Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 242: Unstoppable streak

Chapter 242: Unstoppable streak

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Long Dao as soon as possible!

The old man looked at Landing Ming hopefully.

Lu Ming was young, but his understanding of martial arts was surprisingly high. Just a few words from the big man just now, let the other party's martial arts break through, which made the old man's heart fiery.

"Nest, Xiangmu, this old guy, is too cunning, and he is one step ahead of me. Damn, no one of you will fight with me. The next game, it's my turn to challenge."

"It's your turn? Why? Master Tianyun uses a spear, and I also use a spear. The next game is for me to play."

"It's me!"

In the stands, several masters of the six martial arts masters competed for it.

Others were dumbfounded.

These people are scrambling to challenge Lu Ming, not because Lu Ming is too weak, but because he is too strong. Such a thing is simply unheard of.

Lu Ming himself was a little dazed.

But in this way, he did not worry that no one accepted his challenge.


Lu Ming clenched his fists and said to the old man.

"Please advise!"

The old man clenched his fists, and then a long sword appeared.

call out!

Jianguang broke into the air and slammed towards the landing.

As before, Lu Ming did not rush to fight back, evading with his body, while observing the old man's swordsmanship.

After more than thirty strokes, Lu Ming took a random shot, almost the same as the previous big man, the old man's swordsmanship was broken, and his body retreated sharply.

But instead of being frustrated, the old man looked at Landing with excitement, and looked hopefully.

Lu Ming pondered for a while, and then explained the flaws and shortcomings of the old man's swordsmanship according to what he had observed before and his own understanding.

After listening, the old man savored it and then exulted. His face was full of excitement. He respectfully greeted the landing and saluted, saying: "Old deceased to thank Master Tianyun for his kindness."

"Seniors need not be polite."

Lu Ming laughed.

Subsequently, the old man sat down on the battlefield with satisfaction.

"Master Tianyun, I'll ask you for advice."

As soon as the old man stepped down, a big man would rush to the battle platform.

"I'm coming, it's my turn."

On the other side, someone rushed towards the battlefield.

"It's my turn, you get me down."

"It's you who gets rid."

The two roared, the murderous burst out, and they were about to fight.


Lu Ming himself was almost the same as the crowd around for a while.

"Stop, challenge, come one by one, otherwise, disqualify you from the challenge."

The referee shouted with a speechless expression on his face.

He hosted the Emperor Tianwu fighting field for many years. This was the first time he encountered this kind of situation.

"The referee, did I challenge first?"

Cried the middle-aged man.

"Nonsense, it's me!"

No one else gave in.

"Okay, you first, you are the last one."

The referee sullenly pointed to the middle-aged Dahan Dao first.

The middle-aged man was overjoyed and said, "Thank you senior."

The other person was a little unwilling and stood aside.

The middle-aged man jumped onto the battle platform and gave Lu Ming a fist. He respectfully said: "Master Tianyun, I also use a gun. Please also advise."

After that, a spear appeared in the middle-aged man's hand.


Lu Ming smiled slightly.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man concentrated his mind, his gun shook, and a dozen or so gun flowers suddenly appeared in the air.

Lu Ming painted the gourd like this, evading dozens of tricks, allowing the middle-aged man to show the strongest martial arts again, and then easily defeated the opponent and pointed to the opponent's weakness.

The middle-aged man was naturally ecstatic, and he left with great gratitude.

Then, another person came on the court and Lu Ming concocted according to law.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Ming won five straight.

It's just that Lu Ming's five-game winning streak is completely different from everyone else's. His opponent, every time he loses, is grateful for leaving.

"In this Tianyun, what really happened can happen."

Mingcheng sighed.

Ming Feng nodded again and again, agreeing.

After five straight victories, it is the sixth game.

In the sixth game, he went directly to a well-known master. This master once won six consecutive victories in the Emperor Tianwu Arena.

If you have a historical record, you don't need to test it.

However, this person is still very polite to Lu Ming. He knows that he is not Lu Ming's opponent. He came up with the thought of asking Lu Ming for advice.

"Master Tianyun, please advise."

This person is also very polite.

Lu Ming nodded.

As a result, naturally, there was no suspense. Lu Ming easily defeated his opponent and pointed at the opponent.

Six in a row, seven in a row, eight in a row...

Soon, Lu Ming successfully won a ten-game winning streak.

His ten-game winning streak, he won easily, did not even hurt one person.

"Tianyun, you have won ten straight games. If you continue to challenge, you have to cross one level to challenge the master of the seven layers of the martial artist. Do you want to continue?"

The referee looked at Lu Ming and asked.

"carry on!"

Lu Ming nodded without hesitation.

All the audience showed their expectation.

How big is Lu Ming's record in crossing the first-level challenge? How many consecutive victories can be achieved?

Crossing the first-level challenge, it is impossible for the Emperor Tianwu Fighting Field to let the ordinary martial arts seventh-level martial arts warriors go up, and it must be the masters of the seventh-level martial arts warriors.

"it is good!"

The referee nodded, and then looked around, saying, "Are the masters of the Seventh Master of the Military Martial Arts challenging Tianyun on stage?"

"I come."

The referee's voice had just dropped, and a young man in his thirties got up and stepped onto the battle platform.

"Yang Tai, you can shoot directly."

Seeing this young man, the referee did not let this person test his strength. Obviously, this person was still quite famous in the Emperor Tianwu Arena, and was recognized by the referee.

"Tianyun, despite the shot, I'm not comparable to those of the six martial arts warriors."

Yang Tai looked very confident and looked at Lu Ming.


Lu Ming smiled slightly.


Yang Tai exploded with all his strength, and the spear in his hand radiated a bright light, piercing towards the landing Ming cave.

Lu Ming's spear shook, the gun body shook, the air sent out a terrible wave, and a terrible shock wave rushed towards Yang Tai.


Yang Tai was hit by this shock wave, his body was like a shell, he was shot and flew out, and fell heavily on the battle platform.


There was a cold breath in the audience.

One move, just one move, did not even show any martial arts, but the body of the gun was shocked, and flew Yang Tai out of the battle platform.

Strength, powerful strength.

In the previous ten games, Lu Ming was polite and polite. After dozens of moves, he defeated the opponent and did not show any strong combat power.

This made some people almost forget Lu Ming's strength.

Now, I finally remembered that Lu Ming's fighting power was terrifying.

Yang Tai struggled to get up, gave Lu Ming a horrified look, and stumbled away.

Then, the challenge continues.

Streak, unstoppable streak.

Less than an hour later, Lu Ming has achieved a seven-game winning streak across the first level.

There was a lot of discussion and excitement in the audience.

"A seven-game winning streak across the first level, you said, can Tianyun win a ten-game winning streak across the first level."

"It's hard to say, at this step, I am afraid that the Emperor Tianwu fighting field will not be able to sit still, and it will send a real strong man. So far, the Emperor Tianwu fighting field has not sent a death fighter?"

"Yes, in my opinion, in the next game, the Emperor Tianwu Battlefield will send a death fighter."

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