Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Side Story – Memories of a Princess (54)

#69 Their Circumstances: Circumstances of a Soldier

“Damn it! At this rate we’re going to die! They said the Empire’s magic is unblockable magic!”

It was a statement full of irritation. 

Everyone probably felt the same.

“Don’t say things like that. If you give up before the fight even starts, what are you going to do?”

But as the platoon leader of this unit, I had to deny that. That was my role.


“Enough. Any more will be disciplined.”


At times like these, you have to speak decisively. 

This kind of complaining spreads from one person to another like an infection. 

Because when one person talks, another chimes in in agreement, and those who hear the story also agree with it.

“When we get back, you can do as much as you want, so just bear with it a little longer.”

That kind of behavior isn’t bad.

Originally, it was normal for soldiers to make fun of officers and nobles among themselves.

It would be a big problem if they were caught, but militaries have a long history. 

If soldiers use the know-how accumulated over a long period of time, they can take care of various things covertly.

So feel free to curse all you want.  

“The priority is getting back alive.”

After getting back alive….

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I understand.”

We started moving suddenly.

Even if it was a drill, it would have naturally brought out curses, but this was a real situation.


A situation where we could lose our lives at any moment, yet we were suddenly thrown into battle. 

And all because of one person.

“Don’t forget the purpose. We have to open a path for General Laiasha.” 

“…I understand.”

I couldn’t stop them from showing their dislike.

There wasn’t a soldier who didn’t know the current General Laiasha, and that was why we had suddenly entered the Empire’s territory.

“It can’t be helped. Damn it!”

I barely stopped the curse words from coming out.

It wasn’t once or twice that I had personally experienced a clueless noble messing things up.

Unlike us who start out as ordinary soldiers, nobles are born as commanders.

While there are those who receive professional training or issue orders to retainers about their own shortcomings, most nobles use soldiers as consumables for their own merits.

Among them, General Laiasha had the worst reputation in the history of the Merdeah Kingdom as a commander. 

And we got to personally experience that reputation.

The Karan Empire’s invasion.

Despite having failed once already, General Laiasha recklessly attacked the enemy.

Orders were issued for the entire army to defend until countermeasures against the Karan Empire’s magical bombardment were developed.

The Karan Empire’s magical bombardment could not be blocked by magic.

Now there was no one in the Merdeah Kingdom who did not know that fact.

The enemy’s magic could kill allies, but allies could not block it.

Fighting was hopeless, so in the end, using terrain features to block as much as possible and intercepting enemy mages and sorcerers before they could use magic was the only way we could survive.

But General Laiasha ignored the army’s orders and led his troops in a charge. It would have been a surprise attack that even the imperial troops hadn’t expected.  

In a situation where death was certain, who would take the attack?

If he had aimed for that, General Laiasha would have been called a great general. Overcoming the fear of death and attacking for his country, sacrificing his life.

But General Laiasha was different.

When he failed and was in crisis, he immediately used visual magic to contact the Merdeah troops, ignoring threats of eavesdropping.

(Come save me. Right now!)

The higher-ups were probably struggling a lot too. 

The war breaking out across the continent had begun, and General Laiasha was defeated.

Not once or twice. He lost every single time.

Rumors were already spreading that the number of General Laiasha’s dead subordinates was enough to form an army corps.

As much as I hated to admit it, it would be in our country’s best interest if the Empire killed General Laiasha.

But the higher-ups  chose to save General Laiasha.

Not only for his title as Marquis, but probably political relationships associated with General Laiasha were considered.

The previous General Laiasha was an excellent general and politician, and his followers who still wield political as well as military influence.  

And regrettably, they were loyalists, still following the former General Laiasha.

Enough to keep the late General Laiasha’s will to ‘please take care of my incompetent son’.

It really was unfortunate. If they weren’t so loyal, this wouldn’t have happened…

If General Laiasha had been a wise man, he could have led the Merdeah Kingdom in a better direction with the help of those people!

“Damn it.”

But reality was like one of the subordinates muttering.

Damn it.

Why did the only son of the late General Laiasha have to be born as that f*cking bastard?

If it hadn’t been him, we wouldn’t have had to suffer like this…

“There are footprints here.”  

But it was too late now.

We were given a mission, and as soldiers we had to carry it out.  

“I see.”

So we have no choice but to succeed in our mission as quickly as possible and escape.

“The trail indicates a hurried escape….”

Trampled grass and occasionally broken or snapped branches.

It was clearly the trail of someone escaping hurriedly from this place.  

“Damn it….”

I was hoping we wouldn’t find anything and someone else would take care of it…

“The likelihood of it being an ally is high. We pursue.”

Now there’s no helping it.  

We have to hurry up and find General Laiasha, and hope the enemy doesn’t find us.


The 10 men cautiously make their way quickly.  

After moving some distance, we discovered the corpse of an allied soldier.


The soldier who died without even having a chance to close his eyes told us a lot.

“Judging by the condition of the corpse, he hasn’t been dead for long….”

