Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 350 Wait For A Lifetime!(Chapter Preview)

"That is because you only love money! What if I lose money and power one day?"

This! He was worried about this?!! Question marks started to form on her face as she found the reason more ridiculous than she had thought!

And you think that I will leave you if you do not have money anymore?" She raised a brow as she could not believe they were fighting over such a foolish reason when his hollow eyes looked at her full of allegations!

"Why, have you not said that by yourself just a minute ago!" a stunned look landed on her face when she realized he was talking about her teasing remarks and her lips puckered up!

"And you believed it? Are you doubting my character or are you implying that I am only money minded and nothing else matters to me except money?

Have I treated you well only because you are rich? Have you even paid me a single reward that you promised? aren't i still sitting in your arms?" she released the grip on his shirt and retreated back as her hands reached her waist and her eyes turned agitated!

But he did not reply at all! Just what did he mean by this silence? Was he agreeing to her words that she only loved him because of the money?

"Leo! What do you mean by that? I need a reply now or.." she was hopping mad that she didn't even know what she would do if he would nod his head!

"I am tired! I will talk to you later!" with that he closed his eyes and looked at the other side! He did not even care that he had already taken out his shirt and might be waiting for his reply.

His thoughts were in a mess and he needed some time to clear them while her mouth turned agape as she stared at him!

Was he serious! Even her kisses did not work at him! Could it be that he was suffering from the nervousness before marriage that often faced my girls!

"Leo! If you are nervous that I will not treat you well after marriage! Then do not worry! You have my words.

I swear that I will always love and respect you and will be with you in sickness and health and in riches and poverty! You are thinking too much!" he nodded with a sigh as he knew she would not stop until she would see him worried!

"Then I am assured! Since you are with me!" with that he leaned on her and closed his eyes but did not attempt to button his shirt again or discuss the matter further!

She continued to stare at him with a hope that he would speak further but it did not happen but in the end she could only rub his back and patted him to assure that she was here!

To his relief they soon reached back to the palace!

The coachmen came down and opened the door but Leo did not move!

Evan who was still waiting for him to take a step forward stared at him when he shook his head.

"You may leave, I still need to wear my clothes back!" that! She completely forgot that his shirt was still hanging on his body loosely!

Her eyes met the shocked eyes of the coachman and her face flushed red!

She wanted to say that she could wait for him but the words did not leave her mouth when she noticed other knights coming towards them.

Nodding her head, she sprinted out of the carriage and only stopped when she reached her room. But she could feel several eyes on her and as soon as she crossed the passage, the sound of giggles and laughter filled the palace!

Her face burned red as she closed her door and leaned on it. It took her a few seconds to catch her breath but then Leo's upset face started to dance in front of her eyes and she sighed!

He had still not told her what was worrying him so much! Should she sneak into his room and ask once again.

He might reply to her this time if they would talk in a mature manner! With that thought, she nodded her head and opened the door slightly!

Peeking out, she made sure that the passage was empty when she took a step out and walked towards his room.

When she saw one coming, she hid behind the curtain in the corridor as she did not want more laughter and teasing!

What happened was enough for Eli and Eve to tease her for a decade! She was sure even her kids would know how she had sneaked out with their father and disrobe him in the carriage.

"Did you hear that.. The lord's robe was crumpled and even his buttons were not done properly when he entered the room!" her face burnt again as she bit her lips.

See, that was what she was afraid of! Taking her deep breath, her eyes turned determined and she took further steps towards his room!

"Leo!" at least, you should have buttoned your shirt properly before coming out! She cursed as she entered but was stunned to see the dark room!

Had he gone to sleep already! Or had he gone to take a bath! Lighting the nearest candle, she looked  around but as expected the room was empty!

"Leo! Are you in there?" she whispered, afraid that others would listen to her but after waiting for so long, she did not get any reply so she entered but the bath area was empty too!

"Where did he go?" He was looking so tense that she would not have thought that he would go anywhere except her room!

She did not know why but she felt like her heart was clawed by an unknown force and fear started to fill her eyes!

She should have left but instead of going out, she walked towards his bed, and laid in it!

"Even if I have to wait for a lifetime! I would only go back after getting a reply from you!"

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