Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 75: Duke and The girl

Chapter 75: Duke and The girl

The weather was fine. Today was the second day after the independence day anniversary of the kingdom.

Few days passed after the misunderstanding that His highness Alto leaded into my... Grid=Ractos, trial.

To my surprise, the result of that accident was the majesty who was beaten up badly by the prime minister explained to Prince Alto about my circumstances while weeping, and the prince easily accept that fact.

It seems that everyone in that room, including me, hadnt realized that the second prince, his highness Hanz, arrived at the room before we know it, and already finished explained the thing to Prince Alto.

Later days, under the angry appearance of the prime minister and the heartfelt apology from Prince Alto, the thing that was feared by the prime minister the most... the absence of my presence in workplace, due to the trial this time was able to be evaded.

As for Prince Alto, he kept stealing a glance at the prime minister time to time when he apologize that time, it was totally obvious that he wanted to run away from the place that time. I just pretend that I didnt saw that.

A few days after that, on independent day of the country,which was three days ago, his majesty gathered the people and gave a formal speech about the fact about our family. We was innocent, and all of the rumour that were lingering in the town, were in fact, a baseless rumors.

Although I didnt thought that he need to announce it on such big day, but under the threat of the prime minister saying that he would show his loyalty once again if his majesty didnt announce it soon, his majesty announce it that day.

Well, for me to said it about myself was a bit complicated, but the towns people who heard about the speech were doubtful, thinking that all of this was all lie to deceive them, but after his majesty desperately explain the matter, about my work and how I act, as well as my interest in delicacies, the towns folks finally understood that what his majesty had said was true and finally accept it.

Looking at that, it made me realized once again,that his majesty the King of Azolias, was someone who was loved so much by his citizens. At that time, from the angle that couldnt be seen from below, the prime minister had been kicking the kings leg the whole time, again,I pretend didnt saw it all.

And now, I walked around the street with a relaxed mood than ever before.

Nevertheless, even though I already said that I didnt mind about it, but the prime minister insisted to give punishment to his majesty and his highness... as for what it was, after thought about it for some time, he decided to let them work on the finance for one day replacing my place.

I remembered the emperors face that pulled out and the panic stricken expression that the prince made lookin at his majestys face.

In short, today was a holiday for me and I had no job to do at all.

Originally I planned to went around the castle town together with family for the rest of the day, but now everyone move individually and we planned to gathered again at restaurant at the noble district in the evening.

Its absolutely wasnt because the pressure that our family gave was so strong that it start to disturb other people.

And now, in such street. I was on the festival at the last day of the festival for commemorate the independent day of the kingdom.

Because Azolias people love festival, or perhaps this was the perfect time to open your business, the number of the stall in the street was nearly double of the usual.

A stalls that full with enchanting aroma, I wonder what kind of food they had on their stalls?

One stall selling something that seems to be covered in syrup.

Another one selling a meat that somehow Ive seen it before.

A small cutting of meat, neatly pierced with a stick, oh, it the thing that I once ate with Jake before.

If it was the usual day... to be exact, the me from before, I would try to not had an eye contact and just looking at that stall from the distant so I wouldnt frightened the shopkeeper, but today was different.

On the day of celebration of the independence day, under the declaration of his majesty, and the acceptance of everyone in the country, now the fact that I was innocence all this time become a well known fact, and I would had to met with a sad day anymore.

Um, shopkeeper. Can I have two portion please?

alright! Two it is... Oh!OH, ah!? Duke Ractos?.... why are you in place like this?!

As I gathered my determination and order a portion of meat kebab, the shopkeeper with surprised look asked why I was at place like this.

Yes, he was surprised due to the fact that I went to a stall on the street rather than surprised by my looks.

Im sure about that.

aah, didnt majesty said that he love to eat many different kind of food, right? So he just came to buy kebabs between his jobs, right?

Hearing the seemingly wife of the stallowner said so about me, the shopkeeper scratch his cheeks while mutter there was that, heh with dry smile on his face.

Although he did got bit surprised about me being here, it seems that it didnt bother him that much.

