Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 59: Meeting

Chapter 59: Meeting


The moment when the sun was right above the head, in the Azolias Kingdom.

I, Zen=Helix, together with Mr. and Mrs. Helix... my parents, were jolted inside the carriage, as we went toward the noble district near the imperial castle, where the mansion of a high-rank nobles stand in a row.

The reason that we, as a family all together, had to go to noble district that we usually didnt visit, was due of the matter from yesterday, because of the information that I got from the son of the head of Azoliass duke household, Grid=Ractos, who also contribute to the country as the financial governor, Jake=Ractos, about the engagement... marriage plan between me and his little sister, Erza=Ractos.

At first, the time I heard Jake-sama talk about it, I thought that Erza-sama, who was a noble lady at the same time the vice commander of chivalric orders heavy unit, wouldnt be suited with a mere eldest son of viscount house and a normal troop, thus I planned to reject his offer. But because Jake-samas word emphasized that the engagement plan with Erza-sama was the consensus of Duke family and the support of my parents, the time I could tell this matter to them, I decided to propose an engagement to Erza-sama proactively.

That was right, right now we were heading toward Ractoss house. And today, the plan was to meet with Erza-sama... and do a marriage interview.

[ Gnnh, not good. I am too nervous; my heart is beating so fast. I wonder when the last time my heart beat this fast. ]- Helix

Perhaps because of nervousness, Father, who usually had a thoughtful expression, couldnt seem to calm down.

It seems that my mother was on the same condition as Father, as she only clumsily nodded her head in response to my fathers words in silence.

[ Father, mother. I understand how you feel, but if you guys make tension higher than this... how should I say it, Ill be troubled on how to react. ]- Zen

[Even if you say so, Zen. As expected, when I thought that I will meet with Grid-sama... you know, I just cant calm down, right? ]- Helix

If I had to be honest, this was my first time seeing Father all nervous like this. Now that I look at him like this, it somehow made me slightly confused.

As the person who tried to focus himself preparing to meet with Erza-sama, doing such a thing was not exactly what I wish for him to do.

[ Rather than that, Zen. Are you really fine with those clothes? ]- Helix

Father asked the question that he asked several times since we left our house.

It seems, the nervousness that my parents felt was not based only on the fact that they would meet Ractos Household after this.

Well, it was not something weird I suppose... even if I did see someone who would wear the same clothes as me and said that he would go to marriage meetings after this, I would ask that person the same question.

But, on this occasion, I already believe that this was the correct answer, so I answered with the same answer as before.

[ Ill say it no matter how many time you asked, but itll be no problem, father. Rather, it wouldnt be good if its not this kind of cloth. My opponent this time is Erza-sama, so there will be no other choice than this one. ]- Zen

[ Hmm... Even if you say so, I felt that its too different from my common sense, to go to the marriage meeting while wearing armour, you know. ]- Helix

Just like what father had said, I was wearing a knight armour of the chivalric order light unit.

And of course, normally, if I went to marriage meeting in this appearance people would treat me as a weirdo, and stupid person... but just like what I had already said, I believe that this time, this appearance was the best that I could have.

Though, I already heard about it from Jake-sama before.

The fact that Erza-sama was equipping her armour even when she was in her own house.

In the marriage party between Jake-sama and Anessa-sama, where my heart was stolen by Erza-sama, she wore a beautiful dress. But now, thinking back on it again after hearing about Erza-samaa usual appearance from Jake-sama, I felt that Erza-sama at that time indeed looked annoyed with the dress that she was wearing.

And so... well, in the first place, I never thought that Jake-sama would ever lie, but even so, I suppose Jake-sama really was not lying about Erza-sama usual appearance in her own house.

I could feel it at that party, that Erza-sama always acted like she was a knight.

Probably, to strengthen those will, to carve those thought into her own body... I was sure that she would equip her armour, too at this marriage interview.

That was why I would equip my armor as well.

I want to tell Erza-sama with this appearance of a knight, that I am a knight, just like her, and thus, someone that was fitting to accompany her on her life.

As I explain so to my father, while still didnt look all that convinced, he nodded his head as if there was no turning back anymore.

--- Some time passed after that and our carriage finally arrived at Ractoss house.

In the carriage, my parents were acting all nervous, but by the time we arrived, they made it so that it couldnt be perceived from outside.

... I could imagine that actually, they were far more nervous than before, but since I was the same as them I would not pursue this matter further.

Descending from our carriage, we went to the entrance guided by the servant. Over there, standing in a row starting from Grid-sama, Jake-sama, Liliane-sama, and lastly, Erza-sama.

Just like what Jake-sama had said, and just like what I had imagined, Erza-sama was standing there with her heavy armour equipped.

I and Erza-sama who stand face by face with our knight armour on. Everyone in Ractos house, except Erza-sama, looked slightly surprised, but then the main person, Erza-sama, seemed to have a good impression of me, she looked at my appearance as she nodded her head several times.

Looking at that, Grid-sama and his family changed their expressions to a calm one.

After that, after my father and Grid-sama finished exchanging greetings, they quickly guided us to the room that already prepared for today and left us alone together in that room.

[...]- Helix

Red Carpet. Lacquer roundtable. A tea glass with gold decoration.

At that room, I just sat silently in front of Erza-sama, as silence wrapped the room.

... At this kind of moment, I who is the male should start the conversation, but its just different from the usual situation and so I ended up worried what should I actually do.

I am also a noble per se. Even I had experience attending several noble parties before, though not a big one. On that occasion, I had the experience of having a conversation with a girl at the same age as me.

I thought back to those time, and thinking to use the same approach as that time... but, would that be alright?

The one who was seated in front of me is the young lady of Duke household and the vice commander of Azolias kingdom Chivalric orders heavy unit.

Though it would be a bit rude for her, I felt like I shouldnt treat her like those girls I met at the party.

But still, I couldnt keep the silence continues without being able to start some good topic to talk about.

What should, I do...

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