Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 74: A sword

Chapter 74: A sword

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Wandao as soon as possible!

"Ma'am, the five elders, you can rest assured that every two bandits will be exterminated. I don't need to worry about it. You need to send someone to lead the way without saying much."

Lu Ming smiled and appeared very confident.

"This...well, but we are going together."

A core elder.

Lu Ming smiled, knowing that several core elders were worried about his safety, and he did not refuse.

"Ming'er, be careful."

Li Ping worried.

"Mother, rest assured, I will be back soon."

Lu Ming smiled confidently at Li Ping.

Looking at Landing Ming's confident smile, Li Ping's expression of concern eased a little.

Soon after, the Lu family lit up the men and horses, led by several core elders, and headed towards the fine iron ore mine in the southern part of the Monster Mountain.

That concentrate iron ore is the main source of Lujia's income. Of course, there are also heavy soldiers.

Before it was placed, a single sand snake thief would never dare to attack this concentrate.

But now it's different.


The sound of horseshoes, the Lu family dispatched hundreds of people, and stirred up the dust.

In front, a big mountain appeared in front of us.

In front of the mountain, three or four hundred people surrounded the entrance of the mountain.

Two flags were raised high, with a snake on one side and a skull on the other.

"Hahaha, the Lu family really sent people to rescue."

Among the robbers, there was a loud laugh.

A strong man, riding a tall blue-scale horse, stood in front of them.

"Sand snake robber, bone robber robber, jumping beam clown, and dare to attack my Lu family, really looking for death."

Lu Ming rode the dark blood wolf, came out first, and sneered coldly.

"The young master can't be careless. This person is the second leader of the boneless thief, and he has reached the four levels of the martial arts master."

A core elder quickly reminded.


The big man looked at Lu Ming for a moment, then froze for a moment, then turned his eyes to the dark-blooded wolf under Lu Ming's crotch, his gaze slightly fixed, and then, a hot flame flashed out.

"Haha, it seems that the Lu family is really no one, hitting the old one, and now comes a creamy kid, is it round to die?"

The leader of the Bone Stealer II scorned, and then said: "You have passed your mount is not bad, hurry up and give it, I can give you a happy."

"Give me pleasure?"

There was a sneer in the corner of Lu Ming's mouth, manipulating the dark blood wolf, and stepping forward step by step, said: "It's really ignorant!"

"I'm ignorant? Don't think that a demon mount with good strength can scare me, see how I kill you, drive!"

The leader of the boneless robbery shouted and manipulated the blue-scale horse, slamming toward the landing like a gust of wind, and the sword in his hand slamming toward the landing like a gust of wind.

Lu Ming sat on the dark blood wolf, motionless, as if frightened.

"Young Master, be careful!"

The five core elders were shocked and shouted one after another.

"Haha, die!"

The leader of Bone Bone Sneer sneered, and a murderous flash appeared in his eyes.

But at the next moment, the smile on his face disappeared, because he saw a sword light, which seemed to be faster than lightning, and cut towards him.

He was too late to dodge, let alone dodge, even the response was too late.

Then he felt his neck cool, and the next moment, he saw a headless body, riding a green scale and running forward.

Immediately, he fell into boundless darkness.

"One...one sword?"

Later, the five core elders of the Lu family, as well as the others of the Lu family, were there for a moment.

The second leader of the dry bone robber, the master of the four layers of the martial arts, is an unattainable existence in their eyes, but in the hands of Lu Ming, he was actually killed by a sword.

It's only a few months, has the young master's cultivation reached this level?

Such a thought poured out in the hearts of everyone in the Lu family, and then there was a fiery heart, with unlimited expectations in his eyes.

How long did it take for Lu Ming to be so powerful, and how many years Lu Ming could reach in those years, or even decades later.

They seemed to see the rapid rise of the Lu family.

"The second leader is dead, the second leader is dead."

There was a cry of exclamation among the boneless robbers.

"Who? Dare to kill my second brother."

There was a roar among the boneless robbers.

A strong man, riding a leopard, rushed out of the crowd and roared like thunder.

"Young Master, he is the leader of the boneless thief."

A core elder.

"It's killing!"

As Lu Ming's icy voice sounded, he rushed directly from the Dark Blood Wolf, spanning more than 20 meters, and landed on the ground, then stepped on the ground again, with a touch, the ground shook, Lu Ming's body was like Shells usually rush out.

In the blink of an eye, he reached the leader of the boneless robber.

"How come so fast?"

The leader of the boneless robber was shocked, and Lu Ming's speed was too fast to scare him.

"Die to me!"

The leader of the boneless roar roared, struggling with a knife, trying to force Lu Ming back.

But the next moment, he was desperate.

call out!

Lu Ming's Jianguang is so fast that he can't avoid it at all.


A head flew high and fell into the middle of the crowd.

The audience suddenly fell into silence.


Lu Ming roared and awakened everyone.

"Kill, kill, follow the young master, kill all the bandits!"

"Rush together!"

The five core elders struggled to roar, and their old faces were flushed with excitement, riding a green-scale horse, and rushing towards the sand snake robber and the dry bone robber.

"Kill! Follow the young master, kill all the gangsters!"

The others of the Lu family shouted, hundreds of people together, the voice was rolling and the morale was like rainbow.

On the contrary, on the boneless robber's side, the two chiefs were continuously killed by Lu Ming. They were already terrified. What courage to resist, they retreated one after another, a mess.

At this time, a group of people was also rushed out of the Lujia concentrate iron ore, making the two bandits more chaotic.

Lu Ming rushed into the bandits, the sword light flashed over, and rows of bandits were killed.

These robbers, with their hands covered with blood, were all **** people. Lu Ming did not have the slightest softness.

The robber was in his hands, without the slightest resistance, he was harvesting his life to the fullest.

Where Lu Ming passed, a large body of body fell. This is a one-sided battle, and the bandits have little resistance.

It didnt take long for this area to be full of corpses.

Three or four hundred robbers were slaughtered.

"Hahaha, the sand snake thieves and the bone robbers have been annihilated. Long live the young master!"

"The young master is invincible, long live the young master!"

The people of the Lu family shouted cheering.

It took a long time to calm down.

Subsequently, a group of people were left to clean the battlefield, and the five core elders took a part of them and returned to the Lu family with Lu Ming.

The news about the war quickly spread throughout the entire Wind and Fire City.

Countless people were shocked by this news.

The five chiefs of the martial arts master of dry bone robbers, and the second chief of the martial arts master of four dry bone robbers were not the enemy of Lu Ming's one move, but were killed by Lu Ming's easy sword.

It's amazing.

One of the happiest is Li Ping.

The stronger Lu Ming is, the happier she is naturally.

Later, the Lu family held a grand banquet, and the celebrities of Fenghuo City came to congratulate.

However, Lu Ming just dealt with it casually, and found an excuse to go back to the room to practice.

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