Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 152: Lu Ming shot

Chapter 152: Lu Ming shot

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Wandao as soon as possible!

Lu Ming looked, and he heard something from Bach's words just now.

Bach just said a'little empire of blazing sun' just now, but before he finished, he transferred.

This is very strange. If he is from the Dongyi ethnic group, he will never say that. Isnt Bach a Dongyi ethnic group? Not even a person in the scorching empire?

But people who are not in the scorching sun empire go to the Dongyi tribe to do?

Lu Ming thoughts flew.

The people of the Xuanyuan Sword School are all ugly, and no one has played for a while.

There are several masters of the four-tier master of the martial arts at the scene, but they are quite old, far exceeding the 22-year-old. If they play, they will cause jokes.

The sergeant on the wall was also silent.

The Xuanyuan Sword School, in their eyes, was originally a martial art sacred place high above the strong, such as the strong.

But now, the genius of the Xuanyuan Sword faction is unable to be lifted by a young man of the Dongyi nationality. This is a great blow to their confidence, and morale has fallen.

Fu Liang's eyes showed anxiety, so it's not good to go on like this.


Suddenly, a sergeant hurriedly reported.

"what's up?"

Fu Liang asked.

"Qicheng city master, there was a major discovery that the Dongyi tribe sent a man and horse, and hurried away to Jiuyao Mountain, thousands of miles south of the east lacking city."

Sergeant report.

"What? Is it true that the Dongyi people are here, sending strange troops to raid other big cities."

Surprised, Fu Liang quickly asked: "How many people are sent by the Dongyi people?"

"Not many, it seems there are only hundreds of people."

Sergeant replied.

"Hundreds of people?" Fu Liang froze for a moment. What's the use of hundreds of people?

"Urban master, it is said that these hundreds of people are strong, and the worst is also the training of senior martial artists."


Fu Liang was taken aback, and frowned.

The disciples of the Xuanyuan Sword School were also puzzled by Wen Yan.

"The Dongyi people have absolutely a purpose, and we must block it."

A disciple of the Xuanyuan Sword School said.

"Yes, but the opponents are all masters. It is estimated that there are not a few martial artists. If you want to block them, you can only rely on the young heroes."

Fu Liang clenched his fists.

"This is no problem!"

The disciples of the Xuanyuan Sword School nodded.

"It's just that the young man must be dismissed, otherwise the morale of our party will be hit hard. If the other party fully attacks, our side will be disadvantaged."

Fu Liang sighed.

The Xuanyuanjian faction frowned again.

"The other party is deliberately dragging our time. There are definitely big things over there. We have to catch up as soon as possible."


"I'm going!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Everyone could not help but forget the past.

"Lu Ming!"

Everyone was startled.

"Lu Ming? He's going to shoot? Did he really break through the realm of the great warrior?"

"Even if it breaks through the Grand Martial Artist, it can't be the opponent of the other party, but the opponent is the second peak of the Grand Martial Artist, and obviously, it is also a genius."

"Maybe there is hope. I saw Lu Ming boxing and flying Du Feng a few days ago."

"Just let him try."

The disciples of the Xuanyuan Jian School saw Lu Ming talking and whispered involuntarily.

Lu Ming ignored them and stepped out.

"Brother Lu Ming, be careful!"

Pang Shi cried in the back. Lu Ming smiled slightly, jumped forward, and jumped off the city wall.

Among the disciples of Xuanyuan Jian School, there is a pair of resentful eyes staring at Ming Ming, Du Feng.

He was injured by a boxing that day, became a laughing stock, was humiliated, and resented Lu Ming.

Just now, I was taken out and said, at this moment I shouted: "Haha, Lu Ming, go to die, think of yourself as a genius, can you still be more powerful than Lutian, the self-righteous guy, was just killed ."

Beside him, the triangle-eyed youth is also a face of resentment. Several people desperately squeezed forward to see that Landing Ming was beheaded by Bach.

Lu Ming was as light as Yan, and it didn't take long before he came to Bach.

"Haha, the older one, but the younger one. Since the boy is here, my knife won't be merciless."

Seeing Lu Ming's age, Bach froze slightly, and then showed a hint of sarcasm.

"Aren't you in the Sun Empire?"

Lu Ming did not answer the question, but made Bach's face change.

"Say, what are you doing here? Also, what purpose did the Dongyi people go to Jiuyao Mountain?"

Lu Ming continued to ask.

Bach's complexion changed, and he sneered, saying, "This doesn't need you to worry about it anyway. Anyway, you know it's useless because you are about to die."

"Then don't you do it? I know you are here to delay time and want to hold us back, but I don't have much time to spend with you."

Lu Ming said nothing, the storage ring on his finger glowed, the firewood gun appeared in his hand, and his breath also exploded.

"The first military master? Hahaha, dare the military master dare to come to death? It's really naive."

When Bach looked at Lu Ming's Xiu Wei, he laughed wildly, and almost burst into tears.

On the city wall, Fu Liang kept shaking his head.

Before he looked at Lu Mings age, he felt that something was wrong and was too young. At this time, when he looked at Lu Mings cultivation behavior, he was very important. Although at this age, it is already amazing to have this cultivation behavior, but after all, he is a great military division. One heavy, how can it be Bach's opponent?

"Young man, come back quickly, we think of other ways."

Fu Liang called.

Lu Ming is so young that he has this practice. In the Xuanyuan Sword School, he is definitely a top genius. If he died here, he was really afraid that the Xuanyuan Sword School would be blamed.

"City Master Fu is assured that our brother Lu Ming is so powerful, but he is a peerless genius, maybe he can kill Bach?"

Du Feng's yin and yang laughed strangely, but everyone could hear it, the kind of gloating and ridicule in his words.

"Haha, now that I'm down, I want to go, how is it possible?"

Bach's sword was out of the sheath, and a cold killer appeared on his body, covering Lu Ming.


Lu Ming scolded, said much lazily, and speared out.

"Slash you."

Bach's voice was cold, and the knife light was even colder, chopping towards Lu Ming's head, swiftly like electricity.


Accurately, the sword was cut on Lu Ming's neck, but at this moment, Bach was shocked, because this was just a ray of afterimage.

"not good!"

He groaned, his black air burst out, his feet kicked, and he rushed forward without hesitation.

call out!

A lance, stuck in his ear, the cold lance, leaving a blood stain on his face.

Uh! Uh!

Bach ran forward for dozens of meters in a row, before he dared to stop, suddenly turned around and chopped out, but chopped empty.

Lu Ming stood tens of meters behind and was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Hey, what are you doing in the air?"

Lu Ming laughed.

Bach's face flushed suddenly, and a cold killer burst into his eyes.

"Your body style is good, but you think you can beat me with a body style? Dream!"

Bach snarled, and the black infidelity on his body became more intense, condensing into a evil spirit, and the murderous cold was as cold as the Arctic glacier.

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