, as expected of the biggest faction, their number was too big. To be honest, it wasn't even a extagregation to said that everyone on the long term noble course was the part of her faction.

That's right. Thats problem that now I had... the worry, of the possibility of her faction, using their number, doing something that jump over Daria's thought and created some problem,and on the top of all, it was dubious whether I could even stop them or not.

If something were to happen and Daria faction were using her name and create some problem without Daria even knowing about it, I feared that it would bring a bad influence to the Grid=Ractos who still worked on the castle and his successor in the future.

Though it was my role to give the Ractos follow up whether problem arise, but it seems that I should focus more on Daria rather than Sera and Grisis.

About the other kid other than Daria, I already put countermeasures in every quarter.

Thats why, at least until she graduated, I had to make sure that Daria faction didn't create any problem. At the same time, I should've graduated, too, at that time, so the matter after that should fell on my successor.

Though it was bit pathetic of me, but all I could do now was praying that her faction didn't create any problem, while looking out for Daria in the meantime.

Only one year, I putting my hand hand together as to pray so that nothing would happened. I wanted to quickly graduated and back to my home country.

... After I came back, I would marry the cute count daughter around the vicinity and create a happy family with her.

TL : Prime minister vibe much. Next will be the point of view of the "sub leader" of Daria Faction ~

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