Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 384 [Bonus Chapter](Chapter Preview)

"Have you found her?"

"Check all the entrances again, there is no way one could go out without permission!"

"Both of you, go and check the terrace."

"And you go and ask the head priest to let us check the god's room!"

More than a dozen knights were standing in each corner looking for Evangeline, their future duchess. Eve and Eli were checking the rooms personally with their guards while the duke was at the entrance investigating the visitors personally.

The grand wadding that should have been the talk of the day was ruined with the kidnapping of the bride.

When Evan looked at the chaos while pretending to be unconscious her eyes brimmed with tears. She was grateful for the care they were providing her and with guilt for the fraud she was doing with them.

"You better keep your eyes shut, since you are unconscious!" The vicious and stern tone of Olivia forced Evan to close her eyes naturally.

Olivia observed her for a second and when she was sure that she was not going to mess up, she started dragging her out so that knights could notice her easily!

"Wait! Who is in the blanket, lady Olivia?" As Olivia had expected, the moment she came out of the door, more than four knights came running towards her.

Though she had covered Evan's face with a blanket, the lower part of her dress could be seen. More than that the knights were checking everyone vigilantly.

"That.. i…``Olivia's face turned pale instantly as she shouted and took two steps back, throwing the unconscious body of Evan on the ground.

'She must have done this intentionally!' Evan winced as the throw was rather harsh and she was sure she was going to have muscle cramp later.

"Wait! Lady Olivia, we are not done yet!" a few of the knights shouted, but it was not enough. Olivia ran and blended in the crowd.

One of the knights followed her and one ran towards the duke to inform him about Evan's whereabouts. while the rest ran towards the fallen Evangeline to check on her condition.

The man took out the blanket and held her wrist. He took a sigh of relief when he found it normal.

"I apologize, but I have to hold you, my lady." Even when he thought that the lady was unconscious, he was very hesitant since he knew how possessive his master was.

Holding Evangeline, he had only taken two steps when he found William standing in front of him.

"Give her to me!" Like a person who had taken your favorite toy, William glared at the knight as he hurriedly took over Evan in his arms and ran towards the physician they had invited as a guest.

Even at that age, he was quite agile and strong as he reached there in a few seconds only.

Everyone was surprised to see that the duke had personally held the girl. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, he brought Evan and settled her on a chair since there was no bed in the wedding hall.

The physician came forward and checked her hands when a frown formed on his face. He continued to stare and then checked the nerves again with the frown going deeper.

"Is she very serious??" Just as the duke asked with worry, Eli and Eve came running into the room.

As the words of their father felt in their ears, their worried expressions grew and they looked at the physician with pleading eyes.

"No! The lady should be fine. She had been given a strong dose of the drug so she had turned unconscious but it had been hours.

So, the effect should have been worn out. She will come back into her senses any moment.

Except that she is perfectly fine." Just to be sure, the physician checked her again and nodded his head in confirmation, drinking a sigh of relief on many faces.

"But who would have done that?"

"Yes! The plan was not even executed properly. So, the person must be an amateur!" as the whispers of the crowd increased, the face of William grew colder.

He was so worried about her condition that he had not investigated the matter before. But now that she was fine,

"Where did you find her?" the three knights exchanged glances as on of them came forward,

"Lady Olivia is dragging the lady with her. But when we tried to ask her, she threw up and ran away.

Her face was looking full of guilt but we did not know what actually happened my lord. We tried to follow her but she disappeared in the crowd and just like you, we were more worried about the lady!

We apologize for our incompetency in catching the culprit!" they all bowed their heads deeply under the gloomy state of their master who looked like they would burn them alive.

"Where is Leo! We have a ceremony to complete!" he roared as if he had finally realized the reason behind the whole incident.

The main goal of the incident was not to hurt her but to ruin the marriage or buy time to plan something more vicious!

"Where the hell is leo!" he shouted again and everyone in the room trembled and looked at each other.

From start to end, none of the knights had seen Leo as if he had disappeared without a trace too.

Even Evan who was pretending to be unconscious flinched when she heard the roar of the duke.

The calm and kind old man seemed to be so cold as if he would burn the whole church if he did not find Leo in an instant.

Yet none of them replied. The guests were looking at each other and whispering how the marriage was ruined completely.

"Father, wouldn't it be better to take her home first and let her rest for a while.

We can always organize the marriage tomorrow or next week." Eli held the shoulders of her father but the man shook his head with a stern face.

If that was done…

"No! It would be too late, by then!"

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