Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 69: Second Witness

Chapter 69: Second Witness

By no means, I was someone who live by doing something really improper in my life.

Now for some reason, I was brought to the front of the king with my hand tied behind my back. The origin of this happening was from the matter several days ago.

As I said just before, I was just someone who get little better on business compared other person.

But even so, I never actually violated the law. At most, I was doing something that was in the gray zone.

Then, to mention what that kind of method is that, it was just by going to the restaurant that nobles goes, and asked an acquaintances on that restaurant to gave me the meat before they threw it away. Cut them, and made them into a kebab before selling them again.

Its a zero-cost profit making business

Well, although it was grey area and no one will question the thing that I sold, if it was exposed, the consequences will be terrible and painful.

Haha... maybe this situation was the result of that.

Anyway, I was doing such kind of business. That day, as usual, I set up my stall and walked the dark alley with meat skewers.

To be honest, thought it would be more profitable to sell it in the main road, but knowing the origin of the meat, I try to set up the stall in the back alleys.

The one who went to the back alley were usually those who doing the same shady things like me, people with scary face and so on, and knowing that I sold my things with the price six chopper, cheaper than the usual market price,well knowing the origin of this things.... I was regarded as good guy here.

But at that day, due to the people were busy preparing for the founding anniversary of the kingdom, few people even went come to the alleys to buy meets skewers from suspicious stalls like me.

That was why.... no, I think I would be able to realized even if I wasnt as busy as today.

A fairly clean young man with a low hooded looked around for a few second then walked straight to my stall. I felt like he had some kind of ominous atmosphere.

Although I did a dishonest business, I also am a resident of the underworld.

I could see whether man had ominous... aura of trouble around here.

I still had that insight with me.

Otherwise, I couldnt keep working here.

Ah, yes that man.

He hide his face, and wore a simple clothes with intent of disguising, but I still realized that he was a noble.

A noble man with aura of trouble, no matter how you look at it, its better to not get involved with him.

Shopkeeper, give me a kebab

Well as a merchant, I couldnt not involved with him if he come to buy my things, though

Ok, its six copper coins

Hmm, its really cheap compared to the market price, Ill not really poke deeply into it though

After hearing that, I first thought that he was an noble who had connection with the supplier, but it seems I was wrong.

Now, the thing seems doing pretty fine, I thought from the depth of my heart.

As I thought that, the man suddenly opened his mouth when he finished ate half of the kebab.

Speaking of it, do you know what? It seems that the people from duke household were loitering around here

I suddenly stopped moving like the time had stopped for me.

It really felt like the time had stopped for me.

Just like there were the law of the country to make people life better, there were also law in the inner world.

I had never gone outside the country. I am pure Azolians, I didnt know whether the other country had the same thing as our country, but As I said just now, as the people of the Azolias, and as the person of the inner world.

I know very well about such rules.

Do not provoke soldiers or knights.

When you wanted to find troubles with civilians, do it on the place where it couldnt be seen by the guards.

If you want a quarrel, dont do it on the bright daylight.

And never ever get involved with anything related to Duke Ractos.

I see, It seems you already understood what I want to say next then, can I ask two more question?

The man threw the meat of at his feet, then he took of the hood that was covering his face.

First of all, did you know my face?:

That was the face that everyone in Azolias knew, unless they were a fool.

ah Prince alto, the royal prince, Prince alto!? His Highness, why are you here!?

You seems know me, then second question

The man leaned forward, and threatened me

The first prince of azolias kingdom, High highness Alto=Azolias, asked again.

Im investigating information about the duke of Ractos around here, If you know anything, say it

What happened after that? Do you really need to ask about htat?

Tell him everything that I know, the fact that they enter that shop called crescent moon pavilion that was of course right?

This is azolias, the other party was the prince of said kingdom.

He was on the top of the list people you shouldnt provoke.

It was someone stand above Duke Ractos.

So, Im here.

Im sorry sir, I confessed to him the other side is the royalty, it couldnt be helped

It was thing that two gold coins couldnt convince me. To the two people, Jake=Ractos, and Grid=Ractos, with anxious expression, in front of me.

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