Eternal Melody

Chapter 877 Thorn Part 6


Hino shook his head. "If I tell you Yuhi. You're going to go over and cause problems and I think you have already-" Hino paused getting a proper look at him. Hino's gaze zoomed into his hand and he cursed. "Sano! Get in here."

"What's wron--" Sano stepped in and glanced over at him. "Geez, Terashima sit down."

Yuhi reluctantly does so as Sano takes out a med kit from the cabinet. 

"She wouldn't want you in this state. Your hands, they are precious to you as an artist and as a musician right? Sumire told me." Sano said treating his hands.

"I should hit you. You've been making her suffer too."

"I'll let you do that, as many times as you want. But wait until your hands recover." Sano trailed off. "I never wanted to hurt her."

Yuhi exhaled deeply hearing his regretful tone. He wants nothing more than to make Nagawa suffer. But, recalling Sumire's words he stops.

'He is hurting too, probably even more than us.'

Sumire is right, as always. Nagawa is hurting. Just a few sentences and he can see it. There is nothing but pain in his tone and his gaze.

"Have you been drinking her blood even though you don't have to?"

Sano nodded.

"Have you been taking it too far? Think before you answer this. I have plenty of evidence to refute your words."

At those words Sano paused for a few minutes before speaking up. "I have. But only because when I drink her blood, I feel warm. It triggers my arousal. There is a voice in my head telling me to take more, to touch her. How this will be better if I touch her."

Yuhi sighed again. 'Dearest wife, why do you have to be right about everything?' Nagawa really is a puppet to everything. This broken guy is clueless. He really doesn't understand.

"I know, I have always wanted to touch her physically. But I praised myself on my self-control. However when I became a hanyou, I started to desire more. I wanted more. When she offered for me to drink her blood, something inside me snapped."

What Nagawa is describing just now is typical symptoms hanyous have, especially around the ones they love. He isn't the only one. 

"Nagawa, how much do you even know about hanyous?"

Nagawa explains everything he knows and he clicked his tongue annoyed. He really doesn't know. Lucifer must have done this on purpose. Because if Nagawa had the knowledge that he was hurting Sumire, he wouldn't have taken it that far.

"This is what we are going to do. I'll have Mamoru and Shin come over when your not busy to teach you. You need to know. Before you feed from Sumire again, you need to know what is okay and what isn't."

"Have I-been hurting her?" Sano mumbled.

Yuhi nodded and Sano clenched his other fist that wasn't treating his hand.

"I didnt-she never said anything. She was always smiling. Always asking if I was okay, and if I wanted more. I didn't know."

Of course she said that. Sumire is the type of person who hides her pain from people she isn't close with. People she doesn't trust. Yuhi paused. So, Nagawa isn't one of the people she will let her guard down. In front of Nagawa, Sumire remains strong.

The one he really ought to be concerned about is Mashima. 


Black Alice Organisation Headquarters.

TOHI think you should take a look at

"Boss, you need to consume blood. There is a line gathering. Do you want me to pick for you?"

Lucifer responded to that by aggressively throwing a vase across the room.

"Find someone, with Sumire's build, height. Brown curly hair." Toh instructed to one of the servants who immediately rushed off. 

'He seems to have gotten a lot worse since last night. It's odd because after drinking Terashima's blood, Sumire got better-' Toh paused. Ah, that's what the issue is. It's Terashima's blood that Sumire consumed. 

Lucifer must have tasted it too, and for him another man's blood entered the mouth of his beloved. In his current state he cannot block anything out.

'I really want to be in the hospital by her side.' But, with Terashima around. He won't be able to do more than hold her hand. He won't be able to wrap his arms around her pretty frame, or plant any kisses on her soft lips. 

Toh sighed deeply. He has to be patient. Terashima won't be staying long. He overheard Narasaki speaking on the phone and something about giving Terashima at least a week. A week, seven days of not hugging Sumire to sleep. He can do that. 

How many nights did he spend without the girl in his arms?

About, forty minutes later. Toh hears the door open behind him. Toh turned to look at the girl. Brown curly hair, similar height to Sumire. The only issue here was her green eyes. Toh extended his hand out and snapped his fingers, the girl's eye colour changed into purple.

"Alright, do you know what to do?"

The girl slowly nodded as she removed the cloak from her shoulders. She wore red lingerie underneath, if he could even call it that. Those guys, really didn't hesitate. 

Toh patted her shoulders. "I'm really sorry you have to do this. But keep this in mind. If he continues staying in that state any longer, everyone will be in danger."

Lucifer will cave into the pain, allow his monster side to take over and everyone here will die. With nobody around to keep him contained, he could stroll out of these chambers and cause havoc on the outside. No, there would be a high chance he would be drawn to the hospital to where Sumire is. 

"I-I understand."

Her voice even sounds like Sumire's. She could be a dead ringer for Sumire if she wanted to. 

The moment Lucifer saw the girl, he lunged for her like a mad man possessed. Lucifer positioned himself at the gir;s entrance and pulled her head back, and bit deeply into her neck.

"Scream, my wife. I like hearing the sounds that leave your mouth."

Toh sighed deeply. Well this will have to do for now. Of course they can't completely trick Lucifer. Once he drinks her blood he will realize it's not her. But the girls appearance will appease his anger, and continue drinking from her. 

The bed rocked the more Lucifer pounded into the girl, making her scream at the top of her lungs.

He stepped out of the room and leaned against the wall. 

'I really want to see you beautiful, I want to hear your laughter.'

Toh recalled what happened before the concert, how she fit so perfectly in his arms when he held her. The sensation of her lips on his neck, and his chest. Her scent and the way she said his name when she drank his blood.

He exhaled deeply. What is he doing getting aroused now? 

'I should keep my distance until Terashima leaves, and take charge here. Lucifer's state isn't stable. If I stay here, I can find out if anyone here was involved with the attack.'

Sumire will be fine, she won't be alone even if she does wake up.


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