Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 424 Secrets Kept Hidden In The Dark(Chapter Preview)

"Your majesty, his highness is requesting an audience!" George placed the glass of wine back on the table and looked above with a frown.

If his son is coming here then there would be only an argument waiting for him and he did not want to take part in it and ruin his mood.

"I am busy, ask him to come later!" without giving a second thought, he shook his head and looked back into the parchments in his hands and resumed to enjoy the wine.

"I can see how busy you are, father. I am here only to help you in lessening your work!" The voice was so cold and full of sarcasm that even the knight bowed his head. Afraid that he would be included in the argument of the father-son, he tried his best to minimize his presence.

"How impudent! Did you not know that you can not come to my room even if you are my son! Have you forgotten all your manners after falling in love with that lowly woman!!"

Andrew's face turned dark and gloomy and the intent to kill filled his eyes. He turned to look at the light instead of his infuriated father who took the hint and bowed his head as he left the room in a hurry and closed the door behind him.

George did not care what the knight would assume or think. In fact, he had chosen his words wisely to create that reaction on the face of his son.

Andrew must remember that he was in command and no matter how much he grew up, he would always remain his son, his pawn, his hands and had to follow his commands.

"You did that intentionally don't you? Shall I take that you have forgotten the deal we have made? Do not think that I would still complete my part if you failed to do yours!" Each word was filled with so much contempt and disgust as if he was not talking to his father but to an enemy.

If given a chance he would kill the man then and there.

"And have you completed it? Have you done what you have promised to me? Huh?" The glass that was still in his hands a second ago was thrown on the face of his son, who should be dear to him but now he was looking at Andrew with eyes full of disdain.

"I will if you have completed your part! You are not leaving them alone. Are you?

Why have you set a royal trial on them? Even when you know the consequences, you have tried to attack them again and again.

I am telling you for the last time, cancel the trial and take back all of the charges. I will go and apologize to them personally." without caring about the blood that had started to drip from his forehead, Andrew continued to stand there with a calm face.

If only, there was a hint of worry beneath those calm eyes that looked at his father with a stern look as if telling if you would not give in the results would be severe.

"Are you threatening me now, Andrew? Are you threatening your father?" He stood up from his seat and he looked at his son coldly. He did not care about the gloomy look of his son, all he cared about was his authority.

Since the day his son had fallen in love with that wench, he had forgotten who his family was and always took the side of that lowly woman.

It went up to the limit that he asked her to bend the laws of the empire a bit and give some leniency to women and their rights!

Just the thought of it was enough to burst his chest with anger. What did he think of himself huh!

"The name, the position you are enjoying, it was all given to you by me! Have you forgotten that? If i want, i can give your position to any other boy of my vassal family and then you would be nothing but a laughing clown of the empire.

Then I will ask you how much you regret talking back to me!" He stooped and pointed his trembling finger to his son who was still standing there with a blank look on his face but a smirk formed on his face when he heard the threat.

He laughed softly but the sarcasm was clear in it!

"You and share your power? The man who had made sure that his own brother would be insulted every time so that he would be called superior. The man who had not looked at his own daughter once with love because she was a girl not boy.

The man who had used his son as a pawn and dragged him to the world of hatred and politics.

The man who had no morals that he even stole the son of his brother to ruin his house and confiscate his properties.

Can that kind of man give his position to just any man? Ha! It is so amusing that I feel like I will not stop laughing for ages whenever I recall this joke!

In fact, I am sure that you would not hesitate to kill me if you think that I am a threat to your position.

You have only kept me alive because I am a gullible kid that has always followed your words. Don't you!" Instead of feeling ashamed or angry, the man felt proud.

Each word Andrew spoke was true but all he felt was pride and relief that he had taken the right steps. If not, the world would not have thought twice to trample on him if not for his greed and shrewdness.

Did he think the world is a nice place where you could live with love and care and family? Ha! He had not even entertained that kind of thought when he was a kid! Not to forget he was an adult now who had seen the world.

"Then do as I say and I will keep the truth of your beloved a secret."

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