“No matter how long it’s been, it wouldn’t have been more than today.”

The situation seemed to have been so urgent that they couldn’t even take the dog tag hanging around his neck.

I wanted to bury the corpses, but this was enemy territory. 

All we could do was close his eyes and take his dog tags.

“If you’re unlucky, this could be you. You know that, right?”


No one answered. They just nodded slightly.

“I heard your answer clearly. Let’s go.”  

We left a small mark on a nearby tree and started moving.

The sun was starting to set.  

If we didn’t find allied forces soon, things could get complicated.

“Captain, I’m detecting magical reactions.”

“What’s the probability it’s the enemy?”

“It’s an allied signal.”

Unfortunate yet lucky at the same time?

Just before sunset, we were able to locate allied forces. 


“You’re only showing up now! You idiots!”

We had the misfortune of running into a complete fool.  

“What is this? Is this all of you? Where are the other troops?!”

It was because of him that this mess happened in the first place.

I wanted to punch General Laiasha as he cursed and yelled insults at us. 

“We split into squadrons to try to locate your position, General Laiasha. The other troops will gather here now that we’ve found you.”  

But what could I do? I was just a common soldier and he is a Marquis and General of this country.

No matter how incompetent, the military operates on rank.  

As a soldier, I could not deny that.

“Damn it all!”  

General Laiasha kicked the ground roughly and looked at us with contempt.  

“Do you even know how much I’ve suffered because of you?!”

His words perfectly captured what we wanted to say to him.   

“We apologize.”

But all I could do was say the words he should have said.

Damn it! Who’d want to be a soldier and put up with this crap?

The first thing I’ll do after the war ends is quit and become a farmer.  

That’s assuming I survive and make it back here, at least.

“I sent a signal, so allied troops will gather here.”

“Hmph! Of course they will since I’m here!”

Every word from General Laiasha’s mouth was nonsense.  

Will we even make it back alive under a commander like this?  

Just as that thought crossed my mind,

(Ah… Requesting contact with allied forces… This is Black Bear, we are currently being attacked by the Empire!)

(This is Red Snake. Ambushed by imperial forces and retreating.)

(Red Bear, currently engaged in battle.)  

(This is Black Dragon. Will support Black Bear forces.)

Voices kept coming from our squadron mage’s communication magic tool.

“What is this nonsense?”

Was this so-called commander unable to grasp the situation at all?

“It’s a report that our forces are being attacked by the enemy.”

“What? What did you say?”

It seems he really didn’t understand.  

The souls of the soldiers who died under him probably can’t pass on and continue to wander this earth, cursing him.  

Waiting for the day he dies as well.

“It appears the troops that were supposed to gather here were ambushed by the enemy.”  

“Wait, ambushed? What was ambushed?!”

“One of our divisions has been wiped out. The 40th Division if it’s Blue Dragon. They were responsible for the east side.”

It was a warning that one of our escape routes was gone and to be careful.   

“Wha-, what?!”

“The route to the east is cut off. the other forces are moving south now.”

“Useless fools!”  

A moron who doesn’t even remember simple code names has no right to talk.   

“It appears you have a decision to make.”  

But our duty was to take this moron back with us.   

As much as I want to leave him here to die, if I break military law, not only will my comrades and I die, our families will be executed as well.  

So we have to find some way to take this bastard back alive.  

Even if abandoning him here is the best choice for the allied forces, I will choose the path where I can survive!  


“Yes. If we wait here, allied reinforcements won’t arrive. They have their hands full just defending against the ambush.”

“Incompetent fools….”  

He doesn’t even seem to grasp that we’re in this situation because of him.  

With memory like that, it’s no wonder he can’t remember code names.

“So our only choice is to break out ourselves. You must decide on an escape route and punch through it.”

Currently the east has fallen to the enemy.  

The report that eastern forces are moving south means the south will be reinforced.   

However, the eastern enemies could also attack the south with their reserve forces.   

In that case, retreating west, which has seen comparatively less attacks, might not be a bad choice.

“Wa-wait. I need to consult with my subordinates.”  

This bastard can’t make judgments that even a common soldier can.   

“Yes sir, General.”  

How can an idiot like this be a general?

The military was definitely not the place for me.  

After this war ends, I really need to quit the army.  

I mentally composed my letter of resignation to the quartermaster as I made that decision, folding away my past thoughts of becoming a non-commissioned officer to support my poor family. 

“Alright, we don’t need the help of incompetent allied forces!”

General Laiasha declared confidently:  

“We will retreat east!”

Spouting complete nonsense about retreating directly into the area that had completely fallen into enemy hands.

“General, that area is…!”

“I know. It’s occupied by the enemy. But think about it. What commander wouldn’t follow and attack a shattered and retreating enemy!”

Only morons like you who care more about personal glory would do that!

“So the eastern forces must have pulled back south! We will take advantage of that opening to break out east!”

As General Laiasha arrogantly babbled complete rubbish, I could not help but resent my past self for not leaving the army sooner.

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