Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 63: Queen and Liliana

Chapter 63: Queen and Liliana

Several days ago, my, Liliane=Ractoss daughter, Erza=Ractos, finally had her engagement decided.

Her partner was the eldest son of the Viscount Helix Household, who had a history in military , named Zen=Helix-kun.

The time they met each other, I had the same worry I had when Jake had his marriage meeting, so everyone in the house, including me, peeked into the room with the magic tool that we had prepared before, but nothing really bad happened and the engagement went smoothly, it was relief.

Well, though I got bit dissatisfied because of the thing that I had thought... more like wished to happen, romantic like scheme didnt happened at all. But since the engagement was established it still joyous matter.

After all, I already thought that Erza couldnt be saved anymore.

To my happiness, I even immediately called father-in-law-sama, Diebold=Ractos that day.

Said so, the communication with Rinna-onee-sama, who actually picked the call instead, suddenly cut off the call. And ever since that time, I hadnt been able to call them anymore... I wonder what happened?

Oh my? What did we talked about before... Ah, thats right. We talked about how happy for me that both Jake and Erzas engagement had been decided and now all of my worry were blown away.

That was right, I was very happy right now. Very very happy.

Actually, the time when Jake finally had her engagement done, he said that he will brag it to his friend, that time, I thought of his act as something quite improper. But now, I also wanted to brag to my friend about how my son and daughter finally engaged.

[ Now that I think about it, its been long time since the last time we meet, hmm... I wonder when the last time we met? Three months ago? I cant quite remember... ]- Liliana

Muttering alone, I, now inside a carriage that was running through the pavement road on the imperial capital.

Right now, I was on the way toward said friends house to brag to them.

It was not like we both were usually busy with our work, but since we both were people of status, we had been hesitant to met each other frequently, and now it was really quite long time since the last time I met with said friend that I forgot when the last time we met.

It had been really long time, I wonder if that person is healthy.

[---- Weve been waiting for your arrival, Duchess Ractos, Liliana=Ractos-sama. We already have the permission for entering the room, Liliana-sama please go directly to the room]

After being jolted on the carriage for several tens minutes, then walked more for several ten minutes, finally I arrived at one room on the imperial castle. This was my friend's room.

Created with glossy wood, on the end adorned with soft, high class pelt followed by ornament by gold, big double door.

The two guard that also worked as employee that were stationed on the side of the door gave the permit to enter, put their hand on the door and thus opened the entrance toward that room.

Lightly said my thanks to them, I walked toward the room using that door. At the same time I heard the sound of the door lightly closed, I give my bow as retainer.

[Long time no see. I offer my gratefulness for giving this one a chance for direct audience with her highness. Duchess Ractos, Liliana=Ractos, at your present]- Liliana

While keeping my posture, I cast my eyes down and wave my words.

[I appreciate your effort, Liliana=Ractos, raise your head]

Hearing those word, I raised my head then what entered my vision was an elegant woman... who seems directly come out of a painting, who was sat on a sofa with leg made from gold.

The thing that she wore,dress that was made from blue fabric with golden embroidery and elegant white fabric, the clothes that was symbolized the Azolias Kingdom.

Putting together her hair in bun on the back of her head, her sharp greyish eyes give rather awe-inspiring feeling rather than severity.

That was right, this person in front of me was the empress of the Azolias Kingdom herself. Clea=Azolias.

Several second of silence passed as I and empress exchange gaze.

[Its really been long time, right, Liliana? I worried that something might happened to you since you didnt come for long time, you know] Clea

As the end of Empress-Clea-samas eyes loosened a bit as she smiled to me, the awe-inspiring aura that she had from while ago were dissipated, then she talked to me as if we are on the same status.

Heard that, I replied on Empress Cleas word in return.

[... Im sorry. The talk about Jakes engagement already arrived, right? Because of that, and then another thing followed, I cant really visit here, really~]- Liliane

If third party heard our conversation right now, they would thought that the way I, even if I was duchess, talking to her majesty was too rude that it would probably incite her wrath. But actually, I and Empress Clea... Clea, were already acquaintanced with each other even before I came to the capital and became Grid-samas wife.

There was a territory beside the Count Veils territory where I were born, the second daughter of the neighboring territory was Clea.

