Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 161: Town Demon Gun

Chapter 161: Town Demon Gun

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Long Dao as soon as possible!

"Is it because of the exhaustion of Lingjing's power?"

Lu Ming thought.

To condense this kind of figure and have a fierce battle with him, it definitely needs energy.

Lu Ming walked to Shitai, and it turned out that Shitai's light was dimmed and returned to its original state.

"It seems that it needs a spirit crystal to work."

Lu Ming found the problem and rested.

However, now is not the time to continue practicing. He is still in a small plane.

This is a small plane left by Dongyi's ancestors, which may contain great opportunities, and Lu Ming does not want to miss it.

"Research in the future."

Lu Ming whispered, and then moved out of the Supreme Temple.

"This place, except for the main hall, has not been explored in other places. I will continue to explore and go to other places!"

Lu Ming's figure moved, and he probed into the broken palace.

Most places of this temple are broken and collapsed, and only a few places seem to be ok.

Unfortunately, Lu Ming searched more than a dozen rooms, partial halls, and halls, and found nothing, nothing.

"It seems that there is nothing left in this place, and there is the last backyard. If I don't find anything, I leave here."

Lu Ming ran towards the backyard.

The backyard is very wide, but it is desolate and overgrown with weeds.

Lu Ming showed disappointment, shook his head, and was about to leave.

Suddenly, Lu Ming's eyes moved, and there was a place in the middle of this backyard, very special.

That place, ten meters round, was barely grassy and bare.

In the middle, there is a rusty iron stick inserted there.

Other places were covered with weeds. This bare piece was so special. Lu Ming was very curious and walked over to examine it carefully.

The ground turned out to be a gray-brown rock, very hard, and Lu Ming stepped on it, immobile, without showing any signs of breaking.

No wonder the grass doesn't grow.

And that iron rod is rusty, and I don't know how long the wind and rain have gone through.

"This is not an iron rod, but a spear!"

Looking closely, Lu Ming was slightly surprised.

It turned out that it was a long gun, but the gun head was inserted into the ground, making Lu Ming mistakenly think it was an iron rod.

"This spear, inserted here, must be extraordinary, I can't miss it!"

There was a flash of fire in Lu Ming's eyes, and then he held the spear in both hands and pulled out suddenly.

The spear shook slightly, but it was not pulled out.

Lu Ming was taken aback. Although he didn't use his full strength just now, the pulling force, even if it was a 100,000-jin boulder, had to be picked up, but he couldn't pull out a long spear inserted on the ground.

Lu Ming's eyes are brighter. The more this is, the more remarkable the spear is.

Later, Lu Ming held the rifle in both hands, stood on his feet, exhaled and said: "Get me!"

With a loud cry, Lu Ming broke out with all his strength.


The air was boiling, and a roar on the ground, Lu Ming's muscles bulging up, struggling to lift the mountain and cover the world.


A clang sounded, and the long spear inserted on the ground was finally pulled out by Lu Ming.


At this moment, where the spear was pulled out, there was a sudden roar of the beast, and then a black shadow condensed from the ground, a huge black lizard.

But not an entity, but an incorporeal body.


The huge lizard roared and rushed towards the landing.

"This is the soul of the monster!"

Lu Ming was shocked and retreated quickly.

However, this black lizard, only half of it fell, suddenly burst open, and disappeared into a plume of black gas.


Lu Ming exhaled.

It seems that it's just a remnant soul of a demon beast. I don't know how long it was suppressed, so weak, it dissipated automatically.

The scene fell into peace again, returning to its original state.

Lu Ming relaxed and immediately looked at the spear in his hand.

The spear was eight feet long and the tip of the spear was eight inches long, but it was all rusty and hardly visible.

However, the weight of the spear is very alarming, Lu Ming estimates that at least 10,000 kg.

"This weight is not bad!"

Lu Ming held the spear and waved it casually. The spear swept through the air and made a roaring buzzing sound, like a thunderous thunder sounded in nine days, and the sound was amazing.

What makes Lu Ming feel very satisfied is that the softness and elasticity of the spear are very good, which is a lot stronger than the firearm.

Although this spear can't be seen as several levels of spirit soldiers, Lu Ming likes it very much because of its weight and elasticity.

"There are words!"

At this time, Lu Ming found two small characters on the gun barrel.

Town demon!

After careful identification, it was found to be the word "Tjinn".

"Zhen Yao? Zhen Yao Gun, a domineering name, is that the remnant soul of the lizard monster just now, is the monster that was suppressed by the Zhen Yao Gun?"

Lu Ming thought.

Afterwards, he waved a few more times and felt very good.

The only bad thing is that the gun body is rusty, very ugly, like a broken piece.

After Lu Ming intends to return to the Xuanyuan Sword School, he seeks Ming Refining Master to refinish it.

After the Zhenyao gun was put away, Lu Ming looked around and found nothing else. Lu Ming flashed and left the place, heading towards other places.


At this time, hundreds of miles away from Lu Ming, there is a majestic mountain.

However, all around the mountain peaks are thick fog, the fog is almost inseparable, even if the warrior's vision is far beyond ordinary people, in this fog, it is also out of reach.

Hundreds of stone pillars are distributed on the outermost edge of the mist. In front of the pillars, dozens of figures are standing.

These are masters of the Dongyi people.

At the front, three figures stood.

Two of them are the five strong men of the two great martial arts masters of the Dongyi ethnic group, and the other is a figure wrapped in a black robe and wearing a hat. He is thin and completely indistinct.

However, the two old Wuyi masters of the Dongyi tribe have some respect for this black-robed hat.

"If I am not mistaken, this mountain is the cave house left by your Dongyi kings. You continue to inscribe inscriptions on this stone pillar according to my method. Soon, this large formation will break open and the mist will Will be gone."

The black robe and hats were commanded, and his voice was low and hoarse.

"Yes, if the Dongyi tribe can get the inheritance of the ancestor king, I will never forget the great grace of my predecessors!"

An old martial artist with five weights respectfully clenched his fists.

Then the two old men stepped forward and carved inscriptions on the stone pillars.

Half an hour later, the hundreds of stone pillars suddenly filled with a dazzling light, and the mist around them slowly began to dissipate.

At the scene, all the Dongyi tribes showed ecstatic colors, and their eyes showed a hot light.

It didn't take long for the mist to completely dissipate, and the peaks that were looming in the mist before finally revealed their true contents.

This is actually a wolf-shaped mountain, the whole mountain, without grass, such as a huge stone quickly, was carved into a giant wolf.

The giant wolf lowered his head and opened his mouth wide, revealing a dark hole.

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