Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 414 Falling In Honey Trap(Chapter Preview)

All the servants stared at the duke as if they were seeing him for the first time. He had never entertained the uninvited guests before even when they were from the royal family yet he was taking others in just because the little young miss held his hands.

Just how much did he love the girl yet the girl could not see it.

They felt pity at the duke as the knight nodded and left the room.

A frown formed on the face of Edward when he heard about the guests. He did not want any disturbance in his plan. But a vicious grin formed on his face when he thought that they could be used as witnesses later.

But the smile on his face went stiff when he noticed who the guests were.

Son of the baron, Mustaf, who had lent him money to survive in the capital.

Brother of the viscount, who had found the spies in the family so that he could pass the message and keep eyes on their activities, lord Matthews.


All of them were his allies at a point of time except Olivia. But why are they here together? Could it be a coincidence or they are here to give him a reply to his letter.

But why would they come personally? They could have sent him a letter like before!

He was still thinking about the possible reason when they greeted the family and sat on the dining table with a big smile on their faces.

They all were the lowest level of knights. So, sitting on the dining table with the duke was a matter of prestige for them.

"We are honored that you accepted our offer, my lord." The viscount spoke with a wide grin on his face when others nodded.

"Yes, yes. We thought that you would reject our unannounced visit!" added the young baron with the same vigor as everyone laughed.

"It is nothing, since my daughter asked me to welcome you, I was bound to do so. But I did not understand the reason for your visit!

What brought all of you here so late at night?" asked the man in a soft voice but authority could be seen on his face when he looked down at all of them.

Even when they were sitting on the same dining table the level of difference could be felt from his voice and demeanor.

"We have heard a few rumors, my lord. So, we are here to console you and inform you that we will support you no matter how much rumors will spread." asked the one slyly while others had strange reactions on their face, drinking another frown on the face of William.

He stared at them with sharp eyes like a hawk looking at its prey which made all of them conscious as they instinctively looked at Edward whose eyes were narrowed at them too confusing all of them.

"He meant that we did not trust rumors at all. Therefore we are here to support you my lord. No matter what help you need, we are here for you." Matthew tried to flatter him with honey coated words but the duke still did not reply.

He had an idea what rumors they were talking about but William did not feel any support from them.

Their smile was like hyenas who enjoy when they trap their prey and he did not like it even a bit.

"That.. I want to know what rumors you are talking about? And why do you feel that the family of the duke would need help from you?" They all turned to look at Evan who still had an amused smile on her face that made them embarrassed.

As if the girl was asking who you are and what authority you have to offer your help. Like a group of ants had come to the elephant to offer help in handling matters. She could not help but laugh at their arrogance and delusion.

"That.." they exchanged glances as they did not know much. They only followed the contents of the letter they had received from Edward.

He had told them to come here and offer help, rest he would handle but why was he silent now? They all looked at him again with confusion but found him glaring at them which surprised him,

Shouldn't they be the one who glares at him?

"Well, why don't we continue the matter over tea. As a guest, you should relax first and then explain the matter. There is no hurry." changing her behavior completely, Evan stood up and offered the tea which was served not only to her but Eli and Eve too.

Both girls frowned when she picked up tea from the table.

"Evangeline!" Before Eli could stop her from taking the tea telling that it would be an insult that they had passed the cups that had already been poured before they came, Evan cut her with a strange expression on her face.

Eli did not know whether she was consoling her or passing sarcastic remarks when she finished serving all of them.

"It is fine sister, you did not want the tea anyway! But if you are so affected by it, I will order a new one for you.

But it would not be good to keep the guests waiting. Is it?" with that she shut Eve and Eli completely and then turned to look at the confused guests who were staring at the cup of tea in their hands and then at the family who was looking shocked too.

They wanted to deny taking the tea but when Evan looked at them with that bright smile on their faces, they did not have the heart and will to deny.

The cups were untouched anyway and if the tea was served personally to the family of duke, it would be wonderful only,

"I hope you did not mind having this tea. It is one of the rarest chrysanthemum tea, my father had specially brewed for us!"

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