Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 458 A Tempting Offer(Chapter Preview)

"My lord, we have been looking for the lady for an hour. If she would have been here, we would have already found her.

The lady told sir Huston that her carriage was waiting for her at the entrance. She might have already left!" The knight did not understand why they were looking for her in the ruins and forests when she was not kidnapped.

Lady Elizabeth was not a kid that would be lost on her way to home. But when he faced the cold eyes of his master, he bowed his head immediately.

It looked like he could lose his tongue if he spoke another word. For a minute only the sound of hooves and neighing of horses could be heard in the dark forest.

The cold winds were already penetrating their attires and they were sure if they continued to roam soon the beasts would come out to look for them.

They all have the similar question on their face which was asked by the knight but they were scared of the anger of their master that was why they kept their silence.

But he could see the reluctance on their faces. Even if forced by his powers, they would not look for her with all their hearts.

"You all may leave now." Andrew stared at all of them with a cold glance as he asked them to retreat, bringing fear on their faces.

There was no way that they could leave the crown prince on their own at night in the wild forest. What if someone uses this opportunity to attack him?

"But your highness!" they all look at him at once with a pleading voice. He was not a kid that did not know the repercussions of his actions.

​ "Are you all trying to challenge my authority by going against my command?" his voice fell lower and so as the temperature reached the freezing point but all the knights broke into cold sweats.

"Leave this instant!" This time the pressure was double that the knights trembled and left at once.

Though they were reluctant, they knew they could do nothing if he did not want their help.

"Where are you Eli?" he ran a hand in his hair as he looked around. If she was still there, she must have been having a hard time but his men did not see any carriage leaving or anyone coming to pick her up.

Then where did she go?



He shouted a few more times but only silence mocked him. His heart beat was getting faster and his hands were trembling thinking about what could have happened when he finally saw something shining in the distance.

He rode the horse there at full speed and jumped down when he saw her.

Her eyes were closed and there was no sound coming. He walked closer only to see her tear stricken face and her swollen legs.

She must have run a lot looking at the condition of her dress that was full of mud and even torn at corners.

Her face was looking so pale and exhausted that he felt his heart breaking apart. He held her in his arms preciously as if she was made of glass and would break if he put just a bit more pressure.

"Eli! Why do you hurt yourself in the end while thinking about everyone." he shook his head as he knew that it was going to happen. That was why he was trying to hide Ethan.

He stood up and started walking as he thought that she would not feel comfortable in the horse and he did not have a carriage.

His body was sweating profusely as he kept walking while holding her in his arms. He heard a few horses coming towards him with a carriage behind. He could recognize the crest of the house of Thawyne even in this dark.

Soon the carriage stopped and Evan and Leo came out with worried looks on their faces.

He was sure that they were searching for her for long the way they took a breath of relief after finding her.

He took a step back when they came running towards her. Though he knew that it was a futile effort, he did not want to let her go with them. He wanted to keep her closer to his heart, in his room so that when she would open her eyes, he would be the first one she would see.

Then he would explain to her how important she was to him and that he would never let her go no matter what she would say or try.

She was his for all their lives.

Evan raised her head in confusion but was surprised to see so many bare emotions on the face of man. He could see how his body was full of sweat and his pants were muddy.

He must have walked quite a distance while holding her in his arms. His body was looking so fatigued that she could not believe that he was the proud crown prince she had met before.

He was looking too pitiful! Just what happened between both of them?

She knew Eli was not someone who would show her expressions easily. It must have created misunderstanding.

Her eyes softened and she passed a warm smile to him.

"My lord, even if you command us to leave her here, her cold brother would not agree that would eventually lead to another argument.

How about I take her back and force to wear her most sensual dress and for her hair just right. then spike her drink and deliver her to you tomorrow.

That was she would not be able to run away and you can devour her to your heart content. Once the deed would be done what would she be able to do and even her cold blizzard of a brother had to relent.

What do you say, is the condition enough to let her go for now?"

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