Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 156: Part ways

Chapter 156: Part ways

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Long Dao as soon as possible!

Forty-one people were actually lost in one battle.

You know, these are all silver-level disciples, masters of the Grand Martial Artist Realm. Even for the Dazongmen such as the Xuanyuan Sword School, forty-one Masters of the Grand Martial Artist Realm is a great loss.

Everyone's face was very dignified. No one spoke, and waited for more than ten minutes. Seeing that the Dongyi people did not come, Chen Kuan and others rested their minds and found a place to heal each.

Lu Ming also flew a big tree on his body, the real trick of running the dragon, and began to refine the blood that he had just devoured.

Consecutively swallowed the blood of the two great martial arts quartet warriors, the two great martial arts quartet warriors' sperm blood, the energy is unimaginable, and it is equivalent to the blood of 150 great martial arts fighters.

Such a huge amount of essence blood will not be able to be refined in a short time and a half.


Biting the bloodline seems to be breathing, and every time he exhales, a huge energy pours into Lu Ming's body.

Lu Ming's repair is fast promotion.

Great Martial Artist Yizhong's mid-term peak, Great Martial Artist Yizhong's late...

Two hours later, Lu Ming refined all these essences and blood into his true energy.

Lu Ming's cultivation practice reached the peak of the great martial arts master.

This made Lu Ming smile bitterly.

This is equivalent to the blood of one hundred and fifteen martial arts masters. That is to say, the one hundred and fifty martial arts with the same level of his blood cannot allow him to break through a level, but only reach the weight of the master martial arts. Only at its peak.

The third layer of Zhanlong Real Skills, to improve cultivation, requires too much energy, dozens of times more than ordinary people.

I really don't know what the terrible level of cultivation is to the fourth, fifth, and even the eighth and ninth levels. At that time, how terrible was the energy required to promote cultivation, and Lu Ming could only smile bitterly at the thought.

Shaking his head and throwing away these ideas, now it is useless to think so far.

Lu Ming received the merits and jumped down the tree.

"Brother Lu Ming."

Chen Kuan saw Lu Ming and called out.

His face was better than before, obviously after a bit of healing, he was much better.

Beside him, he is a master of the four martial arts masters of the other three academies.

Several people gathered together, as if discussing something.

Lu Ming walked over.

"What the **** is this place? What ancestor ruins just heard from Dongyi people just now."

The master of the Xuanwu Academy's four-layer master, named Sun Ruo, frowned.

"I once saw a record in an ancient book. It is said that in the long past, at least 10,000 years ago, when the territory of the Great Sun Empire was ruled by the Dongyi people."

Chen Kuan thought for a moment.

"What? The territory of the raging empire was once ruled by the Dongyi people?"

Several others were taken aback.

The Dongyi people are just a small group in the coastal mountains, with a population of only a few million. How can they rule the vast territory of the Liege Empire?

Chen Kuansi thought for a moment and said, "It is indeed recorded in the classics. It is said that the Dongyi people were very powerful at that time. The territory that they ruled was not only the current raging empire, but also several empires near the raging empire. Extreme."

Several people were very shocked, apparently hearing this allusion for the first time.

"Unfortunately, it finally fell apart. After thousands of years, the Dongyi nationality completely declined and became the current small family."

Chen Kuan sighed.

No matter how powerful it is, it can't resist the invasion of the years, and it will decline sooner or later.

"In this case, it should be the remains left by the Dongyi people."

The eyes of a young man in Baihuyuan suddenly shining.

The same is true of several others.

Here, the mountains and rivers are dense and full of vitality. It is very likely that it is a small plane. It is not difficult to guess. This is likely to be left by the powerful Dongyi people.

Since the Dongyi people were so powerful, what kind of treasure would there be in the small plane left behind?

Adventure, adventure!

Several people shouted in their hearts and their eyes flashed.

"Senior brothers, now that the Dongyi tribe has not followed, there is no danger for the time being, I think, let's go apart!"

A young man from Baihuyuan proposed.

"I agree!"

The young strong in Qinglongyuan also echoed.

If everyone moves together, what chance do they encounter, what treasures do they get, how should they be divided?

Everyone naturally played an abacus.

"Okay, that's it."

Finally, make sure to pay attention, part ways, and find your own chance.

Uh! Uh! ...

Soon, the disciples in the four courtyards chose their own directions in twos and threes, dispersed their directions, and disappeared among the mountains and forests.

"Brother Lu Ming, do you want to act together?"

Chen Kuan looked at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming shook his head and smiled, "No, I'm leaving alone!"

"Brother Lu, take care!"

Chen Kuan clenched his fists and left here with several people.

Soon, Lu Ming was left alone.

Lu Ming pondered for a while, and immediately moved towards the outside of the forest. Soon, he went out of the forest, and then glanced at the underground footprints, chasing in the direction of the departure of the Dongyi people.

Since it is a relic left by the ancestors of the Dongyi ethnic group, the Dongyi ethnic group must know a lot of inside stories. Instead of chasing and searching like a headless fly alone, it is better to follow the people of the Dongyi ethnic group and rob them halfway. Not happy!

Lu Ming performed a volley step, and his body was passing by like a gust of wind.

The plane is actually a world, but the worlds laws of the world are incomplete, imperfect, with various defects, and the area is not very large, so it is called the plane.

According to the size of the area, the plane is divided into small plane, medium plane and large plane.

Now, this plane is just a small plane.

But the small area is also relative to the Shenhuang Continent. In fact, this plane is not less than thousands of miles away.

Lu Ming ran thousands of miles, and finally heard the movement.

In front, the sound of a war is heard.

Lu Ming did not stay in the slightest, and went in the direction of the sound.

Soon after, a dilapidated palace appeared in front of Lu Ming.

It can be seen that the palace is very large and covers a wide area, but the years of experience have been too long, and it has been very broken, and many places have collapsed.

At this time, there was a fierce battle at the gate of the palace.

A dozen Dongyi people are fighting with the eight-headed monster.

Lu Ming saw at a glance that the dozen or so Dongyi people were all strong martial arts-level masters. Among them, there were two masters of the four martial arts masters, and three masters of the three martial arts masters.

But so many masters, in the face of the eight monsters, only slightly prevail.

Because, the eight monsters are very abnormal.

The eight monsters, with their hair falling off, reveal their skinny but metallic muscles.

Each monster has red eyes and growls in a low voice, regardless of life and death, and constantly slams towards the masters of the Dongyi nationality.

And the masters of the Dongyi tribe sometimes cut the sword on the body of the monster, and actually made the sound of gold and iron fighting.

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