We were near in age, plus we were friends even before our age reached two digit number, we were what you would called as old friends.

[Ah, I already heard about it, yes. Jake-kun, he engaged with the eldest daughter of Nizzer house, right? Then, you said there is another thing followed by? What happened after that?] Clea

Perhaps she got too excited because it had been long time since she met a person that she could talk freely with, Clea bend her body forward as she pester me for answer.

That side of her never changed from past even before she become the empress.

[About that, right, thats the reason that I come today. You know, finally, finally Erzas engagement also decided, amazing right!]- Liliana

Hearing my word, Clea clapped her hand with eyes opened in surprise as she gave her blessing to their engagement.

After that she gave barrage of question that would be asked by old-lady who love gossips... like whom she engaged with, what was the start of their love, what kind of person was the man.

After giving Clea answer for all of her question, Clea once again said her blessing to Erzas engagement.

Then, she put her hand on her chin and sighed.

[ Ractos have it easy, huh. Now your familys future already secured, right. Our Alto and Hans have to find fiance soon, too... But I cant really butting in with this matter you know~]- Clea

Over her own sons engagement, she... the empress, couldnt gave out her opinion in Prince's engagement.

Thought I didnt know how the other country did it, but in Azolias this was our social etiquette.

In the first place, in our country, generally Empress was prohibited for meddling into any matter that related in politics.

In Azolias kingdom, empress only had one job, that was to bear a healthy kid.

Nothing more, nothing less.

... Now that I said it like that, it sounds like empress was treated like a tool for that reason, but that was wrong.

She was the one who accomplish the thing that even the strongest person of the Azolias kingdom,the emperor, couldnt do, thats it gave birth to the next emperor. Because of that, she became the object of adoration of all the women in Azolias kingdom.

In fact, in a house that still didnt able to have any successor, a cameo with Clea face engraved in it were treated like a prayer for the madam of that house.

[That person(his majesty) said to leave it to him, but Leon have tendency to forget things, that make me worried... Perhaps its better to check it on him once again, no?] Clea (TL: I agree with you, her majesty)

[ Thats right... our current condition is just like I told you, but Clea, how about your place? Anything happen?]

After I finished told her our current circumstances, I asked Clea about her familys condition, but the only thing that come out from her mouth was sigh.

[ You know, nothing happened, nothing at all. When I was young... when I was a kid, I always saying that I will marry a prince, I always live up to that dream. Its not like I didnt feel happy right now or something like that, but its so boring here. I felt like I will growing old due to this boredom. I wonder if the queen of another country also felt the same things?]- Clea

Just like I previously said, in Azolias kingdom Empress mustn't concern herself with politics, and because everyone honoured her, everyone looked over her. Perhaps it was to better to said that everyone cared too much about her.

Generally, she wasnt allowed to go out from Imperial castles area, she also prohibited from entering the knight and army practice grounds. The time when she is permitted to leave the castle was at the time of special occasion or festival.

Being a daughter of earl just like me previously, it surely would be very boring to wouldnt be able to go anywhere freely.

.... Actually, one of the goal of my conversation with Clea who was the empress was also to divert her from boredom.

[Ah! Thats right, Liliana. The next time you come here, bring Jakes wife... Anessa was it? Bring that kid together with you! After that lets make a girl only gathering!

Girl only gathering!! Something like, the meeting only for girls, something like that is popular on the town right now, right?]- Clea

Girl only gathering. Indeed, maybe that was good for diverting Clea from her boredom.

Thought Anessa-chan will be very nervous about it, but I also had a little interest in this.


[Thats sound good. But, is it alright to only invite Anessa-chan?]

[ Only, you say, is there anyone other than her? Ah, Madam Nizzet? Indeed, the more the merrier. We will asked Anessa-chan how the things going between her and Jake-kun... Yep, thats right, let's invite Madam Nizzet, too!]- Clea

Thought, there was still another girl that could be invited, and we just talked about her some times ago, but it seems that she didnt counted as a Woman from the empresss perspective.

I wouldnt said who was it, but if one always wore armour this was the response that you would get.

And so, while in reluctance my fun conversation with Clea... Empress Clea, ended with the promise for girl only meeting for our next meeting.

Even when she engaged, how people treat her still hadnt changed huh, Erza was really helpless, huh....

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