Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 381 [Bonus Chapter] Change The Vow!(Chapter Preview)

"Leo, start speaking or our relationship would end after thirty seconds!"

"Bang!" "crack!!" "snap!!" as if lightning had hit him, he trembled with shock!

"Evan, I kidnapped you because I was getting blackmailed! Do you remember the man you used to live with in the town?

He is not your father! That family is your foster family. You were swapped when you were a kid! And now your adopted father is blackmailing me that she would tell the truth to the world!

So, I have no choice but to show that you have been kidnapped! Now I will put the blame on him. He would panic and look for Olivia or me, and that way we will catch him!

If you want to ask questions, you can do it later. But I finished in one minute. Let's go and get married!"

"..........." she continued to stare at him as if she had lost her sanity! That was too much for her to process and she didn't even believe in most of the part.

It felt like there was some kind of confusion. What he was saying seems too hard to believe!

Leo sighed when he looked at her lost self. He cupped her back and then pulled her hard in his embrace.

He was holding her so hard as if he was afraid that she would disappear if he would let her go!

"Evangeline, I know that everything sounds hard to believe! That is why I am just asking you to trust me! I will not harm you ever but if you are thinking of backing away from the marriage, then i will knock you out and take vows and only wake you up to spend my first night with you!"

Though she failed to understand everything he said, she knew that he would surely do the last line he had said!

He continued to rub her back when she did not say a word though his patience was hanging on a thin string that could break any moment!

His marriage had already been a rollercoaster ride for him and he could not bear it anymore!

"Fine, let's do that first! Then you will explain what is happening later in detail!" feeling relieved and ecstatic, he nodded his head as he held her closer to him getting her fragrance, which was slowly calming him.

"Ugggghh! Leo! You are using too much force!" if he pressed her more, she was sure she would not be able to breath and her limbs would break with the force too!

"Aah! Yes!" He let her go but did not loosen his grip from her wrist as if he did not want to let go of her no matter what.

Foolish but warm feeling filled her heart. Though she did not know what was happening and his words did not make sense for her, she admitted that he must have reasons to ruin their marriage.

And as long as he was the groom, she was content with a simple marriage. She was even happy if they were the only ones who were going to be present in her marriage.

"So, shall we go now?" she smiled and nodded as he took her back to the hall where the priest was waiting followed by others.

"Hey, if you want to start your own romance, you better wait for my marriage to end or book another room for yourself!" Leo frowned when he saw that even when they had entered, the priest and maids were looking at Arden and Olivia where Arden had kabedon her.

He had seen in the eyes of Arden that he had feelings for Olvia but he never initiated the matter because he was never sure about her.

For him, she was a proud woman who could only love wealth and status. She had told him that she had loved him for a decade, but whenever he looked at her, he only found her loving the son of the duke, the heir of Thawyne family.

He had never felt her caring who Leo is or loving him! That was why he only felt irritated whenever she tried to come closer to him.

But from yesterday, his views had changed. No! The light in her eyes had changed. They were looking clearer. There was no pride, anger or vengeance in them.

Now that he looked at them, they both look a good pair, but that was not the time for thinking about them, when his marriage was still hanging on a lost thread.

"Tsk! Why are you blaming me when it is your aide that could not let go of me!" Olivia rolled her eyes as she stared at the couple.

But could not look at Evangeline who was staring at her with widened eyes as if she was more shocked to see her here then knowing she was going to have a secret marriage.

"So, you have called her but you did not call Eli and Eve?" Evan took a step back and whispered in the ears of Leo who coughed!

"That is because it was her idea and she had arranged this place. She even helped me with decorations!"

"How long have I been sleeping! It can not be more than a month right?" Since they all looked the same and wore the same dresses, it could not be that a long time had passed but why did it feel like so much had happened in a few hours as if a lifetime had been passed!

"Shall we discuss this after our marriage!"

"......"what an impatient fellow! She muttered but still nodded her head as she walked forwards with him after giving one last glance to both of them who had finally let go of each other.

Olivia was still looking down and did not look at Evangeline as if she was trying to ignore her presence.

Three deep lines formed on her forehead but she let it go as she did not want to ruin her mood for her marriage that had already suffered many hitches.

As they walked towards the priest, she noticed that though the room was small and dark, the decorations were as she had imagined and planned with Eli.

She felt warm when she noticed the layers of red roses under her feet. It must have been difficult to prepare all this without staff and in secret!

Yet he had made sure that her dreams would be fulfilled! Only the thought was enough for her to forgive him no matter what his intentions were.

"Miss Evangeline, do you take Leonardo Thawyne, son of Duke Thawne as your husband! Do you intend to be with him in happiness and sorrow and in sickness and health to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow."

"Wait! I want to change the vow!"

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