... But, its better if I approach them more kindly after this.

Thanks to his majesty, the fear that were caused my the misunderstanding shouldve gone already. Even so, even if they were afraid due to some misunderstanding, I probably could resolve faster if just talk to them.

As the madam said. I has always wanted to try to buy a food from this place, but due to the fear of being noble, I never once able to come

Hah... now that you say it, being a duke is not easy, heh. Again, it seems that what majesty had said was true, heh. Wait, its not like I doubt his majesty or something like that you know! Its just I felt very ashamed to believe in those bad rumour before...

Ah, the rumour. As a matter of fact, I only know the detailed information about the dark rumour of our family recently.

It seems that the prime minister did a lot of work in secret so that there would be no information about that rumour found out by me and hurt my feeling. Now, I totally surprised how the rumour could be so far from the truth.

Fuhahaha. Was it about the dark rumour of Ractos household?

The previous king of Azolias had been very gracious toward our father, Duke Diebold. The Ractos household wouldnt even think any idea that will betray his majesty and his family. Please rest assured

After I explain the thing to him and denied all of the rumour, the shopkeeper showing a relieved expression.

Yeah, now that I thought about it carefully, you are the descendant of the war hero, Diebold=Ractos. Now Im wondered why I even believed such rumour in the first place.

The wife responded to the name of my father, Diebold.

In other word, my relation and the people now were super good right? Isnt this amazing!?

Ah yes! I almost forgot about duke order. Please, its eighteen copper coins for two kebabs, sir

ahaha! What with that way of speaking, dear! It sound so weird when you use a polite word like that you know?

shut up! This is the first time I had a duke as my customer. I dont know how should I dealt with this, dont ask for the impossible

The shopkeeper said that as he hide his embarrassment, then gave two kebabs to me.

I gave him my thanks and gave him the copper coins.

Ah, its amazing... I felt really warm inside now.

Recently, I was able to normally communicate with the people.

And now, just as I thought, I really felt blessed.

Thanks to his majesty, the public opinion about me really changed drastically.

Even if I walked at the castle town like this, people only showed the expression of surprised, and not a trembling fear not like before.

... In that case, trying every food here, wouldnt be a dream anymore right!?

Now that I thought about that, the next thing that I really want to taste was that fruit that covered in syrup!

With that in mind, I fasten my walk to a direction of the stall, before I felt something small bumping into me.

Surprised, I looked below to find a little girl bumped into me.

It seems that I accidentally bumped into this girl while I was walking.

Oh, Im sorry. Are you alright?

The girl made a slight surprised voice as she staggered slightly, as she immediately apologized to me.

Oh, its fine. I am also...

Let me revise that. The moment she was about to apology, her voice suddenly stopped...


Her face tinged in fear, and tears started to accumulated on her eyes.

Ah! Sure, sure one day wasnt enough to clear all the fear!... Even thought it was the direct word of his majesty, but there still something that even word couldnt explain!

In order to not scare her even more, I tried to backed off quickly.

But it seems that it just worsened the situation as the girl only cry louder and louder.

When everyone suddenly cried in the middle of the crowd like that, it would only gather the curious onlooker.

Wah wah wah... this was bad! How could I explain that I was innocent when the situation turned out like this! It completely looked like me made this girl crying!... Anyone, anyone, please save me from this situation!

Wait, dont cry! I am not a bad noble! You see, didnt you heard what his majesty said yesterday, you remembered it right? His majesty never lied to his people, right!?

I panicked and used the last move, to mention the declaration that his majesty made yesterday, tried to convincing the girl to stop crying.

But the girl answered with a sob.

I know, I remember that... I also believe, that duke, is a good man

The girl took a deep breath as she brushed her tears with her finger.

But, but... your face still scary!

Then she started to cry as she shouted that sentence.

Well, that wasnt something that I could fix.

What? So this kid wasnt crying because of thinking that I was a bad person, but simply because of my scary to the extent it made her cried like this?

Aah, I dont know, but somehow, I felt I want to, cry.

... I wonder if I could do the work tomorrow?

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