Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 371 Even If I Die!(Chapter Preview)


In the morning, the whole palace was filled with so many people. The biggest church of the empire was booked.

A red carpet was extended all the way from the entrance to the interior with decoration of flowers tied with the gold threads.

If one stood at a corner, it would be impossible to see the end of it. The elegant red roses were covering the both corners with a mix of silver flowers in it.

Small flowers were hanging upside down on the ceiling covering it completely.

Small kids dressed in suits were standing in the corner with small gifts in their hands. Girls with large gowns were throwing perfume and flower petals on the guests. The whole place was looking no less than a fairytale.

The guests had started arriving and all were escorted by a couple with gifts.

Each guest was given a red velvet box with exclusive gifts inside and then they were taken to their seats and served a meal.

The seats were organized according to their status with the first table book for the royal family beside the table of the groom's family. Then the next one for the duke Grasisitias and so on.

Eli and Eve were already in their red and lavender gowns adorned with rarest rubies and sapphires and their hair curled up and formed in an elegant bun.

They both were looking so beautiful that many turned to look at them again and again.

They both were greeting the guests personally and making sure everything was going on smoothly.

The table has all kinds of desserts and fruits and dry fruits with rare wine and juices. Each had a gold flower pot in the middle of it with fresh red roses in full bloom.

The flowers from the whole empire were bought at a single place today and there was no way that ceiling or ground could be seen under the layer of roses.

Eli had just stood up after getting a glass of water for her tired body! She was working since dawn to make sure that everything was perfect!

"My lady, the crown prince, has arrived!" Eli stood still for a second but then nodded her head as she followed the knight to welcome Edward who was alone!

"Your royal highness, I am honored by your presence in the marriage of my brother! Please come with me this way!" She held her dress in both hands and bowed her head as she took him to his assigned table.

Edward continued to stare at the girl standing in front of him. It had been ages since he had seen her! She was looking more beautiful than previous times, yet her eyes were looking darker

Had she not been sleeping properly? She looked tired too! Though she was trying to hide her uneasiness, he could see all!

"Your royal highness!" he blinked when she called her again and knew that he did not hear a word she was telling him!

"Would you please follow me to your seat!" she repeated and he pursued his lips. He wanted to say no because once escorted, she would leave him alone with that bunch of fools who knew nothing but to gossip!

He would rather stand with her and welcome other guests as her better half!

He had already held her achilles heel of Adeline and he was sure that she would not interfere today!

This was his chance to tell Eli the truth before it was too late!

"What if I decide to stand beside you and welcome other guests!" her face turned colder and her calm eyes cracked yet she brought the smile on her face as she bowed it a bit!

"How could I be insolent to ask his royal highness to do such a menial task as greeting the guests.

It would be your insult, my lord. You should sit and enjoy the music while I will ask Theodore to serve you the best wine!" Without waiting for her reply, she bowed her head and turned to walk towards her seat when he looked around.

The room was still empty with only a few barren staff.

He had come early to get his chance, so with alert eyes he followed her and when they passed through a passage. She held her hand and pulled her towards the nearest room.

Her eyes widened when she felt the sudden pull and was about to shout when he covered her mouth on time. He knew her too well to know her every action.

The room was dark and not a single light was there with the closed curtains!

"I am taking my hands away but do not shout! I just need to talk to you for a minute!" he waited for her response and only let go of his hand when she nodded her head.

Gently moving his hands away from her lips, he stared at his palms as if he was still treasuring the lingering touch of her lips on his palm!

"Do you know the result of your actions, my lord!" she fumed! The nerve of this man! He always treats her like she was an object with no will of her own!

But instead of getting angry by her cold remarks, a warm look spread on his face. She had no idea how much he had missed her! How much had he yearned for her!

He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell the whole world that he loves her.

"Just let me hold you in my arms for a while Eli. I miss your touch so damn much.

For that I am ready for any punishment you want!  I would accept even if you kill me by your own hands Eli!

If not I would just die by the longing of my heart for you! Don't be so cruel to me!!"

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