Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 197: Fetish

Chapter 197: Fetish

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Wandao as soon as possible!

In the middle of the street, a four- to five-year-old girl with claw braids and a bunch of rock sugar gourds in her hands cried.

Ahead, the split armor beasts the little girl.

"Linger, Linger! Who will save my Linger!"

Not far away, a woman shouted in horror and ran towards the little girl.

But she was obviously not a warrior, too late.

Around the surroundings, none of the other warriors shot.

Those martial artists are full of fear.


The Armor Splitter apparently saw the little girl, roared, and a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, running towards the little girl.

In a flash, the little girl was approaching.

The split armor beast opened his big mouth and bit off at the little girl.

The huge blood basin was big enough to swallow the little girl in one bite.

In the rear, those riding horses laughed.

"Crack Armor, enjoy it!"

A young man in a gold robe yelled in excitement.

At this point, the little girl had forgotten to cry, but just stared at it in a daze, obviously, she was scared.


The woman shouted sternly.

Lu Ming frowned.

Actually put beasts on the street to eat people, is this still the imperial capital?

Just when the split armor beast was about to bite the little girl, Lu Ming moved, and his figure shook slightly, and appeared beside the little girl, reaching out to hug the little girl, and drifting back.


Seeing that the fat in his mouth was taken away, the clawed beast roared, showing his fierce light, and rushed towards the landing.


Lu Ming suddenly glared and shouted, a fierce gas stronger than the split armor burst out.

The cleft beast roared, and his eyes showed fear, like a frightened puppy, and ran backwards.

"Who? Dare to stop Master Ben's war beasts from eating and find death!"

An angry cry came out.

Stepping on...

Seven or eight horses came running wildly.

The one headed was the young man wearing a golden silk robe.

The young man's face was pale, his eyes were dark, and he stared coldly.


The Armor Splitter stood in front of the Jinpao Youth, and seemed to be brave again, yelling at the landing.

"Little sister, are you okay!"

Lu Ming did not look at each other, but instead looked at the little girl in her arms with a smile.

"It's okay, Ling'er is okay, thank you big brother!"

The little girl said cleverly.

At this time, the woman had already ran over, and Lu Ming was surprised that the woman did not see the little girl for the first time, but fell to her knees in front of the Jinpao youth, shouting: "Little Lord, please beg you Ling Come on, Linger, she is only five years old!"

"Bitch, let's die!"

At the edge of the Jinpao youth, a thin-faced young man drank coldly. The soft whip in his hand was drawn out and pumped on the woman's body. A blood stain suddenly appeared. The blood oozed out and the clothes were red.


Exclaimed the little girl.

However, the women ignored the situation and struggled to get up, and continued to kowtow to the Jinpao youth, shouting, "Little prince, please do well and let Linger go!"


The woman's forehead knocked on the ground, her forehead was broken, and there was blood flowing out.

"What's the use of kowtowing? That little girl is dead."

"No, the rations that Huajie's war beasts see can be solved by kowtowing."

"It's a pity that the young man, it is estimated that he had just arrived in the imperial capital and actually intervened in this matter, and I am afraid it will be miserable in the end."

"I can only blame him for his bad luck!"

Around, a whisper came out.

The voice was very soft, I was afraid that Hua Jie would hear it, but how could Lu Ming fix it? He still heard nothing in his ears.

But he just smiled.

The women still kowtowed. On the battlefield, the young robe of Jinpao Youth Huajie frowned, his narrow eyes flashed a murderous opportunity.

"I told you to die, didn't you hear?"

The thin face of the thin face showed a terrible color, and another whip was drawn from the woman.

Lu Ming's brow furrowed, and when he reached out, he grabbed the soft whip in his hand.

"Boy, you are so brave, I didn't look for you, you dare to intervene, now kneel down, palm yourself a hundred slaps, put down this little girl obediently, and then go!"

The thin-faced youth yelled at the landing.

Lu Ming gloomed down and looked at the thin-faced youth coldly.

"Boy, don't you let go? Well, since that's the case, then you also become the ration of my young master war beast!"

The thin-faced young man pulled a soft whip and found that the lines were still, and suddenly shouted again.

"You usually feed war beasts with people?"

Lu Ming asked coldly.

"What about it? These untouchables, like ants, can become the ration of my young master's war beast, a blessing they have cultivated in their lives."

The thin-faced youth clamored and was so arrogant that they did not take Lu Ming's eyes at all.

"What nonsense? Kill this kid quickly, don't you see the split armor hungry?"

At this point, Hua Jie said lightly, some impatience in his voice.

The face of the thin-faced young man changed greatly, and he watched the landing callily, yelling: "Boy, then send you on the road!"

After he finished speaking, he jumped forward and jumped off the battle horse. He looked like a goshawk and rushed towards Lu Ming. The momentum was not weak.

"The great martial arts master!"

Lu Ming's eyes moved.

This thin-faced young man, less than 30 years old, has been rebuilt by a military martial artist, which is already pretty good.

However, in front of Lu Ming's eyes, it was not enough to see.

When the soft whip was thrown in his hand, the powerful true qi burst out and rushed along the soft whip.

The thin-faced young man was still holding the soft whip in one hand, and suddenly felt a surging force coming from the soft whip. This force rushed into his palm, almost bursting his palm, and a terrible wound appeared. .

His hand also loosened the soft whip.


Lu Ming flicked the soft whip like a snake, rolled out, wrapped around the neck of the thin-faced young man, and then flicked, the thin-faced young man hit the ground heavily, stirring up a smoke.

One move, easily, made the heavy-weight young man with a heavy weight lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Around, there was a sound of breathing down.

"Awesome, one solution!"

"What's so great? He dare to fight Hua Jie's people. He's finished. It seems that this young man is indeed the first time he has come to the capital!"

"The same is true, Hua Jie will never let him go."

At this time, the thin-faced young man screamed harshly: "Ah, smashed, little bastard, you dare to beat me, young master, young master, you must make the decision for me, let the cracked armor chew him bit by bite. ."

"Really? In this case, then feed you to the monster!"

Lu Ming's eyes were cold, his soft whip shivered, and the body of the thin-faced youth went directly to the split armor.

At the same time, the blood on the hands of the thin-faced youth also splashed into the mouth of the split armor.

Stimulated by blood, the split armor roared, and the bloodthirsty light in his eyes became stronger.


With a roar, he opened a big mouth of the blood basin and bit directly at the thin-faced youth.

"No, no, don't!"

The souls of the thin-faced young men all flew, and they yelled wildly.

"Ling'er, don't watch!"

Lu Ming blocked the little girl's eyes.


The Armor Splitter bit off one arm of the thin-faced youth